Telling My Friends

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The picture above by the way is from my concert last night! It rocked!

Miranda's pov

He was driving me home when he catches me off guard by asking if I want to move in with him. I'm a little nervous. I've never been in such a fast moving relationship. "I don't know. This is all moving way too fast." I mumble, looking away. He chuckles softly, confusing me. "What was that laugh for?" "You're so nervous for some reason. It's alright if you don't want to." I turn bright red and feel the heat in my cheeks. "I'll think about it." I say, smiling. He drops me off with a kiss to the forehead. "See ya later." I smile. "Can't wait." I go inside. Sierra sits up from the couch. Rachel's asleep but she taps her and it wakes her up. "How was the awards?" She asks. "Jason won entertainer." I say, taking my earrings out. "Congrats to him. It's long overdue." Sierra says, throwing a candy bar wrapper in the trash. I sit on the couch nervous. I want to tell them. "Me and Jason kissed tonight." Both girls stare at me jaw dropped. "You're kidding!?" Rachel gasps. I shake my head. "When he won entertainer, while we walked to his truck, and before I came inside." This is insane. I can't believe Jason likes me! I never saw it coming! Rachel elbows me, smiling. "Looks like missing that concert was a good thing." I nod and am about to get something to eat when Jason texts me.

J: wanna go out tonight?

M: I don't know. I was gonna chill with my friends.

J: bring them too. The more the merrier.

Huh? Bring my friends on a date? That's weird!

M: my friends on a date with us?

J: lol we're going to an afterparty from the awards.

I smile and glance at my oblivious best friends who are about to be mind blown again.

M: sure anything specific we should wear?

J: just casual. Anything is fine hun. Be there in ten.

M: ok see ya.

I set my phone down and walk into the living room. Rachel has fallen back asleep. She's been sleeping a lot. I shrug it off. "Hey girls y'all wanna go to an awards afterparty with me and Jason?" They both jump up. "Yes!" They cry. I laugh and walk to my room to get ready. I reapply my make up and curl my hair. I wear a navy blue blouse and tight jean shorts with high heeled cowboy boots. Sierra puts on a red tank top that says born to party with a purple party style vest and boot cut blue jeans. She also has on high heeled boots. Rachel put on a long sleeved white long shirt with fake tears at the bottom and Capri jeans with blue sneakers. I hear a truck pull into the drive. Sierra and Rachel get excited. "Shh shh!" I gasp, laughing. "Calm down. Y'all ready to party?" Sierra smirks. "I was born to party." She says, pointing to her shirt. I laugh and open the door.

A Missed ConcertHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin