Chapter 16...

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Waking up to the sound of the door opening, then next morning, you slowly opened your eyes and saw Mrs. McCreery peek her head into the room. Casually you closed your your eyes, knowing she would come in and ask Scotty to go sleep on the couch, and you just wanted to enjoy these next few moments. Softly the door closed and you were waiting to hear her soft voice wake Scotty up. But you waited, and waited, and waited, but nothing happened. Opening your eyes, you saw no one else in the room, looking up slightly you saw Scotty still sound asleep. Finally deciding to get up, you rolled out of Scotty’s grip and sat there on the edge of the bed. You knew you werent gonna be able to fall back to sleep, so you just sat there, in the quiet room. Taking a look at the clock on the night side table, you realized it was only 10 in the morning. Just then, you felt the bed move, you turned around and Scotty, he was sitting up, rubbing his eyes. “Sorry, did i wake you?” you asked “no, you didn’t” he smiled, once he heard your voice “oh” was all you said “you okay?” Scotty asked, as he got up out of the bed and sat down next to you. “yeah i’m fine just a little bit tired” “oh well if you want to you can go back to sleep” “no, its fine, i actually think i need to be getting home right now” “oh. Well let me atleast walk you down stairs” Scotty said with a smile “sure” you said getting up off the bed and heading out the door, Scotty as right behind you as you headed down the stairs. Walking into the kitchen Mr. & Mrs. McCreery put their conversation on a hault, they looked up at the two of you and smiled “thank you so much for letting me stay last night, but i gotta be getting home now!” you said with a smile as you hugged the two adults “it was our pleasure, darlin” Mrs. McCreery called out to you as Scotty walked you out of the house. “bye, Scotty” you said hugging him “see you later?” he asked “most likely” you said with a smile as you walked across the yard, over towards your house. Turning the doorknob, you almost walked into the house, but not without one more glance towards Scotty direction, he was looking right back at you, you smiled at him, he smiled back, then you quietly took a step into the house.

Running upstairs, you quickly made your way to your bedroom and jumped on the bed. “(yourname) stop liking Scotty right now! He’s your best friend, you cant ruin your friendship. STOP. LIKING HIM.” you think to yourself. Picking up your pillow, you covered your face in it and screamed as loud as you could, then you fell back against the sheets and laid there, with the pillow covering your face. In a way, you didnt want to like Scotty. You knew it’d ruin your guy’s friendship, but on the other hand, you wanted to like him, you wanted him to know how you really felt, but you didnt want to tell him. Rolling over onto your side, you moved the pillow away from your face and looked out your bedroom window. Looking over towards Scotty’s house, you could see his curtain covering his window, he rarely ever closed his curtain. Shrugging it off you got up off your bed and went to change into something else to wear. Once you did that, you picked up the small notebook and on your bed side table, and headed out of the house. You needed to get away, from home, from family, even from Scotty. You just needed to think. Walking for about ten minutes, you reached the school, taking a seat on the bleachers in the baseball field you began to scratch things down in your notebook.

Scotty’s point of view(p.o.v)

Scotty smiled as he watched you walk through the front door of your house. Turning around he walked back into his house and was just about to head upstairs “son wait” Mr. McCreery said calling him, Scotty turned around and walked into the kitchen “yeah?” Scotty asked as he took a seat at the kitchen table. “we just gotta ask you one thing” judy said, Scotty raised his eyebrows, curiously, “whats going on with you and (yourname)? You guys have been pretty close these days” “nothings going on, were just friends” “you sure about that?”, Scotty just shrugged, “come on son, you can tell us” Mr. McCreery said “well, everyone already practically knows how i feel! I’m starting to even think (your name) knows how i feel too!” Scotty said standing up “well dont you want her to know?” “well yes, but not right now, not when all this idol stuff is going on” he said crossing his arms before his chest “well, you can’t help how you show how you feel sometimes son” “i know, i’m going upstairs now” Scotty said turning around and running up the stairs before anyone could say anything else. Closing his bedroom door behind him, he picked up his guitar and began strumming a few cords. With all this going on in his mind, he picked up his phone and went through his contacts and called one of his friends. After a couple seconds of making plans to hang out with some friends, he changed his clothes and then headed downstairs. “I’m going to hangout with (insert one of his friends name here!)” he said looking at his parents, they nodded their heads alright and Scotty walked outside, and got in his truck. Just then you walked outside, Scotty looked at you and watched as you began walking down the street, notebook in hand. “where is she going?” he thought, he waited until you were out of sight, then he pulled out of the drive way and headed in the same direction you were walking in, making him take a longer route to his friends house.

Back to your P.O.V

As you sat there, the breeze began to pick up, making your hair fly everywhere, making you have to stop writing just to pull your hair away from your eyes. It got to the point where you just closed your notebook, got up from the bleachers and began to walk home. Your mind was still jumbled up and full of decisions that still had to be made.  Just then a truck pulled up next to you, looking inside you saw Scotty sitting there, smiling at you “need a ride?” he asked, you just nodded your head and got in. Pulling away from the curb, Scotty made his way down the street. Sitting there in silence, you couldnt help but feel awkward.

Scotty soon pulled into his driveway, you got out and met him at the bed of the truck “thanks” you said with a smile “no problem, i’ll see ya later” he said giving you a one arm hug “bye” you said as you turned around and walked into the house. Running up to your room, you felt like you were missing something, quickly you realized you forgot your notebook in Scotty’s truck. “oh no, oh no” you thought turning around and running down the stairs, quickly you opened the front door and found Scotty standing there, notebook in hand “here i think you forgot this” he said handing it to you “yeah, thanks” you said with a smile “Well later” he said to you turning around and walking down the steps “bye” you said closing the door and running up the stairs once again.

Walking into the room, you took a seat at your computer chair and opened your notebook to the last page. “Reasons why i shouldnt and should like Scotty” you read out loud, as your eyes scanned the page…

Shouldn’t                                                 Should

He’s my bestfriend.                           I’m his friend.

He’s gonna be famous one day.           I’m here for him no matter what.

He’ll have millions of girls to choose.     I would never use him.

He’ll most likely meet someone on idol.  I love him.

A tear slid down your cheek, as you read the last one. Slowly you got up from the computer chair and sat down on the bed, starring at the writing scrawled on the page, your cell phone rang then. Picking it up, you looked at the caller ID ‘Scotty boy (:’ it read. You thought for a moment, then pressed OK, you put the phone up to your ear “hello” you asked “(yourname)” Scotty said softly “yeah, Scotty?” ” I just wanted to say..” he trailed off “you wanted to say what scotty?” “i wanted to say that…” He trailed off again “what?” you asked “nevermind” he said a little upset “umm alright, i’ll see you tomorrow Scotty, bye” you quickly said, filling up the silence “bye” he said, then hung up the phone. Closing your phone, you looked out the window and saw Scotty standing outside on his front porch, just standing there. Turning away from the window, you closed your notebook and slowly placed it under the pillow, behind you, as you tried to figure out what Scotty was going to say.

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