Who's The Father?

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Jason's pov

I can't think straight. I'm furious. I despise Mason. This is really bad. "Oh Jason, I feel even worse now especially if it's-" "Don't say it!" I interrupt, trying not to yell. "What do we do?" "A paternity test. That's the only thing we can do." I shakily say.

*the next day*

I postpone the rest of the tour til we figure this stuff out. Mason doesn't even know yet. And I'm not gonna even tell him. Til he finds out on his own when she starts showing. I nervously drum my fingers against the table beside me. God I hope this baby's mine. And not my half wit two timing brother's. Miranda was up crying half the night, feeling guilty from it. I wish I could figure out what to do. But I'm so lost at this point. They call our name so we go to the room. The doctor wants her to take another pregnancy test. I'm completely shaking. "We already know she's pregnant. Why take another test?" I ask, trying to stay calm and failing miserably. "Because those dollar store tests can sometimes be false. This one is 100% accurate."


We were back home. I held the manila folder with the paternity test results but I'm too scared to open it. If it says Mason at the top I don't know what I'll do. I shakily open it and the first word in the blank under father is..... JASON! YES! "It's all good baby!" "Oh thank God! Jason, I love you so much." I hug her tight and drop the folder. "I love you too, man am I glad. We're gonna have a baby together." She smiles, tears in her eyes. "We sure are Jay." I gladly stare at her, the glow of the fire in the fireplace illuminating her beautiful face. "Damn I love you." I gasp, pulling her into a passionate kiss that leads upstairs.

3rd person pov

The fire crackled in the fireplace. But there was something off. In their haste to deal with everything, the handiwork of the wood placement was sloppy. All it took was one log for the whole thing to come crashing down.

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