Chapter 102...

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“mom?” was the first thing you called out, as you stepped through your front door. There was no reply, the house was dead silent as if it had been vacant for years. “dad?” you yelled, tossing your backpack into the corner of the room.

Slowly you made your way through the living room and into the kitchen. “where are you guys? I had to get a ride home from Jordan since neither of you answered your phones.” you called out, even though you knew you’d get no reply. There was no one in the kitchen. It looked exactly the same way it did this morning, before you left for school.

“where are they?” you asked yourself, as you turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

After checking the living room once more, you climbed the staircase, and made your way down the hallway.

“they could’ve at least left a note” you muttered to yourself, as you grabbed onto your bed room door know, twisted it, and pushed it open.

His silhouette stood there, back facing towards you, as the sunlight casted over his body.

Hearing the creaking of the door, he slowly turned around, smirk lightly playing on his lips. His frame was relaxed, with his hands in his pockets, as he stood there facing you.

Taking his hands out of his pockets, he took the few short strides towards you. Now, he stood there starring down at you, with a ever so cheesy smile on his face. “hi” he calmly said. “hi” you whispered to him. His lips curled up a little bit at the sound of your voice. He didn’t reply, he just stood there, smiling.

“Scotty” you softly said “(yourname)” he said, eyes twinkling with delight. The sound of him saying your name was a sound you thought you’d never hear again. And in that moment, you couldn’t help yourself, as you threw your arms around him. He chuckled. It wasn’t the funny kind of chuckle, it was more of a humbling warm chuckle.

As you stood there safely in his arms, you took in a deep breath, having his familiar smell surround you. “(yourame)’ he said once again. You pulled your head away from his chest and looked up at him. The smile was no longer on his face. His eyes were now filled with desire, you smiled softly and ever so subtle nodded your head. A smile dashed onto his face, as he leaned in and kissed you.

Your body buzzed with an unfamliar flame. Warm and daring.

You pulled away slowly, biting your lip, as you looked down at the ground for a moment then back up at Scotty. His eyes with locked on yours. It seemed as if every single feeling and emotion running through his head could be seen in his eyes.

“I missed you” you simply said. “I missed you too” he said quietly, as he slowly removed his arms from around you. “I had no clue you were coming home today” you said, as you stepped back, then stepped around him, and turning around. He turned around and shoved his hands back into his pockets. “well you know, another little secret surprise for you” he shrugged “did you plan this one?” “nope, gotta give the credit all to our moms” he chuckled, as he looked down at his boots. “wait, where is my mom?” you asked “over at my house” Scotty said pointing out the window “which i think it’s about time we head over there” he continued. “alright” you said stepping closer to him. He smiled at you and held his hand out towards you. You took it, feeling a soft shock when your skin met, and then headed out of your room.

“so how was tour Mr. Scotty McCreery?” you said, smiling up at him as you both headed over to his house.


“do you want more fried chicken?” Judy offered you, as she held the plate towards you. “i’d love some, but i’m too stuffed right now, thank you though” you said, kindly refusing the food. “finally youre full!” your mom chuckled “it’s like youre a bottomless pit” your mom continued. “that’s a good thing! A guy sure loves girl that can eat as much as him, ain’t that right, Scotty?” Mr. McCreery, asked as he nudged his son. Scotty swallowed his food, then nodded his head “sure is!” he said quickly, then dove back into his chicken.

Minutes later, you stood by the door with your family, getting ready to leave. Judy and Mike had just finished washing dishes, and Scotty was upstairs doing something. “well thanks so much for coming over, we’ll see you guys tomorrow right?” Judy asked, as she gave your mother a quick hug “of course” your mom said happily. Suddenly the echo of feet stomping down the stairs, caught everyones attention, as the blue eyed boy came running down. “wait, are you guys leaving?” Scotty asked. Your dad nodded “we gotta go sport, it’s getting late” your dad said, stifling a yawn in between. “oh, well if it’s alright do you mind if (yourname) stays for just a bit longer? I need to talk to her about something, it’s important” Scotty asked, hopeful, as he smiled at your parents. They nodded. “(yourname) be home in the next twenty minutes alright? We don’t want you to be too tuckered out tomorrow, okay?” your mom said softy, as she grasped onto your dad’s hand. “sure thing” you said smiling at her, then turned toward Scotty. He had a serious look on his face, but held his hand out towards you. You took it and he led you out onto the back porch.

Once you two were out the door, Scotty walked right off the porch and into the yard. You calmly followed, already knowing what he had to talk to you about.

“can i ask you a question?” he asked, as he starred down at you “sure” you said softly. “that night, when you left the tour, what did you hear me say?” he asked “when i was talking to Stefano?” he continued. Taking a deep breath, your eyes darted towards the ground. “i heard you say ‘she’s just (yourname), just a friend, she means nothing more to me than that’” you said softly. “and thats why you darted off with no good bye?” he asked, you nodded. “you didn’t realize i was lying about that?” he asked softly. “whats the point of telling Stefano that if it’s a lie?” you asked “because I was telling him a story.” “a story?” “yeah, a fan earlier at the meet and greet asked me if I was dating you, and since you’ve wanted to keep it a secret i made up a lie, it was really harsh for me to say it, but i just wanted them to believe that we were just friends, i guess i took it a bit to far” he said sadly. You didn’t know what to say, you just looked up to him. He took a deep breath “you’re still not believing that I love you, are you? Because honestly, that’s all i’ll ever feel towards you, is love. You know i’m  not that romantic type, but when it comes to you I get all gushy.” he said softly. A smile was slipping onto your lips. “and if you still don’t believe me, than i’ll just keep trying every day to prove to you that i love you” he said taking your hand, and pulling you close to him. “you don’t have to do that” you said, “but I want to, i’ll do anything for you” he said, as he placed his arms around you and pulled you closer to you “because I love you” he whispered, then cut the distance between you two, pressing his lips against yours.


Your Mom’s POV

(yourname) slowly walked into the house. A huge idiotic smile on her face. “i’m going to bed” she said all giggly as she walked up the stairs. “whats up with her?” (yourdadsname) asked, as he came up behind you, wrapping you in his arms. You slowly turned around and smiled at him, “i think her and Scotty are fine now” you said softly “good” the man in front of you said, smiling softly, then pulled you over to the couch.


Judy’s POV

Scotty walked into the house. “aww you and (yourname) just made up!” Ashley said happily. Judy looked up from her paper and found the blushing 17 year old “mom, will you tell Ash to stop it?” Scotty asked, as he headed for the stairs. “aww come on son, it’s cute! You and your first serious girlfriend, taking on battles” Mike commented “oh gosh” Scotty said running up the stairs as quickly as possibly. Judy softly chuckled then turned back to her paper.


Your POV

Turning off your light, you quickly ran to your bed and climbed up the covers, and closing your eyes. You were exhausted, and hoped to fall asleep the instant your head hit the pillow. But one thing was stopping that from happening. The vibrating phone on your bed side table was going off. You picked it up and put the phone to your ear. “hello?” you asked. Scotty’s deep voice flooded through the phone.

“I love you this big, so much bigger than i ever dreamed my heart ever would, i love you this big, and i’ll write your name in stars across the sky, if i could, i would, i love you (yourname), i really do”.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now