Chapter 58...

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“Dear Santa bring her a heart, The one she’s got is broken. Fill up her stocking with the words, That I left unspoken.” came through the alarm clock speakers that Wednesday morning. You were already wide awake, since you’ve been up for the past hour, before your alarm clock even went off. “time to get up” you whispered to yourself, pushing the blankets off, and climbing out of bed. Before you could even stretch your cell phone went off. Picking it up you looked at the screen, the light was a bit blinding, but you managed to read what it said “New Text Message from: Scotty :)” of course you smiled as you opened the message and began to read.

“Morning, ill meet you out there in twenty minutes. Also i have a bit of a surprise for you, and no i won’t give you a hint ;)”

You laughed slightly, of course he wasn’t going to give you a hint, he never did. Opening a new message you began to type.

Morning to you too, alright i’ll see you out there! And no fair come on just one ittie bittie hint? pwease? (:”

You laughed at your own childish typing as you sent the message then quickly began to get ready.

The whole time you couldn’t stop thinking about what the surprise could be, but you knew Scotty would never give you a clue until it was the actual time for it.

“Love you mom!” you yelled as you ran out of the house and too Scotty’s truck. He was standing there, hands in his pockets looking down at the ground. Once he heard you walking towards him, he looked up and smiled at you, you smiled back and got into the truck. “Merry Christmas eve eve eve” you said buckling up your seat belt, then looked up at Scotty who was giving you a confused look “what?” he asked “well Friday is Christmas eve, tomorrow is Christmas eve eve, which makes today Christmas eve eve eve” you laughed, he was still giving you a strange look “you are one strange girl (last name)” he said with a laugh, as he was backing up out of the driveway “hey, you know you love me” you said with a big smile on your face “of course i do” he laughed, you laughed with him as you turned your attention to the world outside the car, you knew there was no use of asking about the surprise, so you just let it go for now.

The school day had gone by fast, with handing out presents, watching movies, eating junk food, same old thing you do every year before winter break.

Now, you were sitting in your last period class, next to Scotty as you were watching ‘The year without a Santa Claus’. No one was allowed to talk, so you and Scotty were passing a note back and forth, mostly talking about plans for winter break. And you now knew it was time to ask about the surprise.

So can i have a hint about the surprise yet? :)

you wrote down on the piece of paper, and passed it to Scotty, who took it and quickly read it, you watched as he looked at you from out of the corner of his eye, then went and began to write. Soon enough he handed the piece of paper back to you.

Nope, but i promise, it’s coming soon!

Not knowing what the surprise was, was starting to bug you. Quickly you began to scrawl writing along the paper.

Oh come on! How much longer do i have to wait? You know i’m impatient!!!

After you read through it, you handed the paper to him. You watched as he read it and laughed slightly, then he began to write.

As soon as he finished he handed you the piece of paper back.

After school, you’ll get a hint, but no more until later tonight

You bit your lip, then quickly wrote on the paper and handed it back to him

Alright, i’ll take that :)

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant