Chapter 26...

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Laying there in bed, you just starred up at the ceiling. It was almost three in the morning, and you havent been to bed yet, youve tried everything. You’d doze off for a moment, but then wake up a second later, scared. Even though you knew it was just your friends earlier, you couldnt get the thought of those masks out of your mind. Sitting up, you starred out the window for a moment, to the house a few feet away. The lights were off, making it look peaceful yet something also felt wrong. Taking a closer look you watched as in Scotty’s room you could see his shadow moving in his bed, then a little flicker of light appeared, it was his phone. Still watching, you saw him sit up in his bed and just monkey with his phone for a second, then you watched as he pressed a button and the light disappeared. Waiting, you sat there still watching hopefully something would happen and suddenly your cell phone went off on the night stand, turning your torso, you reached over and picked it up real quick, swiftly, you pressed a button and opened the message.

“Hey, if you’re awake can you meet me outside real quick?”

You read to yourself, smiling slightly, you pressed the reply button and quickly typed back

“yeah, i’ll meet ya”

Pressing the send button you turned back and looked out the window, and watched as Scotty opened the message, the light from his phone was just hitting his face right that you could see a hint of a smile on his lips, he then got out of his bed and headed out of his room. As soon as his bedroom door closed you climbed out of your own bed and quietly as possible headed out of your room, looking over the banister, you saw complete blackness, no one was awake. Heading down the hallway you reached the stairs and quickly made your way down them, they kept creaking on the way down, so when you were to the third to last step you swiftly jumped. Looking around the room, you made sure no one was awake, then you headed for the kitchen, you were half way to the back door when the kitchen light turned on “where do you think your going?” you heard from behind you, turning around you found your dad sitting there at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee “umm uhh, what are you doing up?” you questioned, crossing your arms “i asked you first, and i’m your father so you better answer me right now or youre grounded for a week” he threatened, “i’m going out to meet Scotty real quick” you mumbled “what was that?” “i’m going to meet Scotty outside real quick” you said looking him in the eyes “what for?” “dad, i just need to” you whispered “hun, i dont want this kid to hurt you in anyway” “he wont?” you asked confused “i mean, i know how you feel for him, but i just, oh goodness i should save this kinda stuff for your mother..” he trailed off laughing, a hint of a smile came to you then, walking over to your dad you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly, he then placed his arms around you, squeezing you slightly, looking up at him you smile, he looked down at you and smile “dad, Scotty would never hurt me, i know this, he’s a good person, he wouldn’t do such a thing, and were just friends, its gonna be alright” you said “alright honey, just be careful” he said lightly kissing the top of your head “does that mean i can go see him?” you asked, your dad just nodded and let go of you “thanks dad” you said standing on your tip-toes and lightly kissing his cheek, then turning around and heading out the back door.

Stepping out onto the porch, the crisp air surrounded you, leading you to wrapping your arms around your body. Looking over the railing of the back porch you saw Scotty standing there, leaning up against his house. Slowly you made your way off the porch and over into the driveway, hearing you come his way, Scotty looked up and saw you he smiled and walked over to you. Stopping in the middle of the driveway, you guys just stood there looking at each other, then suddenly he put his arms around you, pulling you into a hug, you wrapped your arms around him tightly, not waiting to let go. The both of you just stood there, in silence, the only light from coming from the moon, looking up, you realized scotty was looking down at you “why did you want me out here?” you asked “i felt like something was wrong with you” he said looking around for a moment, then looking back at you. “well you were right, something was wrong, but now i’m fine, because of you” you said smiling at him “that’s good” he said with a smile, slowly you began to pull out of the hug, but Scotty didnt remove his arms “i better get back to bed” you said slowly “here let me walk you to the door” he said, you just nodded and you two began to head to the back door.

“Thanks Scotty” you said with a smile on your face, as you guys reached the door, he was looking around, as if something was wrong “are you okay?” you asked “i dont know, i just feel like i should stay with you” he said looking down at his feet “well if ya want you can sleep here tonight? Even though it s a school night” you said with little hope “that’d be great” he said with a smile, you opened the back door and walked into the kitchen, Scotty was right behind you. The smell of brewing coffee surrounded the room, your dad was still at the table, probably on his second cup of coffee “umm dad, can Scotty just stay here tonight?” you asked, he gave you a strange look “please?” you said giving him a look, he gave in and nodded his head “but no foolish business, you guys have school” he said getting up from the table and putting his cup in the sink, then turning around and walking out of the kitchen, you turned around looked at Scotty he was smiling at you “wait what about your parents? they dont know your here” you said a bit worried “oh dont worry i left them a note, just in case if i ended up staying, i just had a feeling i would be” he said his smile fading a bit “oh, alright, well you can go sleep in my room and i can take the couch” you said leading him into the living room “no its your house, i’ll take the couch, you can have your bed” he said with a smile “you sure?” you asked starting to head upstairs “positive” he said climbing the stairs to you, then wrapping his arms around you once more, you hugged him back quickly. Then you both separated and headed in oppostie directions. Reaching the top of the stairs, you looked over the banister and saw Scotty fixing the pillow on the couch “Scotty” you called out, he turned around and walked over so he could see you “yeah?” he asked, you bit your lip for a second “love you” you said, then holding your breath. Scotty looked down at the ground for a second as he shoved his hands in his pockets, he then looked back up to you a moment later “love you too” he said, you smiled at him, then turned around and headed for your room. Closing the door behind you, you turned the light off and got into bed. With your heart pounding one hundred miles an hour, you had no clue how you were going to get to sleep, but as soon as your head hit the pillow you were out like a light.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن