Chapter 124...

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So am I gonna see my beautiful girlfriend today? :)

A meek smile slipped onto your tired face. The tips of your fingers began to subconsciously drag across the keypad, slowly forming words.

I don’t think so… I’m grounded. :\

Tapping the send button, you turned your body, so your back was now pressed against the banister at the top of the staircase. The thumping sound of shoes hitting the wooden stairs echoed through the small space. Pulling your legs to your chest, your eyes fixated on the person climbing the stairs. “hey, bud, what are you doing up here?” your dad spoke, as he sat down beside you. “staying away from mom, that’s what” you spoke blandly. Your dad chuckled, as his smile caused the corners of his eyes to crinkle. “I sometimes do the same thing” he patted your knee in understanding. With a weak smile, your eyes looked down towards your buzzing phone resting in your hand. 

You’re grounded? Dagum. Maybe I should just kidnap you….

A chuckle slipped passed your lips, then you remembered your dad was sitting right there. As you looked towards him, you watched the gentle smile pour onto his lips. “Scotty?” he asked, you nodded. “ya know bud, a groundation shouldn’t keep you away from him”. “are you saying that I should go against moms word, sneak out and see Scotty, risking the chance of getting in more trouble?” a serious look made it’s way onto your face. “nah, I wouldn’t say such a thing” your dad pushed himself to his feet “good luck, bud” and with a sly wink he descending the stairs.

Looking back down towards your phone, you re-read the previous text from Scotty. Then you began to tap your fingers against the keypad. 

I think I have a better idea, if you want to see me, meet me out back tonight at 12:30 ;D

Pushing yourself up onto your feet, you turned around and headed down the hallway towards your room, where you walked in and took a seat on the bed. Your phone suddenly buzzed and you quickly opened the message. 

I’ll be out there by 12:20 (;


As your eyes slowly fluttered open, you wriggled around in the sheets searching for the phone whose vibrations racked the small space around you. “where is that dang thing” you muttered before your fingers slid against a smooth surface by your foot. “ah-ha!” you grasped onto the phone and pulled it out in front of you.  Seeing that it was just peaking 12:15 a smirk slid onto your face, as you pushed the blankets away, revealing your dark clothing. Climbing up onto your feet, you turned your frame towards the window, which was allowing moonlight to cover part of the room. Seeing the mountain of blankets on top of the bed, you slowly backed out of the room. I feel like I’m on some spy mission, I feel so rebellious.

Slowly you creeped your way through the house, not a single soul was awake. Soon enough your fingers were grasping hold of the metal doorknob, and in one swift movement you yanked the back door open and quickly stepped out.

Coldness painted it’s way onto your body, leaving traces of goosebumps among your exposed skin. Your eyes had wandered its way towards the sky. Millions of bright stars coated the dark canvas.Even in the moment of darkness, there is hope.

Your feet padded against the hard wood deck, as they carried you off the porch and onto the dewed covered grass. Taking a few more steps, you paused and looked around. There was no sight of that country crooner. Shoving your hands into your pockets, you began to walk circles around the yard.Maybe I’m just early?

As minutes passed your thoughts went from maybe’s to what ifs?.  What if he came out here and got kidnapped by some insane maniac?

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now