The End

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Jason's pov

After a much needed rest, I finally convinced Alicia to cross over. I hear a truck pull into the drive. I look out the window and see Sam get out. She opens the back door though and picks up a little boy! Huh? I open the door confused. "What's going on?" "Oh hey Dad. I'm just babysitting for a friend." "Oh.. Ok you had me scared for a minute." She laughs. "You're silly dad." I smile. We walk back in and Mason was standing shakily in the living room. He and Max were napping. "You alright? Bad dream?" I ask walking over. "Daddy there's someone in our room." That makes my heart stop. I run upstairs. Max was too scared to move. He has his inhaler in his hand, which just plain pissed me off that a ghost scared him so bad, it caused him to have an asthma attack. There was a guy standing in the corner of the room. "Hey stop scaring my boys." I say angrily. He doesn't respond, just looks at me. "If you need help-" He vanishes before I finish that sentence. Stupid ghosts. "Leave my kids alone!" I yell angrily. I tuck both my sons into bed. "Don't worry guys. They can't touch you. Always come and get me if something like that happens." "Thanks daddy." Max says hugging me. I smile. At least we're going on tour soon.

*A few days later*

Mason and Max were pretending to be spies backstage. I couldn't keep a smile off my face. My amazing daughter was on her phone, talking to her boyfriend. Yes, she's got a boyfriend. No I don't like it. But I've learned to live with it. I mean he is a good kid. He even knows about the ghost stuff and doesn't make fun of her. I smile at my wonderful kids. "What ya thinkin' about Jay?" I smile and look down at my beautiful wife. "I love my life." I say wrapping an arm around her waist. "I'm so glad we met. I love these amazing kids of ours." She smiles. "I'm so happy we met too, Jason!" I kiss her. "But you owe me a half gallon of milk." She says making me bust out laughing. "God, girl that was the best joke you've ever said." "Mama's got skills." She says, smirking. I kiss her again. "Love you honey." "Love you too cowboy."


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