Chapter 120...

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Your POV

Your fingers wove through his red tinted puertorican curls. He sat there staring off into the distance, amongst the chaos. 

He was still upset about the present disappearing, and you were trying everything in your power to make him smile. 

“hey, (your name), how about you tickle him, that would crack a good smile” Mr. McCreery suggested. But after the word ‘tickle’ was spoken, Scotty folded his arms, letting you know he didn’t want none of that. 

Pulling your hand away from his hair, you pushed yourself off the couch, then turned and held your hand out towards him. “what?” he asked, looking at your hand, then towards your eyes. “come on” you simple stated, grabbing onto his hand and then pulling him off the couch.

He was reluctant to follow, but he did anyways, and soon you stood face to face in the dining room. 

“why’d ya bring me here?” he asked, pulling a chair out from the table and taking a seat. “because I need you to listen, and I need you to listen good, McCreery” you pulled a chair out as well, and took a seat across from him. “I don’t care if my present isn’t here, I don’t care if you left it at your house, I don’t care if you lost it for good, presents don’t mean much to me, now what I do care about is you, and I hate seeing you beat yourself up over this.” you spoke, barely above a whisper. Scotty’s eyes stayed locked on yours, as he rubbed his hands against his jeans. “alright” he stood up. “I’ll try not to think about it anymore” he said, pulling you up from your chair. “promise?” you asked. He nodded, “I promise” he then pulled you into a hug. 

“(YOURNAME) SCOTTY!!! GET OUT HERE, THERE IS SOMEONE HERE I WANT YOU TO MEET!” Alana’s voice echoed from the living room. Giving Scotty one last squeeze, you pulled out of the hug and led him back into the living room.

Alana stood by the front door, with her back towards you, while other family members crowded around. “who do you want us to meet?” you asked, stepping towards your older sister. 

In a brief moment she stepped to the side and turned around, then linked her arm with the arm of a tall guy next to her. He was a clean cut guy, standing at least 6ft. He was dressed well and had a killer smile. 

“Scotty, (your name), this is Zac” your sister motioned towards him. His smile widened as he stepped towards you, and held his hand out “nice to meet you, (your name)”. With a smile you grabbed a hold of his hand and shook it “it’s nice to finally meet you Zac” you said softly. He glanced at Alana for a moment, then turned and looked towards Scotty. “it’s also nice to meet you, Scotty, Alana never told me her younger sister was dating an American Idol winner” he said holding his hand out towards Scotty, who took it and shook it. “Well I’d understand why, I’m nothing special” Scotty shrugged, then pulled his hand away. “I’d have to argue with you on that one, I’m sure you got all the girls chasing after you” Zac said, while wrapping his arm around Alana. “well I’m not so sure about that” Scotty said, as he looked down towards you, with a genuine smile. “I can understand why” Zac said, smile growing wider. He’s a charmer. 

“Well Zac, how about you come on in here and lets get to know you better” your dad spoke, as he patted him on the shoulder. “sounds good, sir” Zac nodded, as they headed towards the living room with your dad. 

Quickly you stepped towards Alana. “you got a good one” you whispered, nudging her with your arm. “thanks” she said as she began to head for the living room. 

“yeah he’s a hottie for sure” Callie spoke up. Alana stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around. “don’t even think about it, Callie” Alana said coldly, then turned around and headed into the living room.


“well thanks for coming, y’all” your mom said, as she hugged Judy good bye. “thanks for inviting us, Merry Christmas” Judy said with a smile, as she pulled away and walked towards her husband, who stood by the front door.

“I’ll talk to you later, okay?” you asked Scotty, he nodded and then leaned in and kissed your forehead. “Merry Christmas, (your name)” he whispered, then pulled away and walked towards the front door, with his sister. 

“bye Scotty” Callie flirtatiously called from behind you. Turning around, you found her leaning up against the door frame and staring directly towards Scotty.

Turning back, you saw Scotty staring blankly at her. Mr. McCreery nudged him to say something. “bye Callie” he spoke quickly, then turned around and quickly walked out the front door. 

You couldn’t help but laugh, as you turned around and gave Callie a smirk, then walked back into the living room, to join the rest of your family. 


Scotty’s POV

“I can’t find it anywhere” he breathed into the phone, as he continued to search the room. “it’s okay, you just misplaced it and will probably find it in a few days” she spoke in a soothing voice. “I know but-” “but nothing, it’s okay” she cut him off. He took a deep breath, as he walked to his bed room light and flicked it off. “alright, well I guess I’m just gonna go to bed, I love you (your name)” he almost whispered as he made his way towards the bed. “I love you too” she said quietly. And then with a smile, Scotty pulled the phone away and hung up.

Setting his phone on the bed side table, he climbed under the covers and moved around until he was comfortable, then he closed his eyes, hoping to forget about the days events.

As sleep had almost consumed him, his phone buzzed, causing his eyes to snap open. Reaching over he grabbed the phone and opened the message. 

Hey bro, ya up?

The message from James read. Scotty quickly began to type, all while being halfway asleep.

I amm now, whats up??

Then he placed his phone on his chest and closed his eyes, waiting for the next text. 

Moments later his phone buzzed, causing his chest to rumble. He picked his phone up and opened the message.

Listen, brotha, I need to talk to you about something important… it’s about (your name)…

Scotty’s eyes shot open at the simple name written on his phone. He slowly sat up and began to type once more.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now