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Jason's pov

I had just finished recording for the new album. Tully and Kurt said they were going to the gym and asked if I wanted to join them. I don't think so though. "I'm gonna head home, check on the boys." I say. I head home. When I get home, Miranda's wearing running clothes. "What're you up to?" "Hitting the gym. Losing some baby weight. I've premade bottles in the fridge for the boys." "OK. See ya." She leaves. "What's with everyone going to the gym all of a sudden?" I mumble to myself.  I shrug it off and head upstairs. Sam should be getting home in a few minutes. Maybe we'll play some ball like we used to do when she was younger. The boys are still asleep in the nursery. I'm pretty excited for the cruise thing.

*2 years later*

"This is gonna be fun!" Sam gasps running toward the dock! "Hey wait, come get some bags. We can't fit everything in the stroller!" I call to her. She walks back not so enthusiastic. "Blame your mother. She insisted on bringing three baby bags." I say rolling my eyes. She laughs and steps out, putting her sunglasses over her eyes. "You won't be complaining when we don't have to wash anything these two weeks!" "Whatever." I get the stroller out as she gets the boys out. "We're gonna go on a big ship!" Max cries, running around the truck. "Stop it, crazy. You'll mess up your asthma." Miranda says, grabbing him. Max got diagnosed with asthma a few months after their first birthday. Doc says due to his underdeveloped lungs when he was born. "Not too much running for you little man." I whisper to myself, loading bags onto the stroller. That means he can't get into sports. Due to my stupidity. "Daddy I gotta go to the bathwoom." Mason says tugging on my pants. "Sam take Mason to the bathroom." I say. I toss Mike the keys to my truck. "Thanks man." "No problem."

*A few minutes later*

I dropped the bags off at our stateroom then went on deck. I noticed, to my dismay, there are multiple ghosts on this ship. Hopefully they don't interfere with my gigs this week.

*A couple hours later*

Me and Luke are onstage tonight. "It's been a while since we've played shows together." Luke says. I nod and grab my guitar. "Maybe when we get back home, I'll have Mike set up a tour of you, me, and Tyler. He's got that song damn good friends we worked on. That could be the title." "Love it." They announce us to stage.

Miranda's pov

I get to the place Jason's performing at tonight. This is a pretty cool cruiseline. I am having a blast and it's only day 1! I get Mason and Max situated and seated. Sam was pretending to be proper making the boys laugh. Jason and Luke start playing songs. It was pretty great until Sam looked uncomfortable. "Go away." She mumbled. Huh? "What's wrong?" "Nothing."

Jason's pov

I freeze up, noticing a ghost hovering around Sam. Sadly she didn't lose her ability to see ghosts. They still bug her from time to time. What do I do though? I'm performing right now. After we finish the song we were on, I walked offstage and made eye contact with the ghost. Which happened to be a teenage boy. He definitely looked surprised. I sigh frustrated. "I'll be back in ten. Hold the fort down." I tell Luke then motion for the kid to follow me. I walk into the hallway and seconds later he appears in front of me. "This is weird. You and that girl are the first people to notice me in decades." "Damn. How long ya been dead kid?" "Since the 40s. My dad owned this liner til the damn Holocaust broke out." Shit. "Well... How'd you die?" "I don't wanna talk about it." "Why are you still here?" He shrugs. "Got nowhere to go, I guess." He says shrugging. "Yeah ya do. Do you see a light?" He rolls his eyes. "I ain't goin' in no light! I lived in the dark. I died in the dark. I ain't going in the light." "You have to! It's a much better place. Hell your parents might even be there!" "What do you know about my parents?!" He shouts angrily. "I don't just leave my daughter alone!" I say also getting ticked. "I'll do what I want and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" He vanishes. Crap! "He better leave Sam alone. I mutter stomping back in the room.

*Later that night*

We were getting ready for bed. "Ya know. There's alot of ghosts haunting ths ship." I mutter sitting on the bed. "How many have you seen?" She asks, changing into a nightgown. "So far, 4. 2 when we first walked on board. One who looked kinda like a captain guy. And there's this teenage boy who's hanging around Sam." Her eyes go wide. "Is that what was bothering her tonight?" I nod. She sits beside me. "What do the ghosts look like?" "Like people I guess." "Then how can you tell which ones are dead and which ones are alive?" I shrug. "It's kinda hard to explain. I can feel them sort of. Plus when they see me looking at them, the shocked expression on their face usually does it for me." "Oh. Man, this seeing ghosts thing is peculiar." I nod and lean back tiredly. "I don't like it. I especially don't like that Sam can see them too." She sighs. "Is there anything I can do?" I shrug. "I doubt it. Let's just go to bed. Tomorrow's another day and I've got to get with Tyler to see what our set list is." She smiles. "I love y'all's song damn good friends." "So do alot of people. I know for a fact we're doing that one." She kisses my cheek and settles into bed beside me. "Night babe." I say closing my eyes. "Night." She whispers already falling asleep, making me smile at her adorableness.

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