An Awkward Double Date

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Jason's pov

Luke doesn't want to tell Sierra about what happened. I think he should. Sierra walks out of Luke's bus, dressed up. Huh? "What are you boys lazing around for?" She asks. "It's our day off." Luke says, tilting a beer bottle to his lips. I'm staying away from alcohol around him for right now. "We're going on a double date!" She exclaims. Luke spits his beer out and goes into a coughing fit. Oh man. He really should tell her. This is gonna be the most awkward date ever. I sigh and get up to get ready. "I tried to talk her out of it but she said it's been too long." Miranda says, putting on a nice dress. Apparently we're going somewhere fancy. "Luke should just tell her what happened like I did." I say, putting my hat on. She pulls her hair back and I zip up her dress. "I agree but it's not our place. If he's gonna tell her, he'll tell her." "Nah Luke's too stubborn." We go to the resturaunt and the girls talk about who knows what while me and Luke stare at each other awkwardly. "Tell her." I mouth. "No way." He mouths back. I roll my eyes, my head propped on my hand with my elbow on the table. Fine, Luke's gonna be a wuss, I'll tell her. His eyes go wide when he realized. "Don't." He hisses. "I gotta." I whisper. He kicks me in the leg and my leg hits the table in surprised pain. "Why you!" "What the heck is going on between you two?!" Sierra gasps, confused. "Tell her." I say, louder this time. Miranda elbows me. "Stay out of it." She says. "Tell me what?" She asks. Instead Luke stands up, grabs my shirt, and drags me out of the resturaunt. "What is wrong with you?!" He snaps. "You need to tell her!" "No. I can't!" "You want me to tell her for you?" He shakes his head. "Why not?" "My God, why are you even asking that!? It's embarassing as fuck! I accidentally kissed my best friend, who happens to be a dude by the way!" "I'm in the same boat as you bro." I hear footsteps. I turn around to Sierra. Uh oh. "Luke, why'd you not wanna tell me that? I'm not mad!" "It's just embarassing." He mumbles again. "If I knew I never would've organized this whole thing." "Told ya, man." I say, smiling. He rolls his eyes. She walks over. "Let's go back to the bus." She says, putting a hand on his arm. They leave and I'm standing there in stunned silence. "Why do girls think alike so much?" I mumble to myself. I hear Miranda laugh behind me. "Glad that's taken care of." She says. I nod. "Let's get outta here." We get back to the buses and I collapse to the bed exhausted. She sits on the edge of the bed and takes off her shoes.

Miranda's pov

I feel Jason's hands on my shoulders. He unzips my dress and takes the sleeves down. I smile and turn around. "Havin' fun back there?" He laughs, hysterically. "Maybe." I stand up and slip fully out of the dress. He stares at me wide eyed. I laugh slightly. "Like what ya see?" He smirks and scoots to the edge of the bed. "Love what I see baby." He pulls me onto his lap where we make out. He leans back. I take his hat off and toss it to the side.

Luke's pov

Sierra curls up next to me, her arms around my waist. I smile and rest a hand on her back. "Jay was right. I shoulda told ya the first night." She's asleep. I kiss her head and lay my head back. That crazy ass cowboy has gotten me in so much trouble, saved my ass, been the craziest best friend ever, and I don't know where I'd be without him.

*the next day*

Jason's pov

Luke stumbles off his bus, talking to someone. He waves and trips over the last step. I roll my eyes. "You clumsy oaf save that for the stage." I call, trying not to laugh. He walks over. "She wasn't mad." He says. "Told ya she wouldn't." I say. "Thanks bro." He says, hugging me, catching me off guard. I pat his back weirded out. "Please man, don't make it awkward between us again." He laughs and lets go. He looks like he's in a daze. "Dude, what happened to you last night?" He smiles. "Her love is relentless." I roll my eyes. "Ok I'm gonna go if ya got nothin' normal to say." I say, waving and heading back to my bus. "Wait, Jason!" He calls. I turn back around. "What weirdo?" I ask, crossing my arms. "You mind wearin' a tux when I say my vows?" My hands fall to my sides. "W-What?" He smiles that goofy I'm in love so deep I'd drown smirk. "I said would you. Wear a tux. When I'm sayin' my vows?" He repeats slower. "I knew what ya said! I just.... I can't believe my ears! You're gettin' married!" He nods. "I asked her last night." Damn, my day has changed dramatically. "Wow buddy congratulations." I say, patting his back.

*later at the show*

Me and Luke were about to sing we road in trucks together when he decided to announce his engagement. Miranda still doesn't know so this'll shock her. He lifts a beer and I do the same. I smile and he announces it and we clink beers together. My girlfriend's jaw drops and she hugs Sierra and squeals. I laugh and both of us pull our girls onstage. Luke sings his song first love song and my arm is around my girl's waist, the other draped over my guitar as they dance and he sings. "Wow, I'm proud of him." She says, laying her head on my shoulder. I smile and nod. "Me too." Young Country boy from Leesburg Georgia has finally grown up.

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