Beach Day Gone Horribly Wrong

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Jason's pov

We were sitting on a beach. It was our last day in Florida so we decide to enjoy the beach. Rachel and Tully were playing in the water. Luke and Sierra were laying in lawn chairs. And me and Miranda were sitting on the sand. "It's so peaceful here." She says. I smile and lay back on the sand, closing my eyes. "Yeah big time." I say. "Hey Jay last one in is a rotten egg." I open my eyes and smirk. We both take off running for the water. I grab her waist and get in the lead. She yanks my swim trunks so I have to pull them back up. She gets in the water first and I follow her. "You pulled my shorts down, you cheated." I say, pointing at her. She laughs. "You grabbed my waist, you cheated first." I roll my eyes. "We're even."

Miranda's pov

I turn around. "We aren't even yet." I say. He laughs a little. "Oh really?" I turn back around, smirking. "Really. I-" Suddenly there's a grip on my ankle and I'm yanked under water! I fight to the surface but the grip's too strong! "Help!" I garblingly scream. I see Jason dive under and grab my hand. I try to look back to see who it is but Jason shakes his head and pulls me free. "Who-" I gasp when we break to the surface. "Let's get to shore." He shakily says.

Jason's pov

Andrew followed us. That guy has some real issues. "Who was it, Jason?" "Trust me baby you don't wanna know." I say, holding her hand and nodding to Luke and Tully. "He's back?" Luke mouths. I nod. "You girls go back to the buses." I say, hugging her. "B-But, Jason-" "Just do it. I got a pest to handle." Her eyes go wide. "Andrew." I sigh and nod. Sierra grabs her hand. "Come on." She says. "No." She cries, pulling free. I hear footsteps. "I'm not leaving you." She says, tears in her eyes. "This is my fight." My eyes go wide. "What are you-" She grabs the knife out of my beach bag. "I'm putting an end to this once and for all." I shakily grab her arm. "Don't do this." "I have to. I love you." I hug her tight. "I love you too."

Miranda's pov

I clutch the knife tightly and face my enemy. The reason for all my nightmares and hallucinations. "Baby!" Jason gasps. I turn around to him, tears in my eyes, the wind blowing my hair around. I move it out of my face. "It's gonna be okay." I say. He shakes his head, his eyes wide. "Miranda! Look out!" He screams. I feel Andrew stab me in the back. My legs crumple beneath me.

Jason's pov

Oh no. I warned him. Sierra and Rachel are completely frozen in shock. I don't think I've ever seen Luke so mad. "What is your deal?!" I yell. "If I can't have her, no one will." He brings the knife down to her head but a bullet flashes through his first. Thank God. I run to my girl who's now unconscious. Luke runs over to dropping the gun. "Looks like we have to postpone the wedding a little." He mumbles, setting the gun down. "Luke..." I shakily gasp, holding her in my arms. "Is she....." She's super still. He shakes his head. "She's still breathing man." I pick her up and we go to the hospital. She's in a coma. "That asshole can't hurt you anymore." I whisper, trying not to cry. The girls are crying on the couch in her room. Tully and Luke are in the hallway. I can't lose my girl. And to think..... I was gonna propose. The ring still rests in my pocket. I shakily pull it out. "B-Baby, if you can hear me, I want ya to know, I love ya." My hands are shaking uncontrollably as I pick up her lifeless hand. "Don't leave me, sweetheart, please don't go." I whimper, putting the ring on her finger.

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