Chapter 119...

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The door began to creak, as it always did when someone opened it. Rolling over in your mound of blankets, you barely opened your eyes, yet just enough to see the person walk from the door to the side of your so called ‘bed’. 

“goodness girl, you’re lacking on your Christmas spirit” they spoke in a whisper. “huh?” was all you could manage, as you pushed yourself into a sitting position, then began to rub your eyes. “it’s six am and you’re still sleeping. Usually you’d be up by four, man times have changed” she laughed, but quickly covered her mouth, trying not to wake the sleeping girl a few feet away. “Alana, what are you talking about?” you asked, letting your eyes close once again. “It’s Christmas morning” a dumbfounded look took it’s place on her face. Your eyes shot open. “Christmas morning?” you asked, she nodded. “Well what are we waiting for?” you all but yelled as you kicked the blankets away and hopped to your feet. “now that’s the (your name) I know” she said turning around and racing after you, out of the room. 

Scotty’s POV

“do you like it?” her voice chirped from the love seat. He turned in the direction of his mother, giving her a large grin. “of course I do” he said, turning to look at the shiny new fishing pole resting in his grip. “thank you” he finished. 

“now before some of your shows you could go for a quick fishing trip” Mr. McCreery suggested, as he picked up some torn wrapping paper, placing it into a plastic bag. “that’s the plan” Scotty said, leaning the pole up against the wall, then taking a seat on the floor, across from his sister. 

“well I gotta say, this has been the best Christmas yet” Ashley said, placing all her gifts in a neat pile, then looking at her family with a genuine smile. “I’d have to agree with you on that one, PF” Mike nodded towards her. “thanks, SF” she pointed towards him. 

“well if we’re all done here, I promised Mrs. (lastname) that’d we’d be over to exchange gifts this morning, so lets get cleaned up and head on over” Judy stood up from the love seat and headed for the stairs. “sounds good to me” Scotty said, getting up off the floor and rushing past his mother, up the stairs. 

“well isn’t he excited” Judy said, turning to face her husband and daughter. “yeah, excited to give (your name) her gift” Ashley pointed out. “what did he even get her?” Mike asked, turning towards the younger girl before him, she just shrugged. But before anyone could actually answer, Scotty came bouncing back down the stairs, fully dressed and gift in hand. “come on y’all, what’s taking y’all so long? Don’t want to keep ‘em waiting, now do we?” he asked, they all shook their heads, then quickly headed upstairs.

In no time the McCreery’s were crossing the yard to their neighbors house, where they quickly walked to the front door and knocked, the four of them stepping back, then waiting. 

The door opened a moment later, with a grinning Mrs. (lastname) on the other side. “Judy! Mike! Ashley! Scotty! Come on in y’all, Merry Christmas!” she said pulling the family into the humble household. 

Scotty glanced around the room, which was trashed with wrapping paper. Little kids ran around the room, toys in hands, while parents spent their time chatting about. “Sorry for the mess, but come on in, take a load off, I’ll go get your gifts!” Mrs. (lastname) continued, as she turned around and ran off towards the hall closet. 

Mr. and Mrs. McCreery were the first to step into the living room, then Ashley followed behind, and lastly Scotty. With a smile on his face, he stepped towards the tree and bent over, placing the finely wrapped gift underneath. He stood back up just as Mrs. (lastname) came into the room, arms gripped tightly around gifts. 

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