Chapter 23...

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Minutes later, you were putting a sweatshirt over top of the blue crew shirt you were already wearing. Looking out the window, you already saw Scotty outside waiting, quietly you turned around and headed out of your room and slowly made your way down the stairs, no one was awake in your house, so you quickly ran across the living room, through the kitchen and out to the back porch. As soon as you shut the door, you looked over at the McCreery’s family porch and Scotty was sitting there, guitar in hand, sitting looking towards you with a smile on his face. Carefully, you climbed down the steps and ran over to him “you ready to go?” he asked you as he hopped off his porch, you just nodded your head and you two headed for the truck. Getting in, you watched as he placed the guitar in the bed of the truck and then got in himself, he then turned the truck on and as quietly and as quickly as he could, he pulled out of his driveway. It’s not like he was going to get in trouble or anything, his parents knew he was taking the truck, the problem was your parents, who didnt know that you were gone. Then Scotty drove down the street and out of sight of your house.

Minutes later Scotty pulled the truck over into the grass. Unbuckling your seat belt, you looked at Scotty for a moment, then opend your door and got out. You took a deep breath as you looked around and saw the moon shining over Lake Benson. Hearing the truck door close behind you, you turned around and watched as Scotty walked over towards you “so do you want to just walk around tonight or do you want me to play some guitar?” he asked as soon as he reached you “lets just walk around” you said with a smile “alright” he said shoving his hands into his pockets and starting to walk. You guys walked closer and closer to the water and once you reached it, you just began to walk along side it.

Walking up and down the lake a few times, you guys talked about pretty much anything, and before you know it you got into a more sensitive topic. Scotty was silent and of course was running through his hair, nervously. “so..” Scotty said trailing off “so..” you said trailing off yourself “who do you like? I’m just curious, cause we rarely talk about this kinda thing” he said looking up at you shyly “oh umm, no one really” you lied, “oh” Scotty sound a little upset. “yeah there is really no one at school i like” you said “what about (insert random kid at schools name)” he asked “haha nah” you laughed “waht about (insert one of Scotty’s friends name)?” he asked “no offense, hes a great person and all but not really my type” you laughed “what about Ricky?” he asked “definitely not” you said with a disgusted sigh “well what kinda guys do you like?” he asked, it was a little awkward that you guys were having this conversation, since you guys rarely ever talked about such things like this, but its not like you guys havent talk about something relating to this before, but it just felt weird since you guys havent talked about this since middle school. “Scotty you should know the kinda guys i like” you laughed “oh yeah lets see, they should try to atleast be taller than you, you’d like blue eyes, if they could sing or play an instrument then thats great and they need to be kind and yadda yadda yadda” he said with a laugh “oh look whos talking! You like a girl who is the kinda girl that can where sweatpants and a tee-shirt, they dont have to get all glammed up, you want a girl who can watch sports and is athletically or musicianly inclined” you laughed “good job, you got that right on the money” he laughed “well i do know how to pay attention” you said with a laugh. With so much laughing going on you hadnt realized that your foot got caught in something “oh shoot” you said looking down, you bent down to try to get your foot un-caught “here let me help” Scotty said leaning down trying to fix it, you stood up and just stood there. As Scotty was trying to fix it, you were looking around and you realized how close you actually were to the water, “Scotty be carefully im about this close to the water” you said showing him your fingers that were practically pressed together, he was looing up at you “well looks like your stuck, either i leave you here, or you take your shoe off” he laughed “looks like the shoe is coming off” you said bending over to take your shoe off, but then you realized that your foot was just about to become un-stuck “wait i think i can get this out” you said standing back up and beginning to yank your foot out “be careful” Scotty said looking at you worriedly “i’ll be fine” suddenly your foot became unstuck, but it caused you to begin falling backwards “ahh!” you screamed just as you were about to fall into the lake, Scotty reached his hand out to pull you away but then you ended up pulling him in with you, and you two fell in with a splash. Slowly you came up and Scotty was no where to be found “Scotty?” you asked looking around, suddenly he came up above the water “well we know who the clutz is” he laughed, you glowered at him and splashed water in his face “okay okay, its not you” he laughed, you both swam to the end and climbed out “oh my gosh its freezing!” you said throwing your arms around you trying to get warm “well lets go back home” he said wrapping his arm around you, trying to keep you warm “you know you look kinda cute when your wet” you said out loud, but you meant to keep it inside. Once you realized you said it out loud you looked away embarssed “well thank ya” Scotty said in his elvis impression, making you laugh. Quickly you too made your way to his truck and you got in, he pulled away from the lake and you guys headed back home.

Pulling into the driveway you guys quickly got out “i’ll see you tomorrow!” Scotty called over his shoulder as he headed for his house “what about your truck its soaked!” you said “i’m coming back out in a few minutes to clean it up” he said looking back at you “well let me atleast help you?” “no its fine go inside and get warm! I got it!” he said smiling at you “alright night Scotty” you said quickly hugging him and then running for your house. As quieltly as possible you made it into the house, through the kitchen & living room and up to your room without getting caught.

Closing your door behind you, you quicky changed out of the soaked clothes and shoved that into the bottom of your hamper, then you grabbed a pair of dry pjs and threw them on, you didnt care if you were covered in pond water, you just wanted to go to bed. Turning the light off you hopped into bed and rested your head against the pillow, then you heard the sound of a car door opening outside, sitting up you looked and saw Scotty cleaning the seats of the car. As soon as he finished he grabbed his guitar out of the bed of the truck and headed for the door. Quickly as you could you opened your window and yelled but in a whispered tone, scotty’s name. Looking up towards the window he smiled at you “yeah?” he asked ya “just wanted to say goodnight, and thank you!” you said “for what?” he asked confused “for making tonight unforgettable!’ you called back to him “well youre the one who made it unforgettable for me, but you’re welcome, night!” he smiled at you once more and then walked into his house, guitar in one hand and towel in another. Closing your windows, you smiled to yourself as you rested your head on the pillow and slowly drifted to sleep.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now