Chapter 50...

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The sun was high in the sky, as your dad continued driving home. Starring out the window, you saw the cars, building and houses pass by in a blur. The ride home was silent, since no one had spoken since being at the airport. And the only sound was the music coming through the radio speakers. “(yourname)” you heard suddenly, turning your gaze away from the window, you looked and found your mom turned around in her seat “you hungry, sweetheart?” she asked “a little, i suppose” you said shrugging your shoulders “alright” she said nodding her head and whispering something to her husband. Looking away from your parents, you looked down at your hands, resting in your lap and began picking at the nail polish on your nails. Hearing a light clicking sound, you looked up once again and found your mom pressing the buttons on her cell phone, most likely texting someone. You watched as she finished and shut her phone, and set it back on her lap. “mom?” you asked, she turned around and looked at you “hmm?” she asked “who are you texting?” you asked “Ashley, seeing if her and Mr. McCreery wanted to come with us to eat” she said “oh alright” you said with a bit of a smile on your face, as you turned to looked out the window once again.

The car came to a stop, as it pulled into the bojangles parking lot. A knot twisted in your stomach, but you pushed passed it as you unbuckled your seat belt and got out of the car. “hun, go find a table we’ll get the food” your mom said rubbing your back as you guys walked through the front doors, nodding your head you walked away from your parents. Taking a seat at one of the tables near the window, you turned your gaze to the window and walked as people and cars passed the window. Just then a familiar car came into the parking lot, you realized it was Ashley and Mike as they parked by your families car, you smiled slightly as they got out and heading towards the doors. “whatcha looking at?” you heard from behind you, turning around you realized it was your parents who hand just got the food and now were sitting down across from you. “oh just looking at Ashley and Mike, theyre coming in right now” you said pointing behind your parents shoulder, they turned around and saw the two just as they walked through the doors, then they turned back in their seat and handed you your food, you took it graciously and began to eat, slowly.

As you continued eating you watched as Ashley and Mr. McCreery came over with their trays of food “do ya mind be we sit with ya?” Mr. McCreery asked “no not at all, go ahead” your mom said kindly, they smiled “here, Mike, you can take my seat if ya want, i’ll pull a chair up” you said climbing out of the booth “you sure?” he asked giving you a skeptical look “of course” you smiled as you gestured for them to take a seat. They smiled again and then Mike climbed into the booth and took the window seat, as Ashley climbed in next to him, you pulled a chair up to the table and began eating.

Mr. McCreery started a conversation up with your parents, and you and Ashley just sat there quietly eating. Though every few seconds she would look at you with a slightly worried look on her face, you tried not to pay too much attention to her, but it didn’t work very well. “are you okay?” she finally asked, breaking the silence between you two “yeah, why?” you asked as you picked up your drink and took a sip “oh i dont know, i guess you just seem sad” she said shrugging slightly as she looked away from you and towards her tray of food. “oh” was all you could say, as you placed your drink back on the table. Suddenly all the feelings rushed through your body, you quickly looked down at tears began to well up in your eyes, quickly you wiped them away not wanting to cause a scene. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick” you heard Ashley say, as she got up from the table. There was a mumble of ‘okays’ from the parents who then went right back into their conversation. “(yourname) wanna come with me?” she asked resting her hand on your shoulder “sure” you said sliding your chair out away from the table and getting up, following her to the bathroom.

Walking through the bathroom door, you leaned your body up against the sink and watched as Ashley began looking under stalls “what are you doing?” you asked as she quickly ran back to the door and locked it. “Ashley, whats going on?” you asked “we are not leaving here till you tell me whats wrong” she said turning around, crossing her arms and leaning her body up against the door. “Ashley, w’re practically the same height, i think i can take you” you said crossing your arms yourself, she didn’t say anything, the only thing she did was glare slightly. “but but but” you stuttered “no buts, now tell me” she said furrowing her brows. Letting out a small groan, you sat down on the ground “I, I don’t know, I mean of course im sad about your brother but i just, i dont know why, I know this is his dream and i want to be happy for him, which i am it’s just i know i’m going to miss him so much” you said in a rush, Ashley walked over to you and kneeled down by you, she softly rubbed your back “hun were all gonna miss him, and we especially know you will, but you need to stop moping, if Scotty knew you were doing so, he’d get on the plane the instant he found out and would be heading back here to Garner” she said with a light laugh “no he wouldn’t” you said looking down at the ground for a moment, then back up at her “oh yes he would, he even told me” she said sitting down on the ground next to you “really?” you asked “well something like that” she laughed “why does your brother tell you everything?” you laughed along “i really dont know” she said laughing more. Just then a banging sound came from the bathroom door, “(yourname) Ashley you girls in there” you heard your mother call, you and Ashley looked over there and then back to each other as you let out  chuckle “okay, okay, i’ll try to stop moping, but i can’t make any promises” you said getting up off the floor “now that’s the girl i know” Ashley said getting up and going over to the door to unlock it, opening the door she found your mom standing there hands set on hips “you two ready to go?” she asked looking between you two, you both nodded and walked out of the bathroom.

Hours had past and you were finally back home, your family had spent the day with the McCreery’s, but soon enough it was time to leave them for the night.

Walking through your bed room door, you jumped into your bed and relaxed. Rolling over, you starred up at the ceiling for a moment as you took a deep breath. Pulling your phone open, you looked at the screen, no tweet what so ever from Scotty, you threw your phone on your pillow and sat up. Looking over at the clock, you yawned slightly as you read in blue numbers ‘10:37’. Getting up off your bed, you went to your dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts, quickly you slipped off your jeans and put those on.

Just as you were about to turn your light off, you spotted something blue out of the corner of your eye, turning around you picked it up, realizing it was the sweatshirt Scotty had given you, which you had taken off earlier. ‘well, since i’m gonna be gone, i want you to wear that, whenever you miss me’ the words Scotty had said earlier ran through your head, a smile appeared on your face as you quickly put it over your head and shoved your arms through the sleeves of it. You put the sleeve up to your nose and took a deep breath, having the familiar smell of Scotty’s cologne run through you.

Turning the light off, you walked over to your bed and climbed under the blankets. Cuddling up into them, you let out a sigh as your body relaxed and you slowly closed your eyes.

You were half way asleep when your phone suddenly went off, opening your eyes, you grabbed it, pressing the button you opened the text and read the message

Goodnight my Southern belle, miss you already :)’

you smiled at the message from Scotty, quickly you texted him back.

Goodnight my country boy, good luck with everything, remember YOU ARE gonna go far, miss you too, Love you <3’

Then after pressing send and setting your phone back down, you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep, as the thought of Scotty ran through your mind.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now