Chapter 122...

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Callie had kept you up last night. She laid in your bed, head under your covers, as she giggled on the phone with a friend, for three straight hours. You swear you had heard her say Scotty’s name quite a few times, and even yours once or twice. But you let it go, knowing that she thought you were sound asleep. And in that three hour span you so badly wanted to fall asleep, but Callie kept talking about Scotty. She first started off by saying how cute he was, but then she got more detailed by saying how she ‘loved the way the tints of red appeared in his hair, as he stepped out into the sunlight’. You eventually had to bite your tongue to stop yourself before you’d go on a screaming rampage. 

Eventually she began to say her good byes to her friend, but one thing she said stuck with you throughout the night and carried into the next day. “yeah, I think they might be over. He pretty much ignored her when we went sledding! I think I should make my move now”.

You sat upon the couch, bundled up in blankets, as your eyes were fixated on the TV. But you weren’t really watching, as your mind was off somewhere else. 

“(your name)?” was spoken from the end of the couch. Looking over you found your cousin Bo staring at you. “hmm?” you asked. He licked his lips for a second, searching for the right words. “are you okay?”.  You closed your eyes for a second before answering. “I guess”. He stared at you for a brief moment. “Is it that boyfriend of yours? Cause I swear to God I will kick his-” “no, Bo, it’s okay. Thanks though” you said, giving him a grateful smile. He nodded. “anything for my little cuz”  then he leaned over, wrapped his arm around your neck and pulled you into his chest, while rubbing his knuckle against your skull, giving you a noogie. “Bo! Bo! Stop it!” you yelled out, pushing against his chest. “now that’s not the words I’m looking for” he chuckled. “UNCLE!” you called out, and soon enough he released you from his grasp. 

Sitting back against the arm rest, you began to run your fingers through your strands of hair, smoothing it out. “aww, did I mess the princess’s hair?” Bo asked in a baby voice. You glared at him. “you better shut it Bo, before I shut it for you”. “oh the princess has threats” he held up in hands in defense. “she sure does, and that’s Queen to you” you pointed towards him, then climbed up off the couch and headed out towards the kitchen.

“So (your name), haven’t seen Scotty around here much, how’s he doing?” Callie asked from across the dinner table. A few wandering eyes from curious family members had locked on you, while others continued on with their prior conversations. You shrugged. “he’s doing good, I guess”. “you guess?”. You didn’t say anything, as you swirled your fork around your plate. “yeah, he hasn’t been around here in a few days, where has he been?” your mother asked, from the head of the table. You looked towards her, giving her an almost pleading look. Her eyebrows arched in confusion, then settled gently, as she turned towards her brother next to her and started a conversation with him. With a relieved breath you turned back towards your plate in front of you, and began pushing your food in every which way. “yeah, sweetheart, where has he been? He sure is a charmer, I would love to see him once more before I leave” your grandma spoke slowly, as she smiled towards you. You couldn’t help but smile at her. “we, um, we’re kinda having some issues right now, grandma” you spoke calmly, even though you wanted to scream. “issues? Like what kind of issues?” Callie asked, not actually caring. “just issues” you stated, picking up your glass of tea and pressing it to your lips. 

With a smug smile, Callie looked down at her plate. Then she slowly looked back up at you, and leaned in slowly.  You followed her notion, and leaned slightly over the table. 

“it took him long enough to realize how much of a prude you are. He needs someone who will really treat him well, like me.” she softly scuffed.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora