Alot To Take In

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Jason's pov

Me and Mason were collecting more firewood. "Dude I'm sorry about the other night." "It's fine, bro. I just wanna forget that it ever even happened." "Ok hey Jason... Thanks for coming with me." I smile. "I'm glad I came." We get back to campsite and Luke was talking on the phone, hanging upside down in a tree. "Can that guy get any weirder?" Mason gapes, staring up at him. I set down my firewood and rest my hands on my hips. "I dunno man but if he does call me." We both laugh. "Hey can you two to keep it down, I'm tryin' to talk to my girl here!" He gripes. I roll my eyes. "Why don't ya try talkin' on the ground like a normal person!" I shout. "That guy is bizarre." I smile and cross my arms. "Yeah. I think that's what makes us best friends. He adds a little crazy in my life." I walk into my tent and grab my phone. A text from Miranda. I sit on a log to read it.

M: Where are you guys?

J: Camping. How was Georgia?

M: Fun. It was just like old times. But I missed my hubby!

I smile.

J: Miss you too babe. We should be leaving tomorrow. I gotta get in the studio Monday.

M: Okay. Can't wait!

J: Lol love you silly girl.

M: Love you too.

Luke falls out of the tree making me and Mason laugh hysterically. "What the heck were you doing in the tree?" Mason asks. "What did it look like?" He mutters rubbing his head and popping his back. "Ok boys dinner's not gonna catch itself." I say, picking up my rod. The guys do the same and we head down to the lake.

Miranda's pov

I was so tired when we got home. I wish Jason was here. I miss him. I turn on the TV bored out of my mind then I fix a bowl of ice cream. I hear the door open and close. Huh? "Jason? You came home a day earlier?" I call. Silence. I walk out with my ice cream, confused. "Jas- Oh shit!" The man in the tiger mask stood there. I shakily drop my bowl. "W-What do you want from us?!" I screech backing up. I bump into someone. I shakily turn around to another masked man. He whips out a tazer and shoots me with it. I fall to my knees. "Jason." I whisper before fainting.

Jason's pov

Huh? "Man I got a bad feeling in my gut." I mumble, glaring at the water. It gets really windy. "What's going on?" Luke shouts over the wind. We rush as fast as we can back to camp. The wind pushing us. "Damn. The weather didn't call for any storms! What's going on?!" Mason gasps. I hold my hat to my head and turn around, my feet slipping in the gravel. Mason grabs my arm before I faceplant. "L-Luke!" I scream pointing. He turns around in time for a slab of metal to crash down right in front of him. "What the fuck is going on here?!" Mason yells, the wind getting harder. Luke stumbles back. The ground starts to quake. I swallow fearfully. Is it the end of the world?! Slowly the slabs of metal land beside us until we're boxed in. "Jason?! What's going on?!" Mason gasps, terrified. I stare at the solid hunks of metal and punch it but it doesn't do any good! Suddenly Luke disappears! "What the hell?!?!" "Jas-" Mason disappears too! Holy shit!! What kind of shit is going on here?!?! My back rests against the metal. I shut my eyes then hear a pop. The wind is gone. I open my eyes and I was standing on some kind of metal thing?! "What the hell?!" I cry. A guy in a red shirt was standing behind a control panel, smiling. "Welcome aboard!" He says, confusing me. "What is this?! Who are you?! Where's my brother and friend?!" I cry, stepping off the weird thing. "My name is Lieutenant Montgomery Scotty!" He's got a deep Scottish accent. "Lieutenant? What is this?" I gape confused. "Welcome to the Starship Enterprise. Follow me." I confusedly follow him and find Mason and Luke! "Oh thank God you're okay!" I gasp, relieved. A man in a yellow uniform walks over. "Gentleman." He says. I nod unsure what's going on! "My name is Captain Robert T. Kirk and we need your help to save planet Earth from destruction." What?! "What do you mean destruction?" I ask. "A violent species of alien has landed on your planet. They're called the Ocronians. Your friend here has run into them before." He says, pointing to me. "I... I have?" "Follow me." He says. We go to another room. "Computer pull up data file 142." A hologram appears in the room of those weirdos that attacked me! "The masked guys!" I gasp. "I can assure you they aren't guys. They're very dangerous violent aliens from light years away." Kirk says. Aliens. I feel like I'm in some sci fi movie! He hits the badge on his uniform. "Commander Spock how is everything on the bridge?" "Fully functional and ready when you are." He was about to say something else but I grabbed his arm. "Hold up. I ain't goin' nowhere without my wife!" "Scotty you think you can track them and beam them up here?" "Aye captain." He says. "Names of your wives, gentleman?" Scotty asks. "I uh... Miranda Aldean." I say. "Rachel Lumpkin. And she's just my girlfriend." Mason says. "Sierra Bryan." Luke says. He walks back to the room we were in. "What is this thing?" I ask. "A transporter, sir. It teleports stuff on earth up here." Weird. He does stuff on the control panel then Rachel appears, dazed. Mason runs over and helps her down. Seconds later, Sierra appears and Luke helps her. I'm just waiting for my girl when Scotty taps his badge. "Captain, um the girl I'm trying to beam up is in the hands of the Ocronians!" Uh oh!! "Dammit. Scotty do you think you can get her aboard?" "I'm trying sir but they've blocked us." "Spock, you've got the bridge." I hear him say. A few minutes later, he walks in. "Beam us down there, Scotty." "Aye Captain." He nods to me and throws me some futuristic weapon. "Your phazer is on kill so don't point it at anyone but the Ocronians." "The guys in masks?" He laughs and nods. We get back on the transporter. "What are you?" I shakily ask. He glances over. "You're asking if I'm an ailen right?" I nod. "I'm human." Seconds later, the ship disappears, replaced by gravel road leading to a building. "Your wife should be in there. If you see an Ocronian. You shoot. No mercy. They won't give you any." I nod worriedly and grip the phazer tight. "I'm comin' baby." I whisper determined.

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