Time Skip

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Sierra's pov

I come home to a beautiful candle lit dinner. "Oh Luke what's the occasion?" "Can't a husband make a romantic dinner for his lovely perfect wife?" I laugh softly and hug him. "Oh Lukey I love you."

Jason's pov

Luke texts me saying everything is okay. Phew. I hate dealing with crying women. I was working on the nursery when I heard Miranda call my name. I walked down the hall to our room. "What's up babe?" She smiled and wiggled her finger at me. I smiled big.

*5 years later* sorry for the time skip.

"Samantha Grace! What are you up to?" I call when my energizer bunny daughter runs out of the hall closet. I set my newspaper down. She giggled and hid under a blanket. I laugh and tickle her. "Sammy we have to get ready for church. Come upstairs and get dressed!" Miranda calls walking downstairs in a sundress and carrying a dress for Samantha "I got her, hun." I say, picking the little rascal up. "I don't wanna go daddy." She whines. "And why not?" I ask. "Cause I wanna play in the woods with Jimmy." Jimmy is Sierra's and Luke's son. "They're going to church too knucklehead." "Oh. Ok." I get her dressed and ready to go. "Now I'm not ready yet." Miranda says smiling. I finish reading the paper while she finishes getting ready. "I hate wearing dresses dad." "I know baby but it's one day a week. You'll be fine." "Can we go hunting this weekend?" "Of course."


Miranda's pov

Me and the kids were at Sierra's place. I'm not sure where Jason got off to. "Ya got the kids?" I ask. She nods. I went off in search of my husband. "And now only the good die young stops me in my tracks, every time I hear that song, I go back." I hear him sing quietly. I follow the sound of his voice deep into the woods. He kicked a rock into the water. "Jason?" He spins around. "God baby don't sneak up on me like that." "Sorry... I just.... What are you doing?" "Nothin'." He sits down in front of a tree. "You alright?" He stares at his boots. "Today's the day Mason died." He whispers. Oh man. I rest a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry." "I don't care what anyone says. It was my fault. I was in too much of a rush that night and the logs weren't placed correctly... I smelled smoke but ignored it.... It's my fault he's dead and I'll never forgive myself. He shoulda just left me then he'd still be alive." "Jason, please don't talk like that! You aren't to blame. Accidents happen! Nobody blames you. Not even Mason." He kicks another rock. "I hate myself." "Stop. If you died that day, Samantha wouldn't be here. Please Jason think about it. Mason saved you so you could live not die slow in a living hell." "Why can't I let it go? I don't get it. I hated Mason.... But-" "In the end you didn't." "I'm sorry baby I know you're worried. I just wish he was still here." I hug him. "Mason would want you to be happy." We go inside and I help Sierra with dinner.

Jason's pov

Samantha jumps up on the couch beside me. "Daddy are we going to Uncle Willie's soon?" I stare at her sadly. She never met her real uncle. "Of course princess." I say hugging her. "I love tot daddy." "I love you too baby girl."

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