Chapter 110...

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Scotty’s POV

"Well here ya go, sir" the car dealer said, tossing Scotty a pair of shiny new keys. Scotty’s fingers grasped around the cool metal, just above his head, then he pulled them down and opened his hand. He couldn’t help but smile at the object in the palm of his hand. He looked up at the older man in front of him. “thank ya" he simply said, then turned and faced his new F150 King Ranch. “i can’t wait to drive it home" he said, as he turned towards his mom, dad, and sister standing a few feet away. 

"well what are ya waiting for? Hop in there, we’ll meet ya home" Mr. McCreery said, urging his son to go on. As if Scotty was a five year old in a candy store, he giddily opened the truck door and hopped inside. 

He stuck the key in the ignition and cranked it forward, and the engine roared to life, his smile widened. Then a brief moment, he was buckling his seat belt, and putting the car in drive, and soon enough pulling out of the car dealership.


He pulled into the driveway, and quickly put the truck in park, then shut the engine off and just sat there. His eyes wandered around the interior of the car, as his fingers touched every possible thing in his reach. He then unbuckled his seat belt and climbed out of the truck and carefully shut the door. 

He turned to head for the house, but then he suddenly thought something and turned back around. He walked past his brand new truck, and across the lawn and onto the porch of his very friendly neighbors. 

Swiftly, he knocked three times and took a step back from the door. The door came open a minute later. Alana (lastname) stood there in front of him, with a sweet smile on her face, she crossed her arms and leaned up against the door. 

"she’s upstairs, still asleep i’m sure, you can head on up if ya want" she said quickly. Scotty nodded and stepped into the house, quickly making his way to the stairs, which then he ran up and headed to the most important door in the hallway.

Once again he knocked, but when he got no answer, he grabbed a hold of the door knob and twisted it, slowly peeked his head in. 

A slow smile spread on his lips, as he pushed the door fully open and took a few steps in. 

Alana was right. (yourname) was sound asleep in her bed. Her hair was strewed across the pillow, while her mouth was hanging slightly open. He chuckled, but his laughter died down, when he realized that she was at her most vulnerable state. 

He walked up to the side of her bed and bent down onto his knees. His fingers slowly grazed the side of her cheek. “wake up, (yourname)" he softly spoke, but he knew it would be enough. And it was, when her eyes slowly opened. “hi" she said, with a smile, as she sat up and stretched her arms. “come on, get dressed, i gotta show you something" he said, pulling her out of bed. “what is it?" she asked, “ah thats a secret, I’ll be outside waiting, alright?" he asked, as he began to back towards the door. She nodded and turned and headed for her dresser. 


Your POV

Running down the stairs, you shoved your arms through your sweatshirt, and quickly called out for your mom. She appeared at the bottom of the stairs, giving you a questioning look. “what?" she asked. “I’m going with scotty, he says he has to show me something" you said, as you headed for the door. “just dont be gone all day, alright?" she asked, you nodded and headed out of the door.

The mid October breeze blew the hair out of your face, as you shoved your hands into the pockets of your sweatshirt. 

You walked off the porch, and turned in the direction of the McCreery household. “Scotty! You got your truck?" you practically yelled, as you ran towards him, sitting there in the drivers seat of his brand new truck. “i did" he said smiling from his brand new seat. “hop in" he said, waving his arm for you to get in. Eagerly you ran to the other side and pulled open the door, and climbed inside. "(yourname) i’d like you to meet, Loretta" he said, patting the steering wheel. “it’s nice to meet you Loretta" you said, rubbing the seat, as you smiled at Scotty. He chuckled at your little gesture. 

"so wanna take it for a ride?" he asked with a smile. You nodded and quickly put on your seat belt.


Scotty and you at first were aimlessly driving around Garner, until he changed up the idea and decided to head to Bojangles, then hit up all the houses of his friends to show off the new truck. 

He got the same reaction from James and jake, who were now in the small back seats of the truck. And Scotty was now once again aimlessly driving. 

"man, this is so cool!" James said, as he looked all over the truck. “DUDE! THERE ARE CUP HOLDERS BACK HERE!!!" Jake suddenly yelled “AND AN ASHTRAY!!!" James yelled. You turned and gave him a weird look. “what? I’m not gonna need it, i just think it’s cool" he said, giving you a serious look. “sure" you mouthed to him, and then turned back forward in your seat. “it’s the truth!" James said, lightly pushing on your seat. “hey hey hey, no rough housing back there" Scotty said, looking into his rear-view mirror. “she started it" James yelled pointing at you. “no, you did!" you said turning back to face him. 

"okay okay, thats it time for Jake and James to go home" Scotty said, as he put on his turn signal and turned down the next street. “but what did i do?" Jake protested. “nothing" Scotty chuckled. “i just gotta go home and pack for this weekend". “whats this weekend?" Jake asked “remember he’s touring with Brad Paisley?" James said, shoving Jake against the window. Jake nodded, and then turned to stare out the window. 

You did the same, and just watched as the houses flew by.


Scotty climbed out of the truck, and ran around to your side, opening the door for you and helping you down. You didn’t say a word, as you just wrapped your arms around him. He didn’t say anything either, he just wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to his chest. 

It was as if you could hear the gears grinding in his head, as the idea developed in his mind. He quickly picked you up and started carrying you up onto his porch. You didn’t protest, you just let him go ahead and carry you.

He opened the front door with one hand and carried you through the living room to the kitchen. You could see Judy and Mike sitting in the living room, they each gave you a confused look. You gave them an ‘i-don’t-know look’ just before you were set down on the stool at the island. Scotty pulled away from you and headed towards the fridge. He pulled out the jug of milk, and then turned and grabbed the container of cookies on the counter, and brought both towards you. “whats this for?" you asked, he shrugged. “just thought you might like it" he said, giving you a smile, before turning around and grabbing two cups out of the cupboard.

"thanks" you said, as he handed you the glass with milk in it, then he pushed the cookies towards you. You took one and bit into it, he smiled as he seen your eyes go wide. “these are so good" you said, but suddenly your phone rang in your pocket. 

Setting the cookie down on the counter, you pulled out your phone and looked at the screen. 

‘Mom: Missy you better be home soon’

"uh oh" you said, as you put your phone back in your pocket, then grabbed your cookie and raced around the counter, and pulled Scotty into a quick hug. Then got on your tippy toes and gave him a quick peck. 

You pulled away and were about to say goodbye, but his arm went around your waist and held you there. “where you going?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. “i gotta go home, and if im not there in the next four minutes i’ll get in trouble" you said quickly. He let go of you. “alright, better get there quick, i’ll see you tomorrow" Scotty said, as you began to run off. “Yeah i’ll see you then, i love you" you called, as you ran through the living room, giving Mr. and Mrs. McCreery a quick goodbye also, before making a dash for the door and hearing the simple ‘i love you too’ from Scotty.


Scotty’s POV

His eyes were focused in the direction (yourname) had just gone. 

"he’s got the look" Judy spoke from the living room. Scotty’s eyes darted to his mother, who was smiling on the couch. “the look?" he asked. “yeah, the look your dad gives me every time we leave each other." she simply said, then turned back to watch the TV.

A grin spread upon Scotty’s lips, then in a few simple strides, he was running up the stairs.

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