Sleepless Nights, Talking, And Intuition

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Jason's pov

I lay awake at night and all I do is toss and turn. I can't sleep for nothing. Miranda was asleep beside me. I got nervous and checked on the kids but they were fine. Max fell asleep with his glasses on so I took them off and put them in their case. "So much medical problems with you kiddo." I whisper sadly. I went back to bed but still couldn't sleep.

*The next day*

I slept for maybe an hour if that. I woke up and saw Miranda putting on her make up. I force a smile and get up to take a shower. "Jase we need to talk." I tense up in surprise. "What's up?" "I'm really worried about you. I don't like what this seeing ghosts shit is doing to you. You look so worn down." I am worn down. I'm exhausted. "Trust me if I could get rid of it, I would. I despise it." I say sighing. "There's nothing we can do?" I shake my head. "I wish there was but it's one of those it'll be with me til I die things." I smile. "Kinda like you." She smiles too. "Ok, I love you." "I love you too baby. I'm gonna jump in the shower." I grab a change of clothes and open the bathroom door. "Don't jump. You could fall." She jokes making me laugh. "Ha ha. Real funny."

Miranda's pov

I go get the boys up and ready. Sam was already doing stuff. After getting Mason and Max ready, I took them to the children's clubhouse. I hugged them both. "You be good." I say smiling. "Keep your inhaler on you at all times." "I will mama." He says holding it up then putting it in his pocket. I love these boys. "Ok have fun." I text Sam to see where she is. She says she's at the pool. I smile and walk to the side. I look out over the water. "Half of me wishes this cruise was over. I just wanna lay in my own bed." I whisper tiredly. I could feel Jason unable to sleep last night. "Hey." I smile and turn around. "Hey." I say. "You okay?" He nods. "Just a little tired." "Bad night?" He nods again. He rests his hands on the bars. "I can't stop thinking about Mason." He whispers looking out at the water, the wind blowing through his hair. I know he isn't talking about our son. He's talking about his brother. "He's happy, remember, Jason? He's got Rachel?" He sighs. "It's just... What that guy... Made me see... Really got to me." "What happened?" "This jackass ghost who's working for some evil spirits are trying to keep ghosts here. He's mad that I'm helping them and he tricked the kid that was messing with Sam. It's really hard to explain everything but he showed me... I don't know what it was but... I saw Mason. He was in pain." He closes his eyes. "I know it wasn't him. There's no way it could have been. He was just trying to mess with my head." "And it worked." I say worried. He opens his eyes, worry in them. "It makes me doubt myself." "Doubt... Doubt yourself? Why?" "What if.... What if the light isn't good?" "Of course it is." I say. "I wish he could send me a sign. That he and Rach are okay. I'm just... Worried." I wish I could help him. I hug him. "I feel so useless right now." I whisper. "What? Why?" "Cause you're goin' through this and there's nothing I can do to help." He wraps me in a hug. "There's nothing anyone can do." He says. "I've just gotta stop thinking about it. I know he's okay." He suddenly tenses up. "Jase?" I look up at him. He's staring wide eyed ahead. "Jason are you alright?" I ask worried. He snaps out of it and shakes his head. "What happened?" He smiles. "Huh?" "Mason's alright." He says, looking alot more relieved. "Did.. Did he talk to you?" He nods. I bite my lip. "Have... Have you heard from Rachel?" "She's with Mason, baby. I promise. I watched them leave together." He says rubbing my back comfortingly.

Jason's pov

Suddenly I had a bad feeling in my gut. "Miranda where are the kids?" "The boys are at the kids' thing and Sam is hanging out by the pool. I hold her hand and walk to the pool. Sam is fine then I go check on the boys. It's panic. And at the heart of it... Is Max, struggling to breathe. "What?!" I run over. "Where's his inhaler?" "We can't find it!" Mason cries worried. Miranda gets her spare and gives it to him. He starts being able to breathe again. I hold him to my chest as he cries uncontrollably. "It's okay bud. You're okay." I whisper trying to calm him down. "I h-had it.... In m-my p-pocket... B-But then it w-was g-gone." He stutters shaking. I pick up both boys. "Let's go to our room and calm down." "I'm sorry daddy." "There's nothing for you to apologize for, Maxy." I say hugging them both tight. We get back to our room and I get the boys distracted with TV. "How'd you know?" Miranda asks. I don't know. I kept an eye on them, nervous. "I... I don't know." I whisper.

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