Becoming A Ghost Whisperer

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Jason's pov

I'm still super dizzy after having that ghost in my head. It wasn't like that when Mason did it. Why is it different? I glance back at Sam worried out of my mind. She still hasn't woken up. "Jason are you okay?" "I'm... Just dizzy." I try to focus on her to stay awake but my head is so foggy. I can't think or keep my eyes open. Ten minutes later, we get to the asylum. Miranda gets Sam out. I try to stay standing. "I'm worried about you." She says, grabbing my hand. "I'm.... I'm okay." She keeps a hold on my hand as we walk inside which I'm grateful for. "We're here to see Rachel Lumpkin." My wife says, her voice sounds garbled.... Weird. Jeez! What's going on with my head?! "You're too late." My heart pounds out of my chest. "W-What?" I feel a tug on my arm. "You're too late." It says again. Fear fills me. "We're too late." I shakily whisper horrified.

Miranda's pov

I look at Jason worried. "Jason?" I whisper shaking his arm. He's still stiff and unmoving. "We're too late." He whispers striking fear into the very depths of my soul. "Rachel!" I cry, running down the corridor, still holding my sleeping child. I get to her room terrified and saw through the little window her laying in the bed. "Open the door!" I cry beggingly to the guard at the end of the hall. He opens it and I run to my sister. I set Sam down beside her and grab her shoulders. "Rachel! Rachel wake up! Please wake up!" Nothing. I'm so freaking scared. She won't move.

Jason's pov

I finally clear my head enough to find her room. What I see truly terrifies me. "Rachel!! Rachel wake up!" Miranda yells, shaking her shoulders. I grab my girl and pull her back. She doesn't see what I see. She never had a near death experience! "B-Baby... Y-You don't see th-this... B-But I d-do. G-Get Sam." Standing in front of me is my very pissed off baby brother and some guy I've never seen before. Ghosts. "What's happening?" She whimpers. "I'm not sure but... Mason's here and he's pissed. It has something to do with the other guy." "Other guy? What other guy?!" I sigh. "I don't know!" "Is Rachel gonna be okay?!" "Ugh I don't know!" I say annoyed. "Just take Sam and get the heck outta here!" She reluctantly leaves. "Mason, what's going on?" He doesn't look away from the guy. The look of pure unstoppable rage is something I've never seen on that man's face before. "He convinced Rachel to drink something that is slowly killing her so he can take her soul." "Killing her?!!" He looks sad for a split second then the rage returns. "There's... There's nothing we can do, bro. She's going to die." He whispers and a tear rolls down his cheek. "But I WILL NOT let this demon take her soul! I will not let you damn her!!!" He yells angrily. The light above his head explodes and glass rains down. Of course it doesn't affect Mason. He looks at me. "Go." He says. I shake my head. "I'm not leavin' ya man." "There's nothing you can do here. You aren't a ghost." I glance at Rachel and imagine how devastated Miranda will be. "Are you sure... There's nothing we can do to save her?" I whisper worriedly. He sighs and shakes his head. "I wish so badly there was." He says, his voice shaking. I look back at him and he's crying. "She had so much left to offer the world. So many people who cared about her... And it was ruined cause a me." My eyes go wide. "IT WAS NOT CAUSE A YOU!" "It's cause I died. She wouldn't ever move on. It's my fault!" "NO GOD DAMMIT! IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT!!!! MASON SHE LOVED YOU!" "AND THAT'S WHY SHE COULDN'T LET GO!" "Don't blame yourself!" I gasp walking over to him. Then I remember everyone telling me not to blame myself. But it is my fault Mason died. "Guilt is a horrible detrimental thing." He whispers, wiping the tears from his face. Suddenly the room gets dimmer. "Rachel." He whispers trying not to cry even more. That's when I see it and it's hard to believe. Rachel appears beside her body in ghost form. "Mason." She says smiling. "I knew you'd be waiting for me." "You shouldn't have killed yourself Rachel." She sighs. "I had to. You don't know how hard it is.... Living without the man you love." He smiles. "Yea I do. Cause I had to live without you all those years before we met." She smiles. "We can be together again, Mason!" She runs to him with arms open wide and they embrace both trying not to cry. The lyric to a song makes me think of this moment. "They'll be reunited in heaven... Cause she's dyin' to see him again." I whisper. There was nothing we could've done to stop her. She was dying. Just to be with Mason. "Now if that ain't true love I don't know what is." "I'm afraid you have to come with me." The other guy says smirking. "Over my dead body." Mason growls holding her behind him. "You won't take my Rachel! Not in this lifetime or the next!" Then another ghost appears beside me. "You're eternally damned. You aren't allowed to be of this plane of existence!" My eyes go wide in surprise as I look at him. I recognize that voice. It's the guy that was talking to me in my head!!! The guy that warned me about Rachel! "I've come to collect a soul of the damned." The other man says cockily. The guy on our side looks at me and smiles. "I'm afraid not." He says. "YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" The other man yells furiously. "OF COURSE I CAN!!! I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENS ME!" And that's when it hits me as the good guy goes to town on the demon. I take a shaky step back. He wasn't a ghost. "He was one of God's angels." I whisper shocked. A red portal opens up and sucks the demon away to hell. Mason hugs Rachel as the angel turns around. "Please... You can't send her to hell." He begs. "Fear not. We aren't. Our God has made a place in heaven for the both of you. Come with me." They both look shocked. That's when me and Mason lock eyes. He whispers my name and I don't know what to do! "We all have our time." The angel says smiling back at me. "Jason, tell Miranda I'm sorry." Rachel says, still in Mason's arms. "I just can't live without Mason." I fight back my own tears. "This is the last time I'll ever see you guys again, isn't it?" The angel nods. "They are crossing over to the other side but you have a great gift. You can help more like your friends cross over. So they aren't wandering earthbound spirits. If you're up for the task?" Wow. I can help ghosts? I will help the ghosts! I smile. "You can count on me." Mason smiles. "I better not see you anytime soon." He says. I smile back at him. "You betcha. Enjoy eternity with your one true love. I love ya brother." Then they vanish in a bright light. I shakily walk over to the bed where Rachel's body was. "You're a lucky girl." I whisper, forcing a smile through the tears. I look at the door. "Now here comes the hard part. Telling my wife her best friend is dead."

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