Feeling Guilty

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Miranda's pov

I've never felt worse about anything in all my life. I was working on breakfast when Jason came downstairs. I wave. "You alright, hun?" "No." He sighs. "Don't be mad at yourself. I'm not mad at you. I don't blame you." "I still did it! And I hate myself for that!" He hugs me as I cry. "I'm the worst wife ever!" "Don't say that! You're not! You're the best wife ever! I love you!" I pull free, angry. "I slept with another man! How does that not piss you off?!" "Oh, I'm pissed. Just not at you. At Mason. That guy's fuckin' dead to me! What?! Do you want me to get pissed at you?!" I don't know what to say to that. I sit at the table, my head in my hands. "I just..... How could I not tell?" He sits down beside me, his hands on my shoulders. "Sweetheart, he used to impersonate me all the time as kids. He's got it down pat. It's not your fault he tricked you." I can't believe I slept with him. I hate it. He massages my shoulders. "What can I do to make you forget this?" I turn around to him, he wipes the tears from my cheeks. "I think you know." He smiles.

*a few weeks later*

Jason was onstage performing, singing night train. "Hey um can we talk?" I spin around, thoroughly infuriated by the voice behind me. "What do you want jackass?" I growl, wanting to drive a knife through his chest. "To apologize. Tricking you like that was wrong. Even if it felt so right." That sends shivers down my spine. "Shut up you freak!" I shout shoving him. "Ok don't try to tell me you didn't feel something that night!" I'm disgusted. "No!! And if I did it would be because I thought you were Jason now fuck off!" I yell kicking him in the junk.

Jason's pov

I get offstage and see Miranda crying with Rachel and Sierra beside her. "What happened?" "Your idiot brother happened." Rachel gripes. Man she sure hates him. "Where is he?" "Oh she sent him packing." Sierra says, pointing at Miranda. I sigh. "Let's get outta here." I leave the girls at the hotel and I hit the bar, stressed to the max. I hate Mason with a burning fiery passion. And just when I started to like having him around too. Now I hope I never see that rotten jerk ever again. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, he sits beside me. "What the hell do you want Mason?" "I'm sorry Jason, it was stupid of me to do what I did." "Damn fucking right. You've scarred my wife. She blames herself for this! You shouldn't have done that, man! Totally not cool!" "Please Jason, what'll it take for you to forgive me?! I'm desperate here!" I glare at the counter, drop some cash for my beers and stand up. "I'll forgive you if you can convince Miranda to forgive herself. Until then, you're dead to me." I start to walk out when he shouts, "How am I gonna do that! The woman won't even speak to me without kicking me in the junk!" I turn around, not even wanting to look at him. "Figure it out, jackass. You got yourself into this mess, you can figure out how to get yourself out!" I say, stomping out, ignoring his desperate pleas. I get back to the buses. "You alright?" Mike asks. "Just peachy." I grumble pissed off. I lay in the bed in the back, trying to make sense of my life. "Ugh I'm exhausted." I feel the bed sink down beside me. I open my eyes and smile seeing my wonderful wife. "Hey baby girl." I say, sitting up. She hugs me. I confusedly wrap my arms around her. "Are you alright?" "I love you Jason. And only you." "I love you too." I say confused. "You won't after I tell you this." Huh? I pull her to where I'm looking in her face. "Babe, what do ya mean?" She bursts into tears. "Miranda, talk to me baby!" "I'm pregnant!" My eyes go wide. Oh shit. It could be Mason's.

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