Chapter 66...

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Climbing out of the car, once you had pulled into your aunt’s driveway, you began stomping your feet on the sidewalk, trying to get the dirt off your sneakers. “thats not gonna do much” Scotty laughed as he walked over to you. “oh yeah? Well then what will?” you asked, as you stopped stomping “give me them” he said “my sneakers?’ you asked, confused, he just nodded. “okay, McCreery, but this better work” you laughed, as you slipped your sneakers off and handed them to him. Taking them, he began to walk off towards the house. With a confused expression appearing on your face, you chased after him “honey, wait” you heard your mom call, “yeah?” you asked, stopping in your tracks, and turning to face her “when you get inside, please wash up?” she asked “is it really that bad?” you asked, she just nodded. Rolling your eyes, you turned back around and found Scotty standing there, waiting for you. “i think you look adorable” he said, winking at you “like this?” you asked him, pointing to your dirt covered face, he just nodded at you two continued to walk towards the house.

Stepping foot into the house, you began heading for the bathroom “(yourname)” Scotty suddenly said, “yeah?” you asked turning back to him “when your done, i’ll be out back waiting for ya, alright?” he asked, you nodded and continued towards the bathroom.

Opening the bathroom door and turning the light on, you walked in and looked into the mirror, starring back at you was a young girl with her tangled hair up in a pony tail, as dirt was sticking to the sweat covered areas upon her face “woah” you whispered, as you took a closer look. A weird expression crossed your face as you pulled away and grabbed the small towel, resting there on the counter. Turning the knob closest to you, a rush of water came out of the faucet as you quickly put the towel under the running water and soon enough pulled it back out as you turned the facet off. Then gently, you began to wipe the towel on dirt covered skin, causing the dirt to turn from a dusty tan color, to a smooth deep brown.

Minutes later, your skin had no more traces of dirt and was now dry. Throwing the muddy towel into the hamper, you turned the light off and walked out of the bathroom.

Walking through the living room, you found almost everyone in there, except for Scotty, who you expected not to be, and Callie, which made you worried.

Everyone watched you, as you swiftly walked passed them.

Reaching the back door you looked screen, Scotty out there, leaning against the railing, but there was no Callie in sight, this made you smile. Stepping outside, Scotty turned around as he heard the creaking sound of the door, he smiled realizing it was you “took ya long enough” he joked “would you rather have me covered in dirt or not?” you asked, resting your hands on your hips, he just shrugged “doesn’t matter, your the same person either way, now come over here” he said gesturing you. As you reached him you watched as he picked up your shoes “all you gotta do is this” he said beginning to smack your sneakers together, over the railing. Dirt was beginning to fly off my them “thats it?” you asked, he just nodded and handed you your shoes back, once he finished “well i’ll remember that next time” you said taking them “good, now come on lets get back in there before were missed” he said heading for the house, you just laughed as you followed behind him.

Reaching the living room, you found everyone surrounding your uncle as he was talking. “whats going on?” you asked your sister, as you stood next to her, she looked at you for a moment, then back at Uncle Jerry “he’s pretty much talking about how for the next three hours, the losing team has to take all the winning teams commands no matter what” she said shrugging “shoot” you whispered “like i said before this shall be fun” Scotty whispered to you, as he looked at your sister “oh yes it will be” she agreed nodding her head.

“alright everyone, so the listening to the winning team begins now” your uncle said finishing his speech. As he walked away everyone began to give commands, quickly you began to walk away from Scotty & your sister, trying to sneak away “(yourname) come back here” your sister said. Knowing that you had to listen, you turned around and walked back to her “yes?” you asked “can you get Scotty and me two glasses of sweet tea?” she asked “i guess” you said, as you headed for the kitchen.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now