Twin Telepathy?!

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Jason's pov

I was outside and I called Miranda. "What's up?" "This place is really weird." I say, glancing around. There were people watching me so I dropped my voice low to tell her everything. "Jason, maybe you should try getting along with your brother. All you guys do is fight. Stop thinking of the past!" I glare at the ground annoyed. "How can I?! That shithead got me locked away in juvi several times by blaming his heists on me! And if that wasn't bad enough, he convinced our parents I had schizophrenia so he could get away with it easier!" "Jeez, maybe you should talk it out with him instead of yelling and cussing." "Girl, if you were in my shoes-" Suddenly the phone is snatched from my hand. I spin around. "Hey!" "No phones!" "What?! But I'm outside! We were told-" "No phones." The guy repeats. He says it almost robotically. Weird. He takes my phone and I walk back inside furious. Mason and Dr. Samuels were walking and talking together. "Hey your guards just took my phone!" "What'd I tell you about phones?" He says. "I was outside when it happened!" He shrugs. "I'll talk to someone." The doctor pats my brother's shoulder and for some odd reason, I feel it too. That's weird. I keep my eyes on Mason as I pinch my arm behind my back. He rubs his arm while staring at the doctor. Dr. Samuels leaves and it's just us two. "Jason, stop pinching yourself." Mason grumbles, glaring at me. My blood runs cold. "How'd you-" "Cause I could..... Feel it.... How.... How could I feel it?!" "I don't know Mason but we better get the hell outta here and fast!" We both ran down the hall and got to the lab from yesterday. There was something pulled up on the screen. "I'm scared." Mason says. "Don't be." I say. "Don't be what?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "Don't be scared. You just said you're scared." He stares at me shocked. "J-Jason.... I didn't say that..... I thought it!" My eyes go wide. I sit down at the desk. "The genome project." I read aloud. He sits down beside me. "The genome project combines twins both mentally and physically. It's a proven fact that if they know how the other's feeling they'll stop fighting. First stage mental. Tests have proven with the hydrangea fruit, it gives a telepathic communication between twins and studies show if they feel the same pain, they'll communicate better, hence stage two. Physical." I lean back in the chair shocked. I pinch myself again. "You felt that?" He nods. "Stage three combines the two beings into one. The merge." I whisper shakily. "What's the merge?" Mason asks wide eyed and staring at me but I have no clue what it is. "W-Whatever we do don't eat anymore of that weird fruit." I say glancing at him! My jaw drops seeing him eat it now! I slap it out of his hand! "You idiot!" I shout. "Idiot!" He repeats me. Oh jeez. "So if only one of us eats it, what happens?" I murmur standing up thinking. "Mason, we have to go now!" I gasp. "Go now!" He says. Ugh this is gonna get annoying fast. "Not so fast boys." I spin around to the doctor. "You boys aren't going anywhere." "Mason, run!" "Run!" He says. I grab his arm and we take off running. Only to be blocked by a bunch of twins. "Oh shit they've already been controlled!" "Controlled!" "Shut up, Mason!" "Mason! Sorry man I can't help it." I roll my eyes. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "P-Please tell me that's your hand." I shakily whisper, terrified. He whispers hand and shakes his head. "Freeze." Dr. Samuels says. "Jason, I can't move!" Mason cries terrified. I can though. I could leave and never have to worry about him again. But he's my brother. I can't just abandon him! I grab his arm and force his stiff body to move but we get trapped on all sides and there's nothing more I can do.

Miranda's pov

I'm gonna go see what's up with Jason since he won't answer my calls. I have a bad feeling in my gut. I nervously reach the doors to the place. "Hey I'm looking for Jason Aldean." I say. "I'm sorry ma'am there's no one here by that name." I raise an eyebrow confused. "Yes there is he and his brother Mason came here." "I'm sorry. You're mistaken." I glance behind her. "No I'm not, that's his hat!" I say, pointing. "You have five seconds to leave willingly or the guards will be forced to take you into custody." What the hell?! I feel hands clamp onto my arms. They force me into a room. I see Mason and Jason strapped to some kind of machine, both struggling to break free. "Baby girl!!" Jason cries shocked. "Girl!" Mason gasps. "Jason what's going on?!" I cry. "This place is evil! Dr. Samuels is trying to combine twins' mentality into one body!" He shouts then Mason says, "Body." And they both get electrocuted. "Stop! You're hurting them!" I cry. Light flashes in the doctor's eyes and a smile forms. He presses a button and I hear both boys scream bloody murder. Then both of them float above their bodies like ghosts!!

Jason's pov

I stare down at our bodies shocked. Then rage floods my body and I swing at Mason. "This is all your fault! If you weren't a stupid selfish asshole, we wouldn't even be in this mess!" I screech. "My fault?! You're the one mom and dad liked more! You got everything you wanted! An awesome career, a smoking hot wife, friends! What was I left with?! The crazy voices in my head and an overwhelming urge to steal!" He yells shoving me. I stumble into the wall, hitting my head. "Yeah I have a good life and ya know why?! Cause I worked my fucking ass off to get where I am today! I lived on the streets for five years trying to get a record deal!! You wouldn't know hard work if it slapped you in the face! Mom and dad always gave into you! Gave you whatever you wanted because of your mental issues! But what did I have to do?! Pick up the slack! You selfish ungrateful piece of shit!!" I yell punching him repeatedly. "No! Stop fighting! You're not supposed to be fighting!!" Dr. Samuels cries. I glance down at them! "You know all I ever wanted was a brother I didn't dread seeing. A brother I didn't have to nonstop worry if I'd have to bail him out of jail! Mason I just want us to be a family again! Please!" "No! Jason keep fighting with Mason! It's keeping you two from merging together!" Miranda yells from below. I smirk. "I don't think that'll be a problem." He says also smiling. "Every fucking day of my life, you had a plan to cause trouble!! Why Mason?! Why?!" I tackle him and he kicks me in the chest. I swing my fist again. "You'll never know why! All I ever wanted was to be like you!" Mason shouts shocking me. I shakily back up. "B-Be like me? W-Why?" He wipes his eyes. "Everyone loves you. Mr. Big star! Mom and dad were so proud of you but they didn't think I'd ever accomplish anything and when I did they didn't give a shit!" He gasps, crying. I'm shocked. "M-Mason........ I-I..... I had no idea." I shakily gasp. "All I ever wanted.... Was for mom and dad to look at me proudly like they do you..... All the time. Mr. Perfect. Mr. Do no wrong. Mr. Talented singer! And oh who's that Mason! Jason's shadow!!" I'm shocked. I never knew he felt this way. I feel solid ground under my feet all of a sudden and Dr. Samuels yelling no! "M-Mason..." I whisper shocked. Tears coming to my eyes then I black out.

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