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Miranda's pov

I'm nervous. Rachel has been down at the boxing ring all day. I went to check on her and the coach said she hasn't stopped all day. "Hiya!" She yells swinging at the punching bag. I grab her arm. "Rachel!" Nothing. "Rachel stop!" I shout, grabbing both her arms. She throws me off. I stumble into the wall, shocked. "Rachel.... What's happened to you?" The coach helps me up. "Something is very wrong." She says. I nod worried and get back home. "Jason we've got a problem." I shakily say. "What is it?" He asks, turning the TV down. "Rachel. She... Something is wrong with her. She hasn't stopped boxing all day. She's got this look of pure rage. Maybe you can talk some sense into her!" "Me??" He gapes. "What am I gonna be able to do?!" "I don't know! You're so level headed! Maybe she'll listen to you! All I did talking to her, was get thrown into a wall!" His eyes go wide. "Get thrown... What happened?" He gasps, grabbing my shoulders. "I grabbed her arms to try and get her to stop and she threw me back." "Are you okay?" I nod. "My head's a little sore but I'm okay. Please I don't know what to do about Rachel! I'm so worried about her!" He sighs. "I don't know what good I'll be able to do." Sam walks down the stairs and we try to act like nothing is wrong. "Can I get ice cream?" She asks pointing outside where the ice cream truck was. I sigh and nod. I hand her some cash and she goes to get ice cream. "Please! I'm begging!" I gasp. He sighs. "What on earth would I say?!" I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. He stares at me worried. "Baby please don't cry." "I'm so worried, Jason. She's my best friend and... And I'm afraid.... I.... I'm afraid I've lost her." He hugs me and I cry softly. "I'll go talk to her okay, baby?" "I'm sorry." I whisper shakily. "I'm just so scared." "I'll figure this out." He says.

Jason's pov

Although I don't know how I'll get through to her. Me of all people! I walk out the door worried and trying to think of what to say. Sam was eating her ice cream on the front lawn. "Want some dad?" I shake my head and open my truck door. "Where ya goin'?" "To talk to a friend." I say. I pat her head. "Go easy on your mother tonight kiddo. She's had a rough day." "OK, well when will you be back?" "Later tonight." I drive to the place and Miranda wasn't kidding! She's totally in the zone! I walk over. "Rachel!" Her hands were bloodied and bruised, she was dripping with sweat. "Rachel!" She doesn't respond. "Dag nabit girl!" I gripe grabbing her arm. She freezes mid swing then shoves me back. Darn it. "Go away." She whispers, swinging again. "I'm not leaving without you." "Fine. Stay here all night. I don't give a rat's ass. I'm not going anywhere." Her voice is so gravelly. It's terrifying. "There's people worried about you!" "Who cares? The only person I'll ever love is dead and gone!" "But there's still people here that love you and right now they're terrified for you!" She turns around, a fierce look in her eyes that gradually fades to shock. "M-Mason? I th-thought you left for g-good." Oh man. I rub my neck nervously. "I.... I... Um... Hate to break it to ya Rachel, but..." Then it hits me. I could use this to my advantage. "Yeah.... Uh it's me Mason!" "Why'd you come back?" "Because I was worried about you! You're scarin' folks!" Her eyes go wide. "You're not Mason. He doesn't talk like a backwoods redneck!" Dammit. I guess I'm not as good at impersonating my little brother as he was of me! She turns back to the punching bag and I grab her arm. "You're coming home now!" "You can't make me!" She shouts, punching me in the chest and pulling free. "What're you accomplishing staying down here?!" "NOTHING!!!!" She yells angrily. "THERE IS NOTHING TO ACCOMPLISH!! MY LIFE IS OVER WITHOUT MASON!" "It doesn't have to be over!" I say grabbing her wrist. "There is nothing left for me to be happy about." She whispers, her head hung low. "That's not true! There's plenty to be happy about. Like, the holidays. Fresh snow on the ground! Or Sierra's annual winter movie night. What about your parents Rachel?" "Who gives a damn?" "I do. And Miranda does and Sierra. Not to mention.... Tully." A tear rolls down her cheek. "I'm sorry... But... My heart belongs to one man." "I know that. And Mason woulda wanted you to be happy." She sighs and pulls her arm free, turning back to the punching bag. She sets her hand on it. "Just go home, Jason. There's nothing you can do for me." I sigh. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" She swings her fist into the punching bag. "Goodbye." She growls warningly. I sigh defeated. I walk out worried. "What the hell do I tell Miranda?"

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