A Growing Girl

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Jason's pov

My little Sam ain't so little anymore. She's turning sixteen today. For her present, I got her her own truck. A blue Ford. I'll teach her to drive. I'm just really not liking the whole growing up thing. When I woke up, the kids were all asleep and Miranda was making breakfast. "Soon she'll take her driver's test, graduate high school. I'm just not ready." I say smiling and leaning against the counter. "Aw Jay that isn't for another two years." "The time's are gonna fly by. Just like these past 16 years." She turns around with an adorable smile on her face. My mind flashes back to the other night. Almost losing her. If it wasn't for that vision. I shake the chilling terrified thoughts. The guy afterward creeped me out even more. "You blanked out there. You alright?" I nod, staring at the stove nervous. "Did you see something?" "No. I'm fine. I'll go get the kids up." "Everything will be okay. Don't let that guy scare you." My eyes go wide. "How'd you-" "I heard you talking to yourself last night." My face heats up. "I didn't want you to know bout that." "Go on upstairs. Get the kids." She says hugging me. Man I'm one lucky man. "I love you honey." "I love you too." I head upstairs and hear Sam. "Dad's gonna take me driving in his truck!" I hear her say making me smile. Actually I'm taking her driving in her own truck. "But what if you crash?" I hear Max ask. "I won't. I'll be real careful." "Hey Sam when you grow up, can I have your bedroom?" Mason asks making me laugh. I open the door. "Come on guys, Mama's got breakfast on the table." "Race ya!" Mason shouts, jumping off the bed. The boys run for the door, tripping over each other. I grab their shirt collars. "No running in the house. You know that. Especially you, Max." Mason and Max leave. "Happy birthday Sam." I say hugging her. "I'm worried about Max." "Why?" "His asthma. He had an attack last night. I heard it." "I know but as long as he's got his inhaler, he'll be fine. Hey tons of folks have asthma and still has great productive lives." "You're right. I'm just paranoid." I smile. "Let's go downstairs. The sooner we finish breakfast, the sooner I can get you on the road." And show you your new truck. Man she's gonna love it! We were walking downstairs. "I... After breakfast, I wanna talk just us." "Ok. Good or bad?" "It's about the ghost stuff." I tense up. "Did one of them her you?" "No... But... I'll tell you later." I don't like this. She goes to the kitchen. God I wish she didn't have this power.  I wonder what it's about.


I unveil the truck for her and she screams in shock and excitement. I laugh and toss her the keys. "My own truck! This is awesome!!" "Just in case so she can't wreck yours." Miranda whispers jokingly nudging my arm. "Aw naw." I say, waving my hand. She gets in the driver side and I get in he passenger side. "Where am I headed?" "Try driving to the lake. Remember speed limits and turn signals." "Got it."

*20 minutes later*

We drove through town, grabbed some lunch and stopped at the lake again. "You're doing great at driving." I say, patting her back. "Well what can I say? I'm a fast learner. I get that from my dad." I laugh. "You're crazy, girl." We find a park bench to sit on. "Now what about this ghost stuff did you want to talk to me about?" Her eyes go wide. "Well I don't know if you will like it or not but... I wanna do what you do, dad." "What do you mean?" "I wanna help them like you do!" Crap. "You can't." "Why not?" "Because. Just trust me. It's hell on me. I hate it." "Yeah but I like it! I wanna help them dad!" "It isn't just helping sweetie. It comes with visions of the past, sometimes the future. Nightmares. Sometimes the ghosts can mess with the physical world if they get pissed or frustrated. One shattered a mirror." "Well what else can I do?!" "Just do what you've been doing. Tell them to come find me!" "I can do it dad. I'm old enough." I sigh. "I don't want you to get hurt Samantha." Her eyes go wide. I hardly ever call her Samantha. Usually just Sam. "Ok if I prove it to you that I can handle it and cross a ghost over, will you let me?" I sigh. "I don't know honey. Every ghost is different." "I will do it whether you agree or not but I would rather have your blessing." This is so worrying. But my Sam is a big girl now. "Ok prove to me you can handle it and I'll agree." She smiles. "I won't let ya down dad." I smile. "You could never, Sammy." I say hugging her.

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