A Cult

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Jason's pov

"And that's a wrap." Mike says. I smile and clap. "You did fantastic, baby. That was amazing!" I say. She comes out of the studio ecstatic. I smile and hug her. "I can't wait for people to hear that song." "You did great, hun!" We go out to dinner when Mason calls me. "Ugh I hope it ain't Tully again." I say, standing up. "I'll be right back baby." She nods and waves. I walk out to the parking lot and answer the call. "Hey Jason, I was thinking. How about me, you, and our girls go camping. We haven't gone together since we was kids." I smile. "Yeah dude that's awesome but I'm booked on a country music festival the next three days so it'll have to be next weekend." "Ok, can't wait man." "Alright I'm in the middle of dinner so I'll talk to ya later." Just as I was about to hit end, I felt something hit me hard in the back of the head.

Mason's pov

"Jason?" I gasp. I hear a thud then the phone goes dead. "What the hell?!" I call Miranda instead. "Where are you guys?" "We're eating dinner at the hard rock café, why?" "Cause I was on the phone with Jason when he suddenly stopped talking! I think he got attacked!" I hear her shout a few swear words then she hangs up.

Miranda's pov

I get to the parking lot and find Jason's phone and a metal pipe! Oh my God!

Jason's pov

I painfully wake up in a van, my hands and feet tied together. "W-What?" I mumble confused. Suddenly a gun is thrust in my face, making me go wide eyed. "W-What do you want?" I cry, terrified. My head is throbbing. No one answers me. No one says a word. It's creepy. They're all wearing masks. The van suddenly comes to a stop. One guy cuts the rope on my feet but my hands are still tied. "What do you guys want with me?!" I cry. They force me to wlak into a building. It's all lit up by candles. Oh man. What the hell is going on?! The guy at the front has a mask on too. He says a bunch of stuff in a different language. They make me walk over to that guy. "W-W-What do y-you w-want with me?" He says more stuff in the other language. "Dude I don't have a clue what you're saying!" I gasp. He looks at me through a tiger mask which only freaks me out more. "Join us." He whispers. Holy shit! Is this a cult?!? "Um no thank you!" I gasp backing up but two guys with elephant masks block my way. "Join us." He repeats and pretty soon everyone is chanting it. "No! Stop it! I don't wanna join ya!" I yell, close to freaking out. I shove through the guys behind me but they lock arms with mine and throw me down. "Let me go!" I cry terrified. They start chanting join us again! I struggle to undo the ropes.

Miranda's pov

I terrifiedly pace the parking lot, unsure of what to do. I tried calling the police but it hasn't been 24 hours yet. (I think that's the dumbest thing ever by the way. Having to wait 24 hours before the cops do anything. I mean by then, the person kidnapped could already be dead!) I shakily pull out my phone but I don't know who to call. "Oh Jason where are you?" Someone grabs my shoulder. I spin around coming face to face with a man wearing a clown mask. I scream and fall back, hitting my head on the ground and falling unconscious.

Jason's pov

"Let go a me!!" My blood runs cold! I strain to get passed the freaks as they bring my wife in, struggling. "Baby!" I cry, horrified. "Jason!" She gasps, tears in her eyes. She runs over but one of the guys grabs her shoulders. I reach a hand out trying to reach her as she does the same. "Jason, what's going on?!" "I don't have a clue." I say, clasping her hand in mine. Tears fill my eyes as they pull us apart. They back me up against one wall and her the opposite one. "I think it's some freaky satanic cult!" I shout to her. "They wouldn't stop saying join us!" They grab her arm. "Let go of her!" I yell angrily as they drag her into the middle of the room. "Join or die." He says. She stares at him too scared to speak. I'm too busy looking at her I don't realize another one shackled my ankles to the wall. I swing a fist at him, making him stumble back and the rest of them start talking in that weird language.

Miranda's pov

Jason tries to pull free, screaming in frustration. Meanwhile they surround me. Two grab my arms and two more grab my legs. "Let me go!" I cry terrified as they lift me into the air and set me on a stone table.

Jason's pov

Horror fills me as one guy raises a sword over her, about to plunge it into her chest!!! I finally get the ropes off my hands and tug on the shackles on my legs. "No!!" I cry desperate, straining to pull free. I reach a hand forward. "I'll join whatever this is if you let her go!" I yell. They freeze. Someone unshackles me and I lunge at the guy with the sword. Someone already tried to kill her once now this fucker!! I punch him in the face and the rest of them back off. I run to her and untie the ropes. She hugs me and sobs. "It's okay baby." I say, holding her tight. I help her down and we go outside where a bright light flashes in my face and I realize it's cops. Mason, Rachel, Luke, and Sierra run over. Mason hugs me and everyone joins in for a big group hug. "Thank God you're okay." Luke says. I glance at her. "Almost wasn't." I say, holding her hand. She blushes. All the members of the cult are dragged out in handcuffs. "Assholes." Mason mutters. "Freaks." I say angrily. I'm just glad I broke free in time.

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