Chapter 118...

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Sunlight poured into the room, coating everything in its dazzling brightness, including yourself. Slowly rolling over, you could feel the stiff pressure in your muscles, as your eyes gradually opened. You could see nothing but the bright sunlight seeping in between the cracks of your hair. 

Lifting your arm, which was tingling with the sensation of numbness, you moved the hair out of your eyes, all while pushing yourself up into a sitting position. 

Her ‘bubble-gum sweet’ laugh filled the room. Turning towards the window, you found her sitting there with the curtain pulled out of the way, as she stared down below. “Callie what are you doing?" your feeble voice spoke out. She turned towards you, cocky grin automatically taking its place on her lips. “you never told me Scotty was your next door neighbor" she said turning to look out the window once again. Her innocent voice made you wanna puke. 

Getting up onto your feet, you crossed the room and looked out of the window. Down below you could see Mrs. McCreery pulling groceries out of the family truck, then she’d turn and hand them off to Scotty, who’d grasp onto the bag and turn to take it inside.

Pulling your gaze away from the window, you turned to look at Callie, who had a dreamy look on her face. “Thats really creepy Callie" you spoke stiffly, as you back away from the window and turned towards your dresser. 

"it’s really not, I’m just studying him so, ya know, i can steal him from you" she simply said, as she turned her gaze out the window. “well here’s the thing, that’s not going to happen" you placed your hands on your hips. She turned back to face you, eyes squinted, as her arms crossed before her chest. “oh it will, ya know what, how about I just go and say hi to him right now?" she asked getting up off the bed and making her way towards the door. “that should do the trick, right?" she asked, then turned out the room. 

"Callie!" you called out, but you got no response. “oh Lord, please give me the strength to not beat this girl up" you mumbled as you ran out of your room and down the hall.

"morning (yourname)!" your mom called out between the family members, as you passed her in the kitchen. “morning" you called, as you quickly raced out the back door. 

The crisp morning air consumed your body in coldness, as you stood there on the porch. You looked around but didn’t see Callie anywhere. Where did she go? Was all you could think as you walked off the porch and headed for the McCreery’s driveway.

Turning the corner of the house you found Callie standing in front of Scotty. His full attention was placed on her, and you could hear her obnoxiously giggle. Rolling your eyes you began to make your way towards them, but stopped once Scotty looked up at you.

His arms fell to his sides, as that familiar smile raced onto his face. “morning, beautiful" Scotty said, walking around Callie and heading towards you. Taking a few steps towards him, you glanced at Callie, who’s face crumpled in anger, then ran off towards the house. Looking back at Scotty, you found him standing there with his arms stretched out open wide. 

"am i gonna get a hug or am i just gonna stand here, cause I know I look a little crazy standing with my arms stretched all apart". You couldn’t help but laugh at his cheesy choice of words as you walked into his arms. 

"I love you this biiiiiiig" he softly sang in an exaggerated deep voice, as he wrapped his arms around you. Once again, you laughed. 

"so what are you plans for today?" he looked down towards you. “I’m not fully sure" you shrugged. “Do you think we’ll be able to hang out?" he asked, you shook your head, he frowned. 

"i know, I’m sorry, but my mom wants to have some kind of gingerbread house contest tonight and more family oriented things" you shrugged. “a gingerbread house contest?" he chuckled. “i dont know what has gotten into her lately, all these family things" you shrugged. A chuckle rumbled from his chest, then it slowly died down.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن