Chapter 104...

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“-35.67” you said nervously, as all eyes in the room were placed on you. “that’s right” Mr. Jackson said as he turned around and wrote the number on the board. Your eyes went wide, as you whipped your head to the right, receiving that breathtaking smile from Scotty as he gave you a thumbs up. Smiling just a little wider at him, you turned back to your notebook in front of you and circled the number down on the page.

The final bell echoed through the school then. The room erupted with the sounds of zipping backpacks, notebooks closing, and students getting out of their seats, trying to get out of the school as quickly as possible, on that Friday afternoon.

Stepping foot out of the classroom, you felt a warm touch against your arm, that slid down to your hand. Turning around you found Scotty smiling at you, you smiled back, “i’ll meet you out at the truck, alright?” he asked, you nodded, then separated as you walked to your locker and he walked to his.

Walking out the double doors of the school, you watched as Scotty pulled up in his truck. Quickly jogging across the side walk, you opened the door and climbed inside. He pulled away from the school and drove out of the parking lot. 

“hey, when are you gonna get your new truck?” you randomly asked. He looked around his truck, then to you for a brief moment, then his eyes went back to the road. “I think next month, not sure” he shrugged his shoulders. “oh, really? whatcha gonna get?” you asked, a little over excited. He chuckled. “not sure, maybe an F150” he said, glancing at you briefly. “good choice” you said, looking out the windows “you don’t even know what that is, do you?” he asked “I have no clue” you laughed, he laughed too. 

“well than you’ll just have to wait and see” he said, pulling up along side of the curb. Turning off the engine, he placed his hand on the steering wheel as he turned and looked at you. A more serious look now resting on his face. “do you have any plans tonight?” he asked, you shrugged as you thought for a moment “nope” you said, popping the ‘p’. “good” he said, smile slipping on his lips. “why?” you asked, curiously. “you’ll have to wait and see, I’ll see you tonight” he said, leaning towards you and giving you a quick kiss. You smiled, and pulled away, “alright, I’ll see you tonight”. And with that you climbed out of the truck.


Scotty’s POV

Twisting the key in the ignition, the roar of the engine died down. His fingers fumbled with the seat belt, as his eyes wandered to the quiet house, next door. “You can do this Scotty” he whispered to himself, as he opened the drivers side door. Hesitantly he climbed out, planting his feet firmly on the ground, then with another deep breath, he made his way down the driveway and onto the walkway, leading to her familiar front porch.

He kept his eyes on his sneakers, as he walked up the stairs and onto the wooden porch. Rubbing his hands on his shorts, he looked up at the door, then lifted his fist up and knocked three times. Taking a step back he took another deep breath. ‘chill Scotty it’s just Mr. (lastname) you’ve known him for awhile now’ he thought quietly to himself.

The door knob twisted and the door opened, revealing Mr. (lastname). He smiled brightly at the younger man before him, crinkles surrounding his eyes. “Hey there, Scotty, (yourname)’s up in her room, go on up she’s just doing homework” he said stepping aside, leaving room for Scotty. “actually i’m here to see you” Scotty said, as he stepped into the house and turned towards the older man. “Me? Oh this can’t be good” Mr. (lastname) chuckled, as he shut the door, then led the way to the kitchen.  ”oh, trust me sir, it’s good, or, well, atleast that what I think of it” Scotty said nervously as he followed suit. 

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now