What Happens Next?

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Miranda's pov

I rub his back as he grieves over his brother. "I never told him." "Told him what?" "About the baby... He..... He woulda been an uncle." I wish I could make this better. There's a knock at the door. "I do NOT want visitors right now." I go to see and it's his parents.

Jason's pov

"It's your mom and dad, Jay." She says walking back in. "Oh God, I gotta tell them their son is dead!" Not to mention, their other son has snapped. "Do ya want me to send them in?" "Yeah I gotta face 'em sooner or later." "Jason, this isn't your fault!" I force myself to walk out. Mom and dad. Man, this is hard. Before I can even say anything, mom hugs me. I shakily sit in a waiting room chair. "We know about Mason, and we want you to know it isn't your fault." Mom says. But it is my fault. He saved me but died. "He's a hero." Dad says. I grip the arm chairs, trying not to start crying again. "Mason... Told me awhile back.... That he thought he was just my shadow.... And that he was never good enough." I shakily say. "And then we had this big fight.... I never.... I never got the chance to forgive him." I grit my teeth as the tears roll down my cheeks. "He knows." Dad says. The doctor says he needs to check my burns. I sigh and walk back to my room. Miranda still sits on the bed. Thank God she's okay. He changes the bandages on my burns.

*a few days later*

I get a suit for the funeral. My hands are shaking bad.

Miranda's pov

Jason's nervewracked. I walk over to help him button his suit. "I'm such a mess. I can't believe Mason's gone." This is killing me, knowing there's nothing I can do to help him. We get to the cemetery and he hugs his mom. Me and Jason walk up to the casket. "He never thought he was good enough." He shakily whispers. I squeeze his hand. "He's in a better place, Jason. Where no one judges him and he can do whatever he wants." I hug him tight. "I'm so glad you're okay." He whispers.


Jason laid down as soon as we got to Tyler's house which is where we're staying until we get a new house. I never liked his brother but I didn't want him dead. I get started on dinner when I hear him walk downstairs. "You should be resting, baby." "I can't. It freaks me out, just laying down." I turn around, his eyes red rimmed from crying. I run into his arms and burst into tears. "What are we gonna do, Jason?" I whimper shakily. "I don't know." He takes my hands. I look up at him. "Whatever happens, we will not fall apart! Mason wouldn't want that! We've gotta be strong. We will get through this. Together." "You're right, Jason, I love you." "I love you too, sweetheart."

*a few weeks later*

Jason's pov

We bought a new house. I shakily walk inside, my hands in my pockets. "This one's for you, Mason." I whisper, saluting my fallen brother. Miranda walks out of the kitchen. "I could get started on dinner, if you'd like?" I smile. "Dinner's on me tonight, darlin' you go relax." I say, smiling and kissing her cheek.

Miranda's pov

While Jason worked on dinner, I was listening to Justin Moore's new album kinda don't care. It was on the song hell on a highway. Which is one of my favorite songs. Jason comes upstairs with chocolate covered strawberries. I smile. "I had an idea. Why don't we start with dessert. Ya know sanctify the new house." He lays down beside me after turning on some soft music. I scoot closer. "I love you, Jay." "I love you too baby girl." He traces my lips with a strawberry then feeds it to me. After that, he pulls me into a kiss. I rest my hands on his chest, the plate of strawberries forgotten. We're wanting to try for another baby since the other one died. This time he/she won't.

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