Chapter 21...

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Hours had passed since you had left the school, all you could do was think about what would of happened if your sister hadnt come yet & did Scotty just let it go, or did he approach Ricky? With all these going through your mind you just sat outside on the back porch. You’ve been waiting for Scotty to come home, but he still wasn’t back yet.

Looking around the back yard, you got up off the stairs and went over into Scotty’s backyard. Walking around for a moment, you stopped as you found the baseball sitting there in the grass, quickly you bent over and picked up the ball, slowly you twirled it through your fingers. Then you looked up at the fence a few feet away from you, holding onto the ball tightly you got into the stance that Scotty showed you, you then brought your arm back and then let it fling forward as the ball flew out of your finger tips. Keeping your eye on the ball, you watched as it smacked against the fence, you smiled and knew Scotty would be proud if he saw that throw, suddenly the sound of clapping came from behind you, you jumped slightly and turned around finding Scotty standing there with his hands together and a smile on his face. “nice throw” he said shoving his hands into his pockets and walking over towards you “ahh well i had a good teacher”  you said looking down at the ground for a moment, then looked back up at him “true, but you need to fix your back leg in that throw” he laughed “hey i tried” you laughed, as you started walking towards your house, unknowingly. It got silent then, so you just headed for your house, “wait” you heard Scotty say “yeah?” you asked turning around, Scotty walked over towards you, but stopped a few feet away “are you okay?” he asked “i’m fine why?” “well you know with Ricky earlier…” “oh that, yeah I’m fine” “alright” he said slowly backing away, you turned slightly to walk back to your house, but then you turned back”Scotty?” you asked “yeah?” he said “what happened after i left, between you and Ricky?” Scotty looked away for a moment then looked you right in the eyes “we just talked” he said “thats all, what did you say to him?” you asked “i just asked him to cool it” “and what did he say?” “he told me to back off” “and what did you say” “i just told him that im just watching out for you & then he said that your a big girl and you could handle yourself and then i said i know you can but I’m here for you when you need me” “why did you think i needed you?” “well because you kept looking towards me” he said with a slight smile appearing on his face “oh, well is that all that happened?” “well yeah until he tried to punch me” “WHAT?!? are you okay?” you asked examining his face “haha! I’m find, i dodged it, you know ive been dodging baseballs being thrown at my face my whole life, i can handle dodging a punch” he laughed “it’s not funny Scotty, you could of got hurt!” you said jokingly punching his arm “I’m fine, the principal came and got him after he threw the first punch, it’s all good!” he said with a smile “alright, just as long as your okay” you said hugging him, he held the hug in a bit longer and then you two pulled away “alright well it’s starting to get dakr, i think i should be going inside now” you said “alright, see ya tomorrow?” he asked with a smile “of course, later Scotty” you said waving as you walked up the porch steps and into the house, closing the door behind you, you walked through the kitchen and into the living room, taking a seat on the couch you rested your head on your Daddy’s shoulder and focused on the tv.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now