Sam's First Ghost Crossover

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Jason's pov

The guy at the ice cream shop never showed up. So we ended up heading home. "Ok Sam you have my blessing, if you promise to be careful." "Of course daddy." She says. I hug her. Miranda walked downstairs. "I'm taking Mason and Max to the arcade. You two gonna be okay?" I smile. "We'll survive honey." She smiles too. We share a kiss and they leave. I turn on sports, bored. Sam was reading a book. Suddenly I heard a terrified whimper through the tv. I stand up worried. "Help me! Please! I'm so scared!! What's going on?!" The image of a terrified little girl appeared onscreen. The show behind it not moving. "Oh my God dad!" Sam gasps pointing. Suddenly the poor girl disappeared and reappeared lying on the floor, eyes closed. I quickly ran over to her. "Hey little girl, wake up." I say worried. She groans and slowly wakes up. "Where am I?! What's going on?! Who are you?!" "Calm down!" I say. She's terrified and shaking. "You're... You're dead." I nervously tell her. "D-Dead... I... How am I dead?" "We don't know." Sam says crouching down beside me. The girl is a little over 12 maybe. "Where's my mama?" She whimpers. "Do you know where your mother lives?" I ask. She nods. I stand up. "Sam call your mother. We're going on a road trip."

*A few hours later*

Her name is Maria and she lives in Alabama. We're gonna try and find her mom. It'll help her cross over. We finally get to her house. I knock on the door. My daughter and Maria standing beside me. A woman in her late 40s wearing a mourning gown answers the door. Oh my God. She just died recently. "Ma'am, I know you don't know us but we have something to tell you." She looks at me surprised. "I do know you." Maybe she's a fan? "M-My sweet little girl listened to your music all the time. How... What are you doing here?" "Ma'am, Maria is still here and I can see her." Her jaw drops. "What?" "She showed up in my house today freaked out. She doesn't know what happened to her. She's confused and scared and she needs you." I'm totally thrown for a loop when the woman faints. "Oops." I get her inside and on the couch. A few minutes later, she wakes up screaming her daughter's name. "My baby girl's a ghost." She shakily says, staring at me. I nod. "She was such a huge fan." The woman says, crying again. "I don't... I don't remember anything." Maria whimpers sitting beside her. Poor kid. "How.... How did I die?" "She wants to know how she died." I say. "A b-blood clot in the brain." She replies, her hands shaking. "Oh Maria!!! My sweet baby girl!" She screams sobbing. I hug the poor woman. Maria was crying. "Please don't cry mama. I'm sorry!" "It isn't your fault." Sam says. I bite my lip. "Ma'am listen to me. Your daughter can't cross over until she knows you'll be alright." "I'm so... Lost without Maria." "You've got to tell her you'll be okay. She can't stay here." I'm so worried that asshole will come back. The one who tried to hold that boy back. "Maria, Mama's gonna be okay. I promise, baby." "Oh mommy! I love you so much." "She says she loves you." She smiles through her tears. "You can be free now, Maria." Sam says smiling. She looks at her mother one last time then says, "Thank you." Then she vanishes.


"Sam you've proven you can handle this. I'm so proud of you." I say hugging her. "Thanks dad. I won't let ya down." I smile. "I know ya won't."

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