Chapter 82...

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Weeks passed, and it was now April 28th. Things weren’t the same as they were about a month ago. As April had come around, Scotty was taking hours, or even days just to call or text you back, but you understood, ‘he’s just busy, right?’ you asked yourself repeatedly and answering your own question with ‘yeah, that’s just it’ and you’d go on. But as the contestants declined, well Scotty began not to reply to anything, no matter what you did. The last time you called him was last night, and of course, he didn’t answer. You couldn’t even leave a voice mail, cause his inbox was full ‘probably all from me’ you thought angrily, as you pressed the end button and tossed your phone onto your bed. And as this whole month grew on, and every idol show appeared on your television screen, you couldn’t help but see how close Lauren and Scotty have gotten ‘that’s how we used to be’ you’d think after every cute little thing they did. You never dared to say this out loud, you didn’t want your parents or Scotty’s parents to realize how out of touch you’ve both gotten. The only people who knew, was you and Scotty. And after every ‘you two are meant for each other’ or ‘you two are so cute’ people have told you in the last few months, you couldn’t help but think ‘i guess, it was just our time to separate’.

“(yourname) hurry up! we don’t want to be late!” your mom called from downstairs “okay okay, i’m coming!” you yelled back, picking your phone up and shoving it in your back pocket as you walked out of your bedroom door.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you found your parents and Mr. McCreery standing there “sorry” you mumbled, as you all walked out of the house and got into the cars. Instead of just going to the McCreery’s house to watch the idol episodes, lately you’ve been going to the showings that they had set up in town. This night it was set up to be shown at the school.

There was atleast twenty minutes left until American idol was supposed to be on, when you guys walked into the gym. “i’m gonna go sit with my friends, okay?” you asked your parents, they nodded as they went to go look for seats. Looking around the gym, you smiled once you spotted Scotty’s friends and a few of your sitting a few rows away from the screen. There was an empty seat next to Kyle, so you quickly made your way over.

“can i sit here?” you asked, Kyle looked up at you, he must of been day dreaming cause he seemed disoriented, “oh, yeah, go ahead” he said, sitting up “thanks” you said taking your seat.

Minutes later the lights in the gym dimmed down as American idol popped on the screen. Everyone hushed down as the familiar music played and the logo appeared.

Soon enough the announcer was calling out the judges and Ryan, and before you knew it Ryan was bringing out the contestants, naming them off one by one. There was a light throbbing feeling in your heart when Scotty appeared on the screen. You fought back the tears while the whole room roared with applause.

Then the contestants took a seat on the couch while Ryan went into showing the ford music video to the song “our house”. The six remaining idol contestants were literally drawing their own house through out the video, and this made you smile a bit, seeing Scotty drawing a couch made up of a bunch of orange circles, when in reality he couldn’t draw to save his life.

Then the video ended and showed Ryan once more as he went in talk about a recent party the idols went to, then the screen shot up with Scotty getting his picture taken with two people, then he began to try to talk in a british accent, everyone in the gym laughed, as his really bad attempt at it.

The video ended showing a picture of all the idols, your stomach churned as you saw Lauren sitting on Scotty’s lap. ‘they’ve become so close’ you thought, feeling bad.

The screen pulled back once more to Ryan and he announced a group number, then Haley Reinhart appeared from out behind the screen as she began to sing the Carole King medley. James then appeared to sing with Haley, then she disappeared and Scotty appeared, once again another pain shot through you. 

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