Chapter 116...

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The warmth from your blankets surrounded you, chest to toes, as you laid there, bundled up inside. Your eyes were shut, but you weren’t asleep. The loud humming sound from downstairs indicated that your mother was cleaning, and there was no way you wanted to be around her when she was in that state of mind. Rolling from your back to your side, you let out a content sigh, as you relaxed into the mattress. 

The soft sound of footsteps walking down the hall made you open your eyes then. You knew they were coming to get you, so slowly you rolled over, facing the door. A moment passed before two light knocks sounded against the dark wood. ‘come in’ you said, barely audible. The door opened, as you sat up, and your mom appeared in the frame. “oh good your awake, come on and get dressed we have a lot to do before the family shows up!" she said excitedly. Groaning loudly, you fell back against your pillow, and pulled your blankets far past your head. 

"oh i don’t think so little missy" you heard just before your blankets were pulled away, exposing you too the cold stale air. “mommmmm!" you said, trailing out the ‘m’. “don’t give me any of that, (yourname) now come on, get up, get dressed, get cleaning! it’s gonna be a great day!" she with a smile, as she walked out of your room, leaving the door wide open. 

Pushing yourself off the bed, you slowly walked over towards the door. Pressing your hand against the smooth wood, you pushed it slowly, until it shut. Turning around you walked towards your night stand and picked up your phone, checking for messages, but there were none.

Setting your phone back down you took a deep breath as you turned and looked around your room. “Well better get this day started" you said as you headed towards your dresser.


"(YOURNAME) CAN YOU GET ME THE MOP!!!" her voice echoed throughout the house. Getting up off the couch you ran to the hall closet and grabbed the mop, then turned and headed for the kitchen."here" you said, handing it towards her. She took it with a wide smile on her face. “thank you dear, can you do me another favor and wake your dad up from his nap?" she asked, you nodded and turned towards the living room.

As you climbed the stairs two at a time, you stopped once you heard a knock on the front door, and began to turn around. “keep going, i’ll get the door" your mom said, as she saw you heading back down the stairs, you nodded and turned right back around and continued on your way.

"DAD WAKE UP WAKEY WAKEY TIME COME ON GET UP!" you yelled loudly, as you burst into his room, turning on his light. He jumped slightly, as he sat up quick and looked at you. “okay, okay, i’m up" he said, rubbing his face. “good, see  down stairs in five minutes" you said with a smug smile, as you turned and walked out of the room.

Walking down the stairs, you turned towards the kitchen and started heading in that direction, until someone grabbed a hold of your arm and pulled you back into their frame.

Bewildered, you looked up and smiled once you saw those blue eyes staring down at you. “Scott Cooke McCreery" you spoke slowly, as a smile formed on your face. “well hello to you too" he said, as he leaned down and quickly gave you a kiss. As he pulled away, the smile you had before became wider. He slowly released you from his grip, just as your father came bouncing down the stairs. 

"hey Scotty, how ya doing?" your dad asked, as he slowly passed you two. “i’m doing great sir, how about you?" Scotty followed him towards the kitchen, as he held your hand, pulling you along. “i’m great,thanks for asking" your dad spoke, pulling a coffee cup out of the cupboard. “that’s good to hear" Scotty said, as he took another step into the kitchen. 

"so Scotty, dear, what brings you over?" your mom asked him then. Scotty turned and looked at her “well i was wondering if i could steal (yourname) for a little bit?" he asked, genuine smile on his face. “Well we’re quite busy today" “oh let her go, (momsname), she’ll be back before any of the family members show up, isn;t that right Scotty?" your asked, Scotty nodded towards your father then turned back towards your mom, with a hopeful smile on his face. “alright, just bring her back before four" “thanks Mrs. (lastname) i’ll bring her back before then!" Scotty said excitedly, as he turned and pulled you out of the kitchen and soon out of the front door. 

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now