Chapter 57...

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“Oh oh oh I.. I wanna go crazy You can go crazy too Oh oh oh I.. I wanna go crazy I wanna go crazy with you” quietly came through the speakers of your alarm clock. Rolling over, you smacked your alarm clock, turning it off. “only three day this week, i can handle it” you whispered to yourself as you kicked your blankets away. Getting up out of your bed, you began to stretch your tired muscles, just then your cell phone went off, picking it up you looked at the screen “Call from: Scotty :)” a smile appeared on your face as you answered it “morning!” you said into the phone, a laugh came from the other end of the phone “morning to you too” Scotty said, his deep voice sounding a bit tired “are you getting a ride with me today?” he asked “are you offering?” you asked, looking out your window, seeing him sitting in his bed, in the house next door. “well of course, meet you out there in fifteen?” he asked “make it twenty and we have a deal?” you asked pleading look on your face, because you knew it could see you “alright, twenty and that’s it, see you out there!” he said “see you!” you said, then hung up your phone and began to get ready.

Grabbing Scotty’s blue sweatshirt off your dresser, you walked out of your room. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you grabbed your shoes and quickly through them on “bye mom! love you!” you yelled as you opened the front door “love you too” she yelled back just as you closed the door. Running down the porch stairs, you found Scotty standing there leaning against his truck “just in time, i was going to leave without you” he laughed “oh you wouldn’t do such a thing like that!” you laughed as you climbed into his truck. Just then you remembered his sweatshirt in your hands “here” you said handing it to him, he took it for a moment then handed it back to you “how about you wear it today? You can give it to me after school” he said with a smile “you sure?” you asked, he just nodded as he began to pull out of the driveway.

Halfway to school, you turned the radio down a bit “what do you have to say now?” Scotty asked, smile on his face, as he came to a stop sign. “how’d you know i had to say something?” you asked “because you turned the radio down” he laughed, as he saw no cars and pressed on the gas, lurching the truck forward. “well i wanted to say thanks, for having your friends watch out for me while you were gone” you smiled looking at him “especially James’” you continued “there my boys, it’s in our guy cold to watch out for each others girls” he laughed “i’m your girl?” you asked, giving him a smug smile “well, i mean, umm” he began “i’m kidding, i know what you mean” you laughed, Scotty let out a sigh of relief “good, but James’ was saying how you were not wanting anything with the protecting thing at first” “well i didn’t thought i could take care of myself, but once the whole Ricky thing happened, i knew i needed them” you said looking out the window “well i’m glad you didn’t fight against the guys after that” Scotty said pulling into the parking lot “well it won’t always be like that though Scotty” you laughed, and unbuckled your seat belt once he pulled into a parking lot. Getting out of the truck, Scotty pulled his backpack over his shoulders “you sure are one stubborn girl (your first and last name)” he laughed “oh, you know you love it Scotty McCreery” you said pushing him, Scotty didn’t say anythnig, he just laughed.

The day was flying by, and for the first half of the day you had yet to see Ricky anywhere, you thought maybe he was sick that day, and you were hoping that was true, for reasons.

Once lunch time came, Scotty met you at your locker, in a way you could tell he was keeping an eye out for a certain someone. But you tried not to pay much attention to it, and soon enough you both were heading into the cafeteria to get lunch.

“Scotty, calm down, i don’t even think he is here today” you said once you reached the table “(yourname) if he isn’t here than why is he sitting at the table over there?” he asked pointing across the cafeteria. Quickly you turned your head, and like Scotty said Ricky was sitting right there, Ricky saw you looking at him and he waved, turning your head you looked at Scotty who was of course glaring at Scotty. Grabbing Scotty’s hand, you took his attention away from Ricky the moment your skin had touched, Scotty soften up and smiled at you “Scotty, please just don’t pay attention to him?” you begged, “i’ll try, but it’d be better if he stopped starring” Scotty said, “well, Scotty i’m only looking at you right now, not him so dont worry about it alright?” you said, Scotty smiled at that and nodded his head, and went back to eating.

Moments later, the bell rang and Scotty got up and grabbed your hand and practically dragged you out of the cafeteria, so Ricky could get no where near you. “Scotty why are you walking this way?” you asked him as he was walking in the complete opposite direction of his class room “i’m walking you to class, so ricky doesn’t come near you” he said continuing walking “okay there are two things with that sentence” you said pulling him to the side of the hall way, he gave you a confused look “one, you are going to be late to class and two you need to stop worrying about Ricky, if he gets near me i will give him a piece of my mind, it’s all going to be okay.” you said in a serious tone “youre right, i’ll see you in eighth period” he said beginning to walk in the direction of his class, you nodded and turned around to walk to your class, you smiled thinking he may be able to calm down for once.

“alright class, for the next two days we will just be watching a movie, we will vote on the movies you guys bring in, have a nice day!” your teacher said as she finished with the notes. Closing your notebook, you got up out of your seat and began putting your things into your backpack, the bell rang then. Scotty walked over to you and you both left the class room.

Walking out of the school, you found Ricky sitting there at the bottom of the stair case, Scotty just pulled you along “hey there, (yourname)” Ricky suddenly said, getting up from his seat and walking after you, you stopped them and turned around, “Ricky, seriously what do you want?” you asked him “oh i dont know, maybe just a chance with you” he said biting his lip and getting closer to you “listen Ricky, can you please just back off? I’m not gonna give you a chance” you said crossing your arms, Scotty was mere centimeters from you “and why not? Any girl would be lucky to be with me” he said crossing his arms taking another step closer to you “maybe because, youre not my type, what so ever” you said “well then what is your type?” Ricky asked “a kind hearted country guy, that’s what, and i’m sorry but you don’t fit the description” you said shrugging your shoulders “oh so i’m guessing Scotty boy over here fits it?” he asked taking a step towards Scotty “maybe i do and maybe i don’t but i’m just her friend and am here to protect her, so i advise you to leave her alone and go after someone else, alright?” Scotty suggested giving him a menacing look, Ricky looked a bit shocked “umm, alright, whatever man, I’m too good for her anyways” Ricky said turning around and walking away “no one is too good for you, your too good for them” Scotty whispered to you, you turned around “oh stop it!” you said pushing him lightly “now come on lets get going!” you said grabbing his arm and dragging him over to the truck.

“Maybe he’ll leave you alone now?” Scotty asked pulling out of the school parking lot “i think he will” you laughed pointing out the window, Scotty looked and found Ricky standing there hitting on some other girl. you and Scotty just laughed and continued driving.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now