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Jason's pov

Sierra and Miranda were trying to think of something to do. I don't have a clue so I'm staying out of there conversation and keeping an eye on my little one. They were pacing and discussing and I was getting dizzy. "Will you two sit down?!" I gape. They both look at me and Miranda gets this I've got an idea look on her face. Ugh. "How about you pretend to be Mason!" "I already tried that honey. She didn't believe me." "Why not?" "Because I stink at acting like my brother!" I grumble annoyed. "You forget he was the one pretending to be all the time! Not the other way around!" She sighs and crosses her arms. "I didn't forget that Jason." I roll my eyes annoyed. I pick Sam up and carry her upstairs, closing the door to her bedroom. "You okay?" "Mom is driving me crazy." I say setting her down. "She's just upset about Aunt Rachel." She sighs. "And she should be." Huh? "Samantha what do you mean?" "Aunt Rachel hasn't eaten in two days." My eyes go wide. "H-How... How would you know that?" "They told me." "Who told you?!" "The man with the dark clothes on." My hands are shaking. There's some ghost messing with my little girl! "WHOEVER YOU ARE, STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!" I shout angrily. "Daddy stop! He's not bad! He's nice!" "Stay in your room, Sam." "But daddy-" "Samantha Grace you do not leave this room, understand me?? And don't you be talkin' to no ghosts either!" "B-But-" I close her door and walk downstairs. "Guys, we need to get to Rachel. She hasn't eaten in two days." The girls lock eyes. "She's going to starve herself!" "Sierra stay here with Sam, Jason you're with me!" "Huh? Me?!" I thought the girls were gonna go and I stayed with Sam! I reluctantly get in my truck anyway. "Honey I don't know what good it'll do-" "Just shut up and drive!" Ugh. I annoyedly put it in drive. "You need to act like Mason and I mean it this time. Really try to!" "I already did! She saw right through me!" She glares at me. "Well try harder!" God dammit! "I can't okay?!" I ease on the brakes beyond pissed. "I can't pretend to be Mason! It brings back nothing but bad memories!" "Oh Jason, I'm sorry! I didn't even think-" I sigh. "It's okay. I understand. You're worried about Rachel and desperate at this point." I get to the boxing ring. "Well what's our plan?" I ask worried. "We've tried talking to her. We've got no other choice. Brute force!" Oh man. I don't like the sound of that! "And once we do.." She says worriedly. "We have to check her into an insane asylum." I sigh sadly. She's right. There's nothing else we can do. It's up to the professionals. Maybe someday she'll be okay.

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