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Jason's pov

I went home to shower and get a change of clothes for me and Miranda. Luke was watching Sam here at home. "How's everything going?" He asks. "The babies are still in the NICU." I say sadly. "Do we know anything?" I shake my head. "All we know is Max has some lung problems." I walk down to the nursery. "I can't stand it." "I wish I could help." "You are helping, man. Big time." I head back to the hospital. "I need a shower too." She mumbles, tiredly. "Need any help?" "No." I sit on this couch worried. My kind flashes back to that guardian guy. The one who took that little girl. The little girl that wasn't supposed to make it. My heart starts pounding fast from fear and I rush down to the NICU. He was standing beside my sons!!!! "No!! Oh God! No don't take them!!!! Please!!" I gasp, pounding on the door. I try to open it but it won't budge. "Please!! No!!!" I shakily wake up on the couch in her room. "Just a dream!" I run down to check on them. I compose myself before opening the door. "How are they doin'?" I ask the nurse holding Mason. "This little guy is getting stronger." She says. "Wat about Max?" "He's still having difficulty breathing. But we've got him on medication for now. I'm afraid though he might need a lung transplant. They're just too underdeveloped." My hands are shaking. "Is that really the only thing you can do?" I don't want my son to be cut open! I shakily hold Max. "Don't give up on me, buddy." I shakily whisper fighting back tears.

Miranda's pov

I'm so tired all the time. I hate it. But worst of all I hate not knowing if my babies are gonna live or die! I hate not holding them and snuggling them and feeding them! It's a nightmare! A nurse walks in holding my baby boy. "Mason." I whimper. She walks over and hands him to me. "He's stronger." I say smiling relieved. "How's Max?" "Still struggling ma'am. Your husband is with him." The nurse leaves. Five minutes later, Jason walks in the room. "The n-nurse said Max will have to stay." He says, sitting beside me. "B-But Mason's well enough to go home." I start to cry.  "I can't leave Max!" I cry, shaking. "I can't leave him here. He'll be so scared!" He sighs and takes Mason, setting him in the bassinet the nurse brought. "We can't leave him, Jason." "We have to baby. We've gotta take care of Sam and Mason. The doctors will take care of Max." "B-But they won't love him! He needs someone who loves him!!" Mason starts crying and I try to stop so I'm not scaring him. "I don't want to leave him, Jason. He's gonna be terrified." He hugs me. "M-Max isn't even conscious right now. He's not gonna be scared." "OH GOD!!!!" I cry sobbing.

*A few days later*

Jason's pov

I'm worried. Mason is so quiet. He looks sad too. "Maybe he misses Max." Sam said. "He ain't the only one." I say sighing. I pick him up out of his crib and I can't help but feel responsible. If I didn't help that ghost girl cross over, they wouldn't have been born premature. Max wouldn't be limboing between life and death. "Daddy is Max gonna be okay?" I fight back the tears. "We don't know."

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