The Battle And An Invitation

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Jason's pov

We were outside the warehouse we found Miranda in. "Su-Lu said they're all in here so we got them right where we want them." Jim says, smiling. Uhura has her back against the wall so I do the same. Jim opens the door with a loud creak that makes me wince in worry. "Ok g-" just as he says this, several of them run out. "Ok looks like element of surprise is out!" He gasps. Whoa! One almost punches me in the face but I dodge it at the last second and the fight begins. I shoot the creature and a green beam shoots at it. Weird weapon. "Yes! I got it!" I gasp, gladly. But then I feel something wrap around my neck and squeeze. I strugglingly turn around, fearfully, trying to get the tentacle off my throat. Man! Jim wasn't kidding when he said these guys have no mercy. He lifts me off the ground and I can't breathe. Someone shoots it. I fall to the ground, struggling to breathe and having a coughing fit when I open my eyes, complete and total shock fills me. "Holy shit!?! Mom what the fuck are you doing here?!" "Jason! Language!" She gasps. Oh my God! Seriously! "I was about to go to the store when I saw whatever the hell this is!" I facepalm myself and hit my communicator. "Scotty can you hear me?" "Aye sir!" "I need you to beam my mom up! She somehow got in the middle of this!" "Wait! Whatever this is I can help! I know how to shoot!" I'm about to pull my hair out! "No! Mom! You can't! God I can't believe this happened!" "Ready for this?" "For what?"

Miranda's pov

His mom appears. "What the heck?" She gasps. "It's an ailen war down there." I say.

Jason's pov

"Glad that mess is taken care of." I mumble. "Jason look out!" I hear Mason shout then he tackles me to the ground. Just as he does that, the wall behind me explodes. "Thanks man." I gasp breathing heavily. "Brothers for life?" He says smiling. I smile too. "Twin brothers for life." I reply.


Jim and I were standing back to back, surrounded by these things. "Jason, if we don't make it out of this, I just wanna say, it was great fighting alongside you and you would've made a great officer on my ship!" I'm shaking. I promised my wife I'd make it back! I have to make it back! "Th-Thanks Jim." I shakily say. Our weapons having been knocked away. "You know hand to hand combat right?" He asks. I think? I just shrug. "Usually my instincts take over in a fight." I shakily say. "Well that would come in handy right about now." I nod then hear my brother scream. Fear fills me. "MASON!" I screech. The jerk who attacked him, threw him and he crashed into me and Jim. He shakily gets to his feet. I rub my head. We're surrounded. Jim hits his communicator. "Scotty, we're surrounded. It's looking grim down here!"

Miranda's pov

I bite my lip in fear. I bite back my fear and walk to the transporter after picking up a weapon. "What are ye doin' lassie!?!" Scotty cries, shocked. "Saving my husband." I say, cocking the weapon. He sighs worriedly. "Do it!" I shout!

Jason's pov

Suddenly someone teleports beside us and when I see who it is, I scream! "What are you doing here?!?!" She tosses us weapons. "Kick some ass boys!" She says, shooting one of them. Me and Mason stand side by side. The aliens back up freaked. Jim glances at them confused then looks at me and Mason. "Oh I see. You guys are twins. Ocronians believe twins are mega powerful." Me and Mason lock eyes. "Well alone we aren't but together we're unstoppable." He says, smiling. "Dude we just saved the world." He gasps highfiving me. I smile. "We did it!" "Scotty the war is over. Beam us up." Everyone gets back on the Enterprise. We didn't lose anyone. A few injured. Bones takes care of them in the sick bay. Me and my friends were celebrating our victory before going home. Jim walks in as I down a shot of whiskey. "Attention everyone. Your original clothes are in your rooms. Thanks for your help to save the planet." "3 cheers for Captain Kirk!" I shout, lifting my shot glass in the air. We all cheer. He smiles and nods to me then to the door. I follow him. "You can join the team. If you want to explore the galaxy with me and my crew. Go where no man has gone before." He says, smiling. My eyes go wide. It would be awesome. But.... I glance back at my friends. My brother. I sigh. "I'm sorry Jim. I have folks back home that'd miss me too much." He nods. "I understand. You would've made one of the best Starship Captains in the galaxy." He says, shaking my hand. "I hope we meet again sometime." I smile. "Me too Jim. It was an immensely unforgettable experience. And hey if you're ever in town, I'll show ya how to throw down." Brantley walks over. "We're headin' home man." He says, pointing a thumb at the transporter. "I'm on my way. I hand him my badge. "So long Captain." "Til we meet again." We salute each other then I step into the transporter and grip tight to my wife's hand. She smiles. "You saved the world." She says, kissing my cheek. I smile. "It wasn't just me." We get back to earth. I walk inside and stuff my hands in my pockets. I gasp in surprise feeling something metal. I pull the communicator badge out of my pocket. "You there commander?" Jim asks. "I uh yeah." "Think of this as a souvenir since we'll lose communication after we leave the milky way." Thanks Jim. I'll never forget you or the Starship Enterprise."

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