A Dream

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Miranda's pov

Jason was rocking the stage full of energy and alcohol. I laugh when he stumbles and Tully catches him. "Dude enough drinking." Kurt says into his mic. He laughs. "You're right. I can barely even stand." He closes the show with sweet little somethin' and walks backstage to us. Sierra is on tour with Luke so we won't be able to see her much. I'm pretty bummed. Rachel runs to Tully as he gets offstage. "I got a little drunk tonight." Jason says. I laugh. "A little?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Ok a lot don't yell." "I'm not yelling, you silly cowboy." I grab his arm and help him to the bus. "Watch the steps ya goof." He collapses with a deep sigh onto the bed. I lay down beside him. "Hey wifey, where are we goin'?" "Wifey?" He laughs. "You're my wife now." He's so silly drunk. "And we aren't even going anywhere. We're waiting for the driver." But then I realize he fell asleep. "You silly drunk." I say, kissing his forehead and walking back out. "Man, he got bad drunk tonight." Kurt says. I nod. It's the stress of his dumbass brother. I grab my own bottle of Jack and sit down beside Rich. "Hey we don't need you getting drunk too." He says. I smile. "I'm not. Trust me. I hate hangovers." And Jason's gonna have a killer one.

*the next day*

Jason's pov

Oh man my head is killing me. I try to sit up but it only causes more pain so I stay laying down. I glance over at the side table where a water bottle and pain pills sit, along with my phone and a note. I smile. "You my darlin' are a saint." I whisper before taking the pills. I pick the note up. Out with Rachel call me when you wake up. Love you. I smile and pick the phone up but my vision is too blurry to see the numbers. Thank God I have the phone that you can give a command to. I click the button on the side to pull it up. "Call Miranda mobile."

Miranda's pov

I can't stop thinking about Mason causing trouble. We need to do something about him so he won't keep pulling crap. "Hey Miranda your phone's ringing." Rachel says, eating her salad. Oh I was so lost in thought I didn't notice. "Hello?" "Hey babe, ya told me to call ya." "Oh you're awake. We have to talk when I get there I'm on my way." "We have to talk is hardly ever a good thing." "Not anything bad about us. Just your asshat brother." "Shit did he do something while I was drunk?" "Nope. Wifey out."

Jason's pov

Huh? Since when did she call herself wifey? I kinda like it though. "I hate you Mason. I wish you weren't my brother." I mumble, closing my eyes.

*in his dream*

Mom walked in and hugged me. I'm confused. What's going on? "Happy birthday, Jason!" She gasps. Oh that's what. Damn I have to keep an eye on Mason then. I look around but can't find him anywhere. "Dammit where's that sneaky rat?" "Where's who?" Dad asks. "Mason! He's gonna cause trouble, I just know it!" He looks confused. "Mason? Who's Mason?" Huh? I look at him confused. "What do you mean who's Mason? Mason's my twin brother! How'd you forget him?" "I didn't forget son. You don't have a twin brother. You're an only child!" I am? No I'm not! Mason.... Doesn't exist?! I thought I'd love hearing that but now...... I miss my brother.

*he wakes up*

Whoa!! Bad dream! Very bad dream! Why wouldn't I be glad not to have to worry about him? That's just too weird. "I take back my wish!" I gasp quickly. The bus door opens and Mason walks up the steps. Thank God. I was worried for a minute I really lost him. I stand up, ignoring my painful headache. I walk over and hug him. "Um... Are you drunk?" He gasps. "I was.... Still a little hungover. Dude I was wrong about hating you. I had a revelation."

Miranda's pov

Oh crud Mason's Silverado. I run up the bus steps. They're talking. "That's why I came today. For real this time I want to apologize." Screw that! It's bullshit! "I know man, and I'm gonna help ya." What?! I push open the door. "Sorry to I intrude on your little bromance but can someone please tell me what's going on!" "Mason wants to be a good guy again! He doesn't wanna steal anymore!" What the?! "And you believe that?" I ask, not in any bit believing it. He nods. "It'll be fine." I sigh and walk to the other room. Jason follows. "Mason is gonna rob you blind." "No he ain't." Ugh. "Now you're giving me a headache!" I gasp rubbing my temples. He sits beside me and hugs me. "It's gonna be alright." "You're blind." "No I've got faith." I look up at him worriedly. "What if this blows up in our faces?" He shakes his head and kisses my forehead. "It won't." "But what if it does?" "It won't so it don't matter!" I don't like this at all. He sighs. "Baby trust me on this." "I trust you. I don't trust him." "Give it a chance." I smile. "Oh shut up and kiss me cowboy." He smiles and kisses me hard, pushing me back onto the bed in a laying position. I smile up at the cowboy and he kisses me again. "Done." He says. "What do ya want me to do next?" I laugh and grab his shirt pulling him down beside me. "Whoa!" He gasps in surprise, making me laugh, hysterically. Which he shuts up with another hard kiss.


Jason's pov

I try to stay awake long enough to talk to her. "Hey baby where did the wifey thing come from?" She laughs and sits up. "You don't remember?" I shake my head confused. "Am I supposed to?" "Probably not, you were drunk off your ass. You called me that last night!" "Really?" She nods. "Oh hm. Well wifey I command thee to get back under the blanket beside me!" She laughs hysterically. I laugh too. "Yes your majesty." She says laying back down and kissing me.

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