One Lucky Meet And Greet Winner

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Miranda's pov

I was on the phone with the radio station calling to win tickets. Sierra and Rachel, my best friends, had their fingers crossed. "Congratulations you're caller number 212! Just answer me this question and you and two friends win meet and greet tickets to Jason Aldean's concert."

Jason's pov

"What question should I use?" The guy asks, covering the mic. Oh uh... I shrug. "Do three questions. One for each ticket." I whisper. He smirks. "Smart. Ok ma'am you ready?" "You kidding? I've been ready for the last ten years." I cover my mouth to keep from laughing. "Ok we're gonna ask you three questions. One for each ticket." "I'm ready. Lay 'em on me!" The girl gasps. I smile. He hands the phone to me! "What?!" I cry. He laughs. Oh uh... What am I doing here?!

Miranda's pov

"Ok first question, what song was first number one in my... I uh mean Jason's career?" Huh that was a little odd. I shrug. "That's easy. Why! One of my favorite heartbreak songs!" "Good. Um... How many number ones has he gotten?" "20." "Wow you're fast. Last question. What was the latest single on his latest album old boots new dirt." I smile confidently. "We may not be around in twenty years but they're sure gonna know we were here!" I sing. He laughs slightly. "Good job. You just won yourself three meet and greet tickets! Can't wait to meet y'all!" Then he hangs up. Why'd he say he can't wait to meet us? Was I.... Talking to Jason?

Jason's pov

I punch his shoulder. "Don't spot me last second like that!" I mutter annoyed. He laughs. Oh come on they didn't know it was you." He says, rubbing his now sore shoulder. "You don't know that." I stand up. I gotta get to soundcheck.

Miranda's pov

*night of the concert*

I'm crying in my bed. I've been throwing up all day. There's no way I can go to the concert. Sierra and Rachel come over excited. They walk in and see me sick. "Oh no!" Rachel cries. Sierra runs to my bedside. "I can't go guys." I mumble wiping the tears from my eyes. "We aren't going either. You're sick! That's not right, right Rach?" "Right." She says, instantly. I shake my head. "No. You guys go! I don't want those tickets to be wasted." I say. "Are you sure. I don't feel right going without you." Sierra says. "Please do it for me. I can't be there but you can enjoy it." I say, holding her hand. Rachel and Sierra look at each other. "Alright. Let's go so we don't be late."

Rachel's pov

I feel bad going without her but she insisted we do. We were in the front row cheering as our favorite cowboy sings. I record what I can for her. Then we get backstage for meet and greets.

Jason's pov

Two girls come backstage. I smile and wave. "Hello ladies." I say tipping my hat. They smile. "Um Jason, our friend won us these tickets on the radio." Oh the contest winners. Wait.... Wasn't there supposed to be three? "Well she was sick and couldn't make it. It would mean the world to her if you paid her a visit." They're both really nervous. They shouldn't be. "Of course girls, she won a meet and greet didn't she?" They smile. "Thanks so much!" The blonde says. "I didn't catch y'alls names." "Of I'm Sierra and that's Rachel. The girl who won the tickets her name's Miranda." That makes me think of Miranda Lambert. "Ok but if we do this, we're doing it my way." I say, smiling.

Miranda's pov

I sigh. I feel better now but the concert is over. "I hope the girls had fun." I mumble, getting a jug of milk out of the fridge.

Jason's pov

Rachel stealthily opens the window the short brunette girl stands near. I smile. "Perfect." I whisper, keeping hidden in the dense woods. This is gonna be a fun surprise. I load an arrow into my bow. "Wait what if you miss?" Sierra gasps. I laugh. "Girl you ever watch buck commander? I never miss." "What about season 3, you missed that turkey!" "Well that was only cause I forgot to readjust the pin on my bow and was going with a forty pin when it should've been a fifty. Trust me I got this."

Miranda's pov

I scream and drop the milk when an arrow lands in it! "What in God's name!!" I screech. Suddenly a few people emerge from the woods. What on earth is going on here?! I pull the arrow out confused and toss the jug in the trash. Sierra opens the door. "Girl, you gotta come see this!" She gasps, waving her hands. "Were you behind this arrow?" I gasp, scratching my head confused. She laughs. "No." She says, drawn out. I'm so confused. "Come on!" She gasps, grabbing my hand. She pulls me outside. I block the sun from my eyes. "Surprise!" Both girls say. I lower my hand and drop the arrow in shock. Standing in my backyard is Jason Aldean! "J-Jason Aldean is s-standing in my backyard with h-his b-buck commander bow!" I choke out, a stuttering mess. He smiles and walks over, picking his arrow up. "Someone won a meet and greet and I had to keep that promise of meeting you." He says. "Wow, thanks so much!" "I recognize your voice from the radio. You were the one answering the questions?" I nod, too shocked to speak. I feel dizzy. I faint.

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