Chapter 127...

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New Years Eve.

“be careful!”, “no drinking!” the voices of your parents trailed after you. Once your feet hit the side walk you turned in their general direction “mom, dad, you know most of the kids at the party, and parents will be there, so I guarantee there will be no alcohol” you stated simply, placing your hands on your hips. “and if there is any alcohol, what do you do?” you mom questioned. With an exasperated breath you dropped your hands to your sides “I stay away from any substance that looks or may contain alcohol and decline any drink offers from people who look intoxicated” you mimicked the words you’ve heard many times before. A smile stretched on both of their faces “good girl, have fun, don’t stay out too late” your dad stated. “got it” you nodded you head before quickly running off to the king ranch sitting in the McCreery’s drive way. 

Climbing inside, you quickly shut the door and buckled up. Looking up you found Scotty staring at you, smirk on his face. “what?” you asked. “nothing” he shook his head “I’m just curious as to what you and your parents just talked about, because your face went from this” he made his best overly happy face “to this” his lips fell into a frown “it was pretty priceless” he chuckled as he started up the engine. “oh, I just had the talk with them” you spoke absent mindedly. Scotty’s eyes widened “the talk?” he asked. “yeah” you arched an eyebrow at him, then realization hit you “no no no! not that talk! The no drinking talk!” you stated.  “okay cause I was gonna say, I’m pretty sure you were thirteen when you learned about that” he looked over his shoulder as he backed out of the driveway. “I was eleven when I found out about that and how would you know?” you scrutinized him. “Because remember that one time my family and yours were watching a movie together and then that one scene popped up? Your mom had to shut the movie off and then you looked towards her and asked ‘mommy what were they doing?’” his voice cracked as he tried to imitate you “I swear Ashley and Alana’s eyes were gonna pop out of their heads” he laughed to himself “I don’t remember that” you trailed off. “oh you should! The next day you were acting all weird! It took me half an hour to convince you to play tag” “okay, you’re just making stuff up now, McCreery”. Scotty gave you a mock offended look before he diverted his eyes back to the road “oh, but I would never make something up when it comes to you”. “Liar, Liar, pants on fire! You once told James in the sixth grade that I had webbed toes! Remember? And then at Jordan’s swimming party he followed me around the pool for two hours trying to see my feet!” you said, practically bouncing out of your seat. “I did do that, didn’t I?” he questioned, you just nodded. “well that was only one time!” he said, as he pressed down on the brake at the stop sign. “Well then I guess you forgot the time when you told James in the seventh grade that I ate worms for lunch everyday” “I don’t remember that” “well you should, because for the last marking period of that year he would come over to my lunch table and check my sandwich, everyday.”  you crossed your arms. “Oh yeah! Now I remember! Man James is so gullible!” he chuckled as he pulled into the driveway. “that’s not the point mister, we’re discussing how you’re such a-” “oh be quiet” he said quickly, before crushing his lips against yours. This kiss was gentle, sweet, but had the over powering essence of love laced into it.

Pulling away you couldn’t help but notice the smile plastered on Scotty’s face. “come on, let’s get in there, before they think we got lost or something” he said winking at you, just before he climbed out of his truck.

The white plastic ball bounced back and forth across the green table. Scotty’s fingers were wrapped around one of the paddles as he stood there at one end of the table, while Colin stood at the other. His eyes were focused on the ball, as it headed towards him. He lined his paddle to hit the ball, and when he swung the ball blurred passed him, smacking the wall behind him. “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!” Scotty groaned as he fell to his knees. “come on McCreery, man up, this game ain’t over yet” Colin challenged. Scotty got up, picking the ball up along the way, and then he got ready to shoot the ball back.

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