Life Happens Next.

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Jason's pov

*3 weeks later*

I woke up yet again from a nightmare about the fire. I sigh deeply and try to go back to sleep. That's when I realize Miranda isn't laying beside me. I stumble out of bed, confused. It's almost four in the morning! Where could she be? I walk downstairs, looking for her and I see her hugging Rachel on the couch. "What's going on?" "Oh hey Jason." Rachel says waving. I wave back confused. She's been crying. Probably over Mason. She did love him before shit hit the fan. "I'm just not sure if I can." "Can what?" I ask. "Go back to Tully. He's asking for another chance but I don't know if I can trust him again." I wish she could go back to Mason. But she can't. I sigh sadly. "Do you think I can trust him?" She asks, looking at me now! "Me? I don't know. I ain't in the guy's head." She bites her lip worried. I stand up. "I don't know hun but do what your heart is telling you."

*the next day*

Rachel's pov

I nervously knock on the door to Tully's house. He answers only wearing boxers. His eyes go wide. "Oh hey Rach... I... Uh hold on." He gets jeans and a T-shirt on and sits on the couch. "What's up?" He asks. Empty beer bottles litter the floor, his eyes are red rimmed. "Tully, I learned a lot the last few weeks after losing Mason. Life's too short to hold a grudge so I forgive you what happened at the hotel." His eyes get huge. "Rachel, I'm sorry about that night. I got buzzed and wasn't thinking clearly. I hope you know how much I love you." Tears hint at my eyes. "I do, Tully I do." I say wiping them away. He hugs me. "God you don't know how jealous I was when you were with Mason. It drove me nuts."

Jason's pov

The TV was on but I wasn't paying attention to it. I didn't sleep well the night before after waking up. "Jason! Come quick!" My eyes snap open and I race upstairs, nearly tripping and falling flat on my face. "Baby?" "In the bathroom!" I swing the door open. She's got tears in her eyes and a pregnancy test in her hand. My eyes go wide. "Did it work?" I shakily ask. She nods, looking up at me. I wipe the tears from her cheeks and kiss her hard. "We're gonna have a baby!" I gasp, shakily.

*a few days later*

I tell my parents that they're going to be grandparents and that sure cheers them up a little after everything. I go to the cemetery where my little brother is buried. I hit my knees in tears beside his grave with a bottle of Jack in my hand. "I'm gonna be a father, Mason. You'd be an uncle. God I wish somehow you could be here." I gasp forcing back the tears. I pour a little jack by his grave. "You're the only reason this is possible. You saved me and her. Without you, we'd have died." I hear gravel spin as a truck parks up the way. I shakily get to my feet, seeing dad. "Hey Jason." "How.... How'd you know I was here?" I ask wiping my eyes embarrassed. "I'm smart like that." It kills me what I know. They treated Mason second best to me. That's why he hated me. That's why he wanted to be like me. He wanted to make mom and dad proud..... I hate everything that's going on right now! I shove his hand off my shoulder and grab my bottle of jack. "What's wrong?" "Leave me alone!" I snap, slamming the door of my truck. I grip the steering wheel, fighting back the tears. "Dammit! Mason why'd ya have to die?! I can't do this without you!!" I spin my tires and fly down the highway. Angry, sad. "Slow down!" Like a voice in my head. I hit the brakes, tailspinning to the side of the road, breathing heavily. "Are you dumb or what?" "M-Mason?" He now sat beside me, riding shotgun. "Mason I forgive you. I do!" "It's okay Jason." He looks up at me. "You need to forgive yourself. You can't blame yourself for what happened. It's gonna eat you up inside. You've gotta let go! My death wasn't your fault!" "Why do I feel like it is?" I shakily say. We just stare at each other for what feels like eternity until we hug. "I love you, man." I shakily whisper. "I love you too." And with that he's gone. I force myself to focus on the road and drive safely otherwise my brother would have died in vain. I get home and smile seeing my wife, curled up asleep on the couch. The day my brother died I asked myself, "What happens next?" I look at the woman I love with all my heart, carrying our unborn son or daughter. Now I know what happens next. "Life. Life happens next." I whisper, smiling. I sit beside her and pull her into my lap then fall asleep myself.

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