Close Call

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Jason's pov

We were at a concert and Thomas Rhett, my opener was playing. I couldn't stop thinking about Mason so I didn't sleep well. I collapse onto a couch exhausted. "Catch some shut eye before I go on."

Rachel's pov

"We'll be together soon, Mason." I whisper, filling the bath tub with water. I wipe the tears from my eyes and tilt a bottle of pills to my lips, my hands shaking. "I'm sorry." I whisper. I'm so sorry."

Jason's pov

"JASON!!!" Mason! "What's wrong?" "R-Rachel! You have to hurry! She's trying to kill herself!" Alarm bells go off in my head.

*he wakes up*

I fall off the couch, fear and adrenaline pumping through my veins. I take off for my truck but hear the announcer say, "And now give it up for..... Jason Aldean!" Kurt looks confused. "I gotta go!" I gasp ignoring them. I don't care if I miss the show. Rach needs me! I drive like a bat out of hell probably breaking every traffic law in the state! I slam into the drive way and take off running. "Rachel!!"

Miranda's pov

Everything is in chaos. Jason is nowhere to be found. I hear someone whisper, "Rachel." In my ear. It sounded like... Mason?

Jason's pov

I terrifiedly pull her out of the tub. Mason shockingly appears beside me, on one knee and crying his eyes out. I was on the phone with an ambulance and clutching her limp wet body to my chest. "She's not breathing! Her lips are blue what do I do?!" "CPR DAMMIT CPR!!" Mason screams hysterical. I don't know CPR!!! Mason paces the room frustrated. "God dammit we don't have time for this!" He slams into me and I feel super nauseous and dizzy all of a sudden. Everything fades to black.

Mason's pov

I can't believe I took over his body. I drop the phone and do CPR. She choked and coughed. I sat back breathing heavily from fear. "Jas-" "No." I whisper. "It's me, Mason. I took over Jason's body to save you. Baby don't do this for me! You have so much to live for!" She grips my.... Jason's arms and cries. "B-But, Mason, all I want-" "Shh baby. We'll be together again but... Not like that, Rach. I'll always be here and I'll always be watching over you. But you can't do this." I kiss her softly on the forehead. Tears in my eyes as well as hers. "I'm sorry." She whimpers. "Don't be." I feel myself growing weaker.

Jason's pov

I come to and Mason bumps into the wall. What the heck just happened?! Rachel's awake now. She's staring at me wide eyed. "Mason, I love you and only you." She whispers then to my shock she kisses me! I quickly pull away. "I'm not... Why... What the heck?" I gasp caught off guard. She blushes. Mason must have left, didn't he?" "Left? What are you talking about?" "He told me he took over your body." That was obviously when I blacked out. I struggle to my feet, dizzy. "Don't ever do that again." I say pointing to Mason, obviously confusing Rachel. "I had to. She woulda died if I didn't." He says. I sigh. He's right but it was too weird. "Are you alright, Rachel?" She sighs and nods. Just then the ambulance pulls into the drive. I help her out and the EMT takes her to the hospital. I call the crew to tell them. "This isn't gonna be fun."

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