Chapter 19...

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Weeks had slowly crept by, you & Scotty hadn’t talked about what your friend had told you the night of the bonfire, Scotty had pretty much forget about it, well atleast thats what you thought.

There was only two weeks of summer left, and then it’d be the start of junior year for the two of you.

The sun was slowly going down as Scotty & you were walking together, towards the highschool, most of the baseball players were meeting there, just to play a little game of baseball & Scotty had asked you to go and watch. And of course you said yes, knowing that you were Scotty’s lucky charm, he’d need you there. The wind was blowing hard, causing your hair to fly everywhere. you kept pulling it out of your face, but seconds later it’d be right back where it was, it got you frustrated to the point where you just put your hair up. “why didnt you do that about ten minutes ago?” Scotty laughed slightly “i dont know, i forgot i had a hair tie i guess” you said jokingly pushing him, “hey no need to push” he said pushing you back “look who’s the one pushing now” you said taking his baseball away from him, and throwing it in the air, and catching it seconds later. “your a slow walker” Scotty said taking the ball away from you “well excuse me for having such short legs” “that doesnt have anything to do with it” he laughed “yes it does” “does not” “does too” you said stomping your foot and crossing your arms across your chest “here i’ll give you a piggy back ride”  he said standing there in front of you “umm why?” you asked “we’ll get there faster, then we are now” he said “fine.” you said hopping on his back, you carefully placed your arms around his neck and your legs dangled from his waist, Scotty adjusted you then continued walking “see this is faster” Scotty said “yeah your right the plus side is your doing all the work” you laughed, Scotty just laughed with you and continued walking.

Minutes later you guys reached the school, hopping off Scotty’s back you walked over to the bleachers where some of your other friends were, Scotty walked onto the field and the boys began to separate into teams. As you took a seat by your friends they were all smiling at you “what?” you asked “so whats going on between you and Scotty?” one of them asked “umm nothing why?” “well, Scotty’s friend Tim was saying that Scotty won’t stop talking about you!” she said all giddy “you’re kidding right?” “nope” “what would he be saying about me?” “I’m not sure, he wouldnt say but he did say they were all good things, nothing bad” she said smiling “wow, well i’m glad you guys don’t tell them how much i talk about scotty” was all you could say “Well…” she trailed off “well what?” “well that’s what Tim is telling Scotty right now” “WHAT!” your friend just nodded, quickly you got up and ran on the field “SCOTTY DON’T LISTEN TO HIM, HES JOKING!!!” you yelled as you reached the guys at the mound, Scotty gave you a strange look “umm he’s joking about who’s playing on who’s team?” Scotty asked. Realizing what you just did, you just blushed a deep shade of red “umm yep, well i’m gonna go back over there now…” you said as you turned around and started heading back “(your name)” you heard one of the boys calling you, you turned back around and looked at him, it was Tim “WHAT?” you called back “DON’T WORRY WE WON’T TELL HIM” he yelled to you, you blushed even more and turned around “tell me what” you could hear Scotty ask the other guys, they just brushed it off and went back to choosing teams. Quickly you sat back down and covered your face, your friends just kept laughing “it’s not funny!” you said as your face went even more red “oh yes it is, especially how you were running towards them” one friend said as they showed you how you run, you began to laugh at that “okay it was a little funny, but did you really tell Tim and them about how much i talk about Scotty?” you asked “no, we didn’t so i really have no clue what he’s talking about..” “looks like i’m gonna have to talk to him after this game” you said leaning against the bleachers and watching as the guys began to play.

An hour later, the game was almost over. Scotty’s team was down by two points. Scotty was up to bat next & the bases were loaded. “GO SCOTTY!!!” you screamed as you stood up on the top of bleachers. Scotty looked back towards you, he flashed you a smile then turned back around and got into position. The pitcher threw the ball then, Scotty swung, and missed, strike 1. Adjusting his position, Scotty got ready for the next throw. The pitcher once again threw the ball, and once again Scotty had missed, strike 2. Rubbing his neck, Scotty turned to face you, you smiled at him, he smiled back and then turned back around. This time he was determined to hit the ball. The pitcher threw the ball once again, this time Scotty swung his bat and smacked the ball. He watched as the ball went flying across the field, and over the fence. HOME RUN. Scotty made his way around the bases, with the biggest smile on his face. Jumping off the bleachers you ran onto the field, tackling scotty with a hug, his other team came running over, they pulled you away from him and placed you on their shoulders. “Scotty should be on your shoulders not me!” you yelled at them “Scotty only won the game cause youre his good luck charm!” one of them yelled back. You just laughed and let them carry you around the field for a few more seconds. Then they placed you back on the ground. Scotty walked over to you and smiled “what am i gonna do without you when i play baseball in college?” he asked you “well Mr. McCreery i think you’d be too busy being the American Idol for college baseball” you laughed “sure, like that is actually gonna happen” he laughed “it is, i believe in you” you smiled. You two began to walk away from the field when you remembered something “oh wait i gotta go talk to Tim real quick” you said “alright i’ll be waiting here” Scotty said leaning against the tree, you nodded your head then turned around and ran back towards Tim. Soon you reached the field and found Tim in the dug out grabbing his bags “Hey (your name) what are you still doing here?” he asked “i have a question, earlier you said that you guys wouldn’t tell him something, but what were you talking about?” you asked, he laughed and shook his head “what i meant was, we know you like Scotty, but we won’t tell him that you do, were letting him figure it out on his own” he smiled “oh, well thanks” you said with a smile as you began to turn around to walk away, but then turned back around “wait how did you know that i like Scotty?” you asked “it’s kinda obvious” he laughed “guess i need to tone it down a bit?” you asked “well its not that obvious, if Scotty doesnt know that you like him yet, then you dont need to change the way you act” he said swinging his bag around his shoulder “alright, thanks tim” you said with a smile “anytime, later” he said walking away “bye” you said walking in the different direction, towards Scotty. “what was that about?” Scotty asked as you reached him “oh nothing” you said with a smile as you two began to walk away from the school.

Later that night you and Scotty were outside with the family, just relaxing. Your mom and judy were just talking at the table, Mike & your dad were grilling up some food, Ashley & your sister were in the house, talking to a friend on the phone, and you and Scotty were sitting in the grass, playing with Scotty’s dogs. “so i have a question?” scotty asked “hmm?” you asked looking up at him for a moment then looking back at the dogs. “well that night at the bonfire, what did (insert your best friends name here) say?” he asked “oh that..” you trailed off, as you just looked at the dogs “yeah that” “well, she told me about the girl and how your friend said you had an eye on another girl..” “did she say anything else?” “well she did say that your friend mentioned my name” you smiled “well about that…” he said running his fingers through his hair, nervously, “scotty we really don’t have to talk about it, if ya don’t want too” you said looking up at him, “you sure?” he asked, looking you right in the eyes “only if you don’t want too” you said smiling, “alright” he said nodding his head, then laid down against the grass, starring at the sky. You just smiled as you leaned back on your elbows and just looked up at the sky

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now