Chapter 108...

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Your fingertips met with the cool clear crystal glass of the showcase. It slid across it’s smooth surface as you pressed on through the store. You weren’t really looking to buy anything, it was more of askimming around kind of thing. Something sparkly caught your attention, out of the corner of your eye, and your body automatically turned to face the glass.  "excuse me miss?" a voice broke into your concentration. Looking up, you found a man with gelled hair and a white suit standing to your side. “yes?" you asked, curiously, as you turned and faced him. “are you interesting in trying this latest fragrance?" he asked, lifting up a circular bottle. You cocked your eyebrow, as you starred at the purple tinted glass. “it’s Justin Bieber’s new perfume, Someday, it’s called" he said, moving his hand around it, as if he was a spokesman. “sure" you said calmly. Your eyes followed him, as he moved his empty hand over the showcase, and grabbed a little white card, then pulled it back over and sprayed the perfume on it. “it’s an interesting one" he said, handing you the card. With your pointer finger and thumb, you grabbed a hold of the card and brought it up to your nose, quickly sniffing the scent. Pulling it away, you starred at it for a moment, trying to figure out if you liked it or not. “not bad, right?" he asked, with a smile. You looked up at him and nodded, as you handed him the card back. “if you like it i can possibly hook you up with a small bottle, for a cheap prize" he said, setting the bottle and the card down on the glass case next to you. “no thanks i’m good" you said with a smile “well alright, have a nice day" he said, as you gave him one more smile then quickly, but not trying to make it to noticeable, walked out of the store.

People rushed throughout the mall, almost a few knocking into you, as if it was Christmas Eve, which you were certain it wasn’t, seeing as it was only early October. 

You took a glance through each window, as you passed each store. You weren’t exactly sure what you were looking for, but you knew you hadn’t found it yet. 

You stopped walking after a minute or so, not intentionally meaning to stop, but you felt like you needed to. Turning around slowly, you suddenly spotted something promising, and soon you were headed in that direction.

A little ping sounded as you stepped into the store. The array of CD’s, movie’s and other things were incredible. Your mind instantly told you to head towards the CD section.

‘Morgan, Moore, Montgomery Gentry, McGraw, McEntire, McCreery, Hey!’ you thought as you went through the CD’s. You picked up the CD that your finger last touched and you smiled as you saw your blue eyed boyfriend on the cover. “he made it" you whispered to yourself, finally in realization, then quickly you put the CD away and continued looking.

After finally choosing the new Tim McGraw CD, the Josh Turner CD and the Eric Church CD, you took a step back and looked to make sure you didn’t miss any artists. Your attention was taken away as you watched a girl enter the same aisle as you. She was skimming the CD’s herself, then suddenly she picked up the ‘Clear As Day’ CD you were holding a moment ago. 

‘time to be a good girlfriend’ you thought as you stepped forward. “you should definitely buy that album, it’s really good" you said pointing to the CD in her hand, as you took a step next to her. She looked up at you, then back to the CD, “really?" she asked, after a moment as she looked back up at you. With a smile on your face you nodded “yeah, it’s perfect, trust me". She nodded for a moment as she looked back at the CD, then she turned and looked at you “okay, i will, thanks" she said, gripping tighter onto the CD, then she turned and walked away. 

"yes!" you quietly whispered to yourself, as you put your hand in a fist and jerked your arm towards you, in a happy reaction. 

The buzzing in your pocket took you out of your happy state for a moment. Sliding your fingers into the back pocket of your jeans, you quickly pulled the phone out and smiled as you saw the name. Sliding your finger across the screen, you put the phone up to your ear. 

"guess who got someone to buy your album" you spoke into the phone, a chuckle trailed into the receiver “um you?" his deep drawl followed. “you know it" you speak as you head for the cash register. “youre the best" he spoke, you could hear the smile in his voice. “i know" you said, paying for the CD’s then leaving the store. 

"so what are you doing?" he asked, “oh you know just some birthday shopping for a certain someone" you said as you sat down on the cool metal bench. “oh, whatcha get me?" he asked, “im not telling you!" you giggled “figures, so i haven’t got the chance to ask you, what’d you think of the album?" he asked, voice full of curiosity.  "well seeing as you literally gave me five albums and i’ve listened to each of them twenty times, i would say it’s pretty incredible, McCreery" you say softly, as if not wanting anyone else to hear but him. “well ya know, i gotta make sure my girl gets a free copy, or two, or five" he chuckled at the memory.

"(YOURNAME) WAKE UP YOU’RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" you opened your eyes and pushed yourself slowly up, turning to look at the dim light creeping in from the crack in between your curtains. "(YOURNAME)!" your mothers voice rang out once again. “I’M UP!" you yelled back, without trying to sound too cranky. Kicking the blankets away from your body you climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom. 

After a half an hour of getting ready, you were bouncing down the stairs, eagerly hoping your mom made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Walking into the kitchen, you found a little brown box sitting in your usual spot at the table. “what’s this?" you asked your mom, who”s back was towards you. “i dont know, it was on the porch and it has your name on it" she shrugged, turning around and taking her own seat at the table. “hmm" you mumbled as your fingers gripped into the tape, ripping it off. Then your fingers found the edges of the cardboard and pulled those away. 

Looking inside you found a white piece of paper resting at the top. Picking it up you flipped it around and found writing scrawled across, written in Scotty’s familiar handwriting. 

‘Clear as Day is releasing tomorrow, and well i thought you’d like the first set of copies, enjoy! I’ll see you when i get back in town ;) -Scotty’ 

Setting the piece of paper on the table, you looked in the box and found copy after copy of Scotty’s brand new album Clear As Day. A smile was wide on your face, as you looked up at your mom. “no you’re not skipping school just so you can listen to the CD, it’ll be here when you get home" she said, reading your mind “but momma" you whined “too bad, come on we better leave now so we can beat the rush" she said, taking a final sip of her orange juice, then she was on of her chair and pushing you out the door.

"well i better get going, got more promoting to do" he said, sadly “okay" you softly said “i love you" he said, with a little more happiness in his voice. “i love you too" you said, and with that you pulled the phone away and hung up. 

"now time to finish shopping for this boy" you said to yourself, as you got up and continued through the mall.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora