Chapter 33...

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It was now the day before Thanksgiving, also the last day before your holiday break.

Sitting there in your 6th period class, you starred at the clock knowing it would ring any second now, since you had a half day. Looking away, you looked to your left and saw Scotty sitting there, he was starring out the window, and every few seconds would scrawl something in his notebook. Looking down at your own notebook, you saw the blank piece of paper starring back at you, you gave up on working on your essay and closed your notebook, and just as you did the bell rang. Getting up out of your seat, you grabbed your backpack and threw that on, then grabbed your notebook. Sweeping the room with your eyes, you didnt see Scotty in sight, so you just walked out of the room and ended up finding Scotty leaning against the wall, waiting for you. You smiled, seeing him there, “what?” he asked you as he stood up and began to walk with you “nothing” you said tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. It was silent then as you two walked the rest of the way to your lockers.

Eventually you two were walking out of the school and heading for his truck, climbing in you watched as Scotty started the engine and drove away from the school.

The ride home was silent, as you just starred out the window passing by houses, zoning out you hadn’t realized Scotty made a turn until you were halfway down the street “where are we going?” you asked looking at Scotty, he smirked slightly “well i just thought before we had to go back home we could just take the long way, before our moms would put us through some cooking” he laughed “sounds good to me” you said relaxing into the seat and turning your gaze out the window, as he placed his arm behind your back, on the head rest.

“So are you excited for basketball season?” you asked Scotty, trying to start some conversation “well of course, gonna be with the blue crew to those games too” he smiled “yeah, i dont know if im gonna go to that many games this year” you said, trying to trick Scotty “why not?” scotty asked, raising his eyebrows “oh you know, its just not my thing i guess..” you trail off, quietly laughing to yourself “but you went to all the other games, why not theses ones?” scotty asked “i dont know, why do you really want me to go?” you asked “well of course, it wont be the same without you there” he said smiling at you for a second, but then looking back at the road “but you have the other blue crew members there with you” you said smiling “yeah, but…” he trailed off “but what?” you asked “they aren’t you” he said just as he pulled into his driveway. “well since ya put it that way, i’ll think about it” you said not wanting the conversation to be so serious, as you opened the door and climbed out and grabbing your back pack “at a girl” he said winking at you as he headed for his porch “yeah, yeah, see ya later McCreery” you said heading up the porch stairs “you too, (insert last name)” was the last thing you heard before walking into your house, and shutting the door behind you. “hell, anyone home?” you called as you threw your back pack in one of the chairs “in here sweetheart” you heard your mothers high pitch voice call out to you, following her voice you found her in the kitchen humming along to the radio as she was stirring something in a mixing bowl, and sitting there at the table was Ashley and your older sister “oh hey guys” you said taking a seat by them “hey” they both said as they were cutting something for one of the Thanksgiving dishes, turning towards your mom you smiled at her “is there anything you’d like me to help with?” you asked “yes, can you take this list over to the McCreery’s house, these are the things that i’d like for Judy to cook” she said handing you a list “alright” you said getting up out of the chair, and walking out of the room and through the living room and heading out the front door. Running down the steps, you quickly jogged across the front lawn, past the McCreery’s truck, and through the lawn and up to the front porch, where you lightly knocked on the door and waited. The door opened a moment later, with Judy McCreery standing there “oh hey darlin, what can i help you with?” she asked “hi, my mom wanted me to give you this list o things to cook” you said showing it too her “oh alright, why dont you come on in for a moment?” she asked stepping aside, making room for you to come in “sure” you said walking into the house. Mr. McCreery was sitting there on the couch watching something on tv, the families dogs were laying there on the floor by his feet, and Scotty was no where in sight. Slowly you followed Judy into the kitchen, where she began to go over the list “i can definitely make all of these” she said smiling up at you “alright” you said smiling back “but i will need a few things first, can i ask a favor of you?” she asked scribbling something onto another piece of paper “yeah sure” you said “can you go get Scotty and you two head to the store to get these things for me?” she asked holding the paper out to you “yeah, definitely” you said picking up the piece of paper and walking out of the kitchen and heading for the stairs. Slowly you climbed up the stairs, as you reached the top, you heard the sound of a soft guitar fill the hallway and the sound of a voice singing along, you smiled knowing it was Scotty. Walking down the hall you could make out the song he was singing, Farmers daughter by Rodney Atkins. You began to hum along and just as you reached his door, he stopped playing. Quickly you knocked on his door and waited, a moment later he opened up and looked out, seeing you he smiled. “oh hey, whats up?” he asked “can i ask you a favor?” you asked “anything” he said with a smile “can you come with me to the store to pick up a few things for your mom?” you asked “yeah, give me a second” he said turning around and walking into his room, you leaned against his door frame and watched as he put his shoes on “ready?” he asked getting up off his bed “mhm” you said turning around and heading for the stairs. Running down them, you both walked out of the house, saying goodbye to Scotty’s parents and heading for the truck and soon hitting the road.

Five minutes past, and you two had just pulled into the nearest parking space, climbing out you pulled the crumpled up piece of paper out of your pocket and headed for the store. “so what do we need to get?” scotty asked as he grabbed a cart and began pushing it “flour, eggs, sugar, a ham an-” “wait a ham? i thought we were having turkey?” scotty asked “my moms making a turkey, so i guess your mom is making a ham?” you asked “i dont know, lets just get the stuff and leave” he said turning down an aisle and throwing stuff into the cart as he made his way down “umm Scotty” you said grabbing him by the shoulder “yeah?” he asked just as he threw another item into the cart “thats none of the stuff we need” you said taking it all out of the cart “yes it is” he said “no you grabbed powered sugar, we need brown sugar” you said putting the powdered sugar back “whats the difference?” he asked, “here how about i get the stuff and you just follow?” you said walking ahead of him “i guess” he said pushing the cart after you.

Twenty minutes later you were still in the store “are we done yet?” Scotty asked “yeah we just need one more thing” you said “whats that?” he asked “the ham” “oh i know where that is!” he said pushing the cart way past you “scotty wait up!” you called jogging after him. When you reached him he was filling the cart up with ham “umm Scotty we only need one” you said beginning to take them out “but i like ham” he said still filling the cart up “but you like fried chicken more than ham right?” you asked “yeah, thats what we need! Fried chicken!” he said pushing the cart away “here we go again” you mumbled to yourself as you chased after him, but reached him before he even put one package of chicken into his cart “no Scotty, no” you said pulling the chicken out of hi hands “fine, can i atleast get sweet tea?” he asked “im sure you have enough at him” you said “you can never have enough sweet tea” he said with a smile “oh just come on, lets go” you said pulling the cart away from him, and heading for the cash register.

Son you guys were back home and carrying the bags into the McCreery’s house, as you reached the kitchen you found judy cutting up some veggies “thanks sweetheart, did everything go alright?” she asked “well lets just say, your son is a bit of a handful when it comes to shopping” you laughed “oh im sure about that, thanks once again, well we’ll see you guys tomorrow” she said smiling at you “alright see you all tomorrow” you said as you headed out of the house. Crossing yards, you were almost to your house when you heard the slamming of a door, turning around you saw Scotty running over to you “what are you doing?” you asked him “i wanted to give you this” he said handing you something, looking at it in the moonlight you saw the yellow packaging of a starburst pack “aww thanks Scotty, when did you get these?” you asked “while you were heading out to the truck with the cart “he said smiling at you “aww well thanks, i’ll see ya tomorrow” you said giving him a one armed hug and then turning for the house “yeah see ya” was the last thing you heard before closing your front door

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now