Feeling Like A Burden

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Miranda's pov

Me and Jason are double dating with Rachel and Tully. It's cold so I grab some gloves and a scarf. Then I put musical note earrings on and a necklace Jason bought me. It's a heart that says love is eternal. I look at myself in the mirror. Man, I'm so glad to be here with him.

Jason's pov

We get to the resturaunt and our friends are two drinks in at the bar. I laugh and join them. "I'll be designated." My girl says, making me smile. "I love you babe." "Love you too cowboy."

Miranda's pov

The others are having fun but I'm not really in the mood. I trace a finger on the worn out wood while we wait for an actual table since this place is packed. "Long time no see." Huh? I look up and stumble back in horrified shock, seeing Andrew! "What?! No!" I screech. "Baby girl, what's wrong?" He gasps, running over. I shake my head terrified and it's not Andrew. It's some guy who's staring at me confused just like everyone else. Tears form in my eyes and I run out of the resturaunt and sit on the ground, sobbing my eyes out. I hear cowboy boots on the ground then Jason sits beside me. "Babe, what happened?" "I.... I don't know... I thought I saw.... But then it wasn't him!" I gasp, trying to stop crying. He hugs me. "It's okay let it out. Then we can talk." I glance over his shoulder where Rachel and Tully stand, looking at me worried. "I'm sorry guys I ruined the night for everyone." "Baby you didn't ruin it. It's not your fault. You need to tell me what's going on though." My hands are shaking. "I thought I saw Andrew. He said long time no see." "You mean the barkeep? He was talkin' to me. I'm a regular here. It wasn't Andrew. Your mind's playin' tricks on ya." He pulls my chin up. "We should just go back to the bus." "No, I want you to have a good time." He smiles. "Being with you is my good time." My eyes tear up again. He pulls me up. "We're just gonna head back to the bus." He says. They nod. I wave. We get back to the bus. I feel bad for making him leave the bar because of my craziness. He grabs a beer and turns on sports. I stand in the doorway to our bedroom. I don't think I'm cut out for this. I shakily sit on the bed and try not to cry. I love Jason that's why I have to let him go. He's not gonna be happy dealing with me and my problems. I'll wait til he falls asleep.


I fight back the tears and pocket my phone and wallet. He's asleep on the couch, the remote still in his hand. I wipe my eye and kiss his cheek. "I love you. I'm sorry. I'll miss you so much..... But you deserve better than a half crazed girl."

*the next morning*

Jason's pov

My phone buzzes waking me up. A text from Mike.

M: soundcheck in ten.

J: on my way.

"Hey baby, I gotta get to soundcheck, ya wanna come?" I call. She's probably still asleep. Poor girl. That Andrew guy really got to her. She thought the bartender was him! Tully pours a cup of coffee. "Soundcheck in ten." I tell him. "How'd you know?" "Mike texted me." I go to my room to change. "Baby you alright?" Still quiet. Man, she's a hard sleeper. I pull back the covers but there's no one there! Huh? "Where is she?!" I shout. There's a note on the night stand and I grab it.

Dear Jason, I'm sorry but I can't make you go through dealing with me and my tiresome moments of thinking I see things. You don't deserve a messed up broken girl. I love you. I always will. Goodbye cowboy, Miranda.

My eyes widen in shock and the note falls from my hand! "No!" I gasp, running and tripping over the blanket. "Guys!" I scream, running out where they all are. Everyone is awake now. "Miranda's gone!" I cry. "What?! Where'd she go?" "I.. I don't know! The note just said she's leaving! She said she didn't want me to have to deal with her! B-But I wasn't dealing with her! I l-loved her, love her!" I'm so scared! Where could she have gone!? "She probably went home." Rachel says. "I gotta go! Y'all tell Mike." I run out the door before anyone else says anything.

Miranda's pov

I sob loudly on the couch. I miss him so much. But he shouldn't have to deal with my stupid crap! I flip through the channels on TV. "Nothing on." I murmur. I go to check the mail then someone grabs my arm. I spin around. My eyes go wide, seeing Andrew. I struggle to pull free. "Let me go!!" I screech. "No. Wait I'm just imagining you!" I gasp, getting the mail out. But the grip doesn't loosen. "Oh I'm not imaginary, princess." My pace quickens. "What do you want with me?" I whimper, shaking. He drags me to the house.

Jason's pov

Who is that guy? She's totally freaking out. I jump out. "Whoever you are, you better let my girl go!" I yell, furious. He has her pinned against the wall of her house and she's crying! I tried asking nicely but you get one shot with me. I grab his shoulder and throw him to the ground. "Don't touch her." I growl. "Who the hell are you?" He gasps, rubbing his head. "Jason, she's my girlfriend. Who the hell are you?" He glares at her. "Andrew." My eyes go wide. The asshole that tried to kill her! "Oh so this is the fucking bastard that tried to kill my girl!" His eyes go wide. "You bitch who else did you tell?!" He shouts. She cowers terrified. "Don't talk to her!" I scream, kicking him. "Don't look at her, don't touch her, don't do nothin' that involves her you son of a bitch!" I pull out my pistol and point it at him. "If I ever EVER see you ANYWHERE near my girl again, I WILL KILL YOU!!" He runs away and she slid to the ground. I drop the gun and wrap my arms around her. "Come on hun, let's go inside." We get inside and she's crying on the couch. "Why'd you leave baby?" "You shouldn't have to deal with me. Seeing things and freaking out. It won't go away and you'll have to put up with it. You don't deserve that!" I hug her. "Baby, I don't deal with nothin'. I love you and I'll keep you safe from him. And it can get better. Maybe we can go to a therapist they could help you too. I will not give up on you ever." She cries into my chest. "I don't know why you wanna be stuck dealing with this shit." I smile. "I'm not. I love everything there is to love about you. You're my girl and you'll always be the best thing that ever happened to me." "Oh Jay, I love you too!" I smile and get her to stand up. "Come on let's go get back to Arkansas. Mike's gonna have my head for ditchin'." She smiles. "You got in trouble for me?" "Maybe I doubt it but even if I'd do it anytime. I'll always stick by you baby don't forget that." I kiss her forehead and grab her hand. "Now let's hit the road, cowgirl."

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