Star Trek

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Jason's pov

"How the heck are me and my friend supposed to stop these guys, Kirk?" I whisper. We lean against the wall outside. "Just call me Jim or captain and we're recruiting a lot of people who know how to fight. And looking at your track record you know how to fight." My eyes go wide. "What? How do-" "Shush!" Two of those freak things walk by the door. "We'll talk more back on the ship." He whispers, running in and shooting the two. We run into the other room and there she stands, arms crossed. "Jason!" "Yeah! I got ya!" I run over to bust the chains on her wrists but I hit some sort of forcefield that throws me back. "Ow! Well that didn't work!" "Quantum field generator." Kirk mumbles. "How do we bust through?" "We don't." Huh?! "She has to shut it down from the inside." How the heck?! "What's her name again?" "Miranda." He walks as close to the thing as he can. "Miranda there should be a blue button on the control panel behind you. Do you think you can reach it?" "I don't know. I'll try." After several attempts, she takes her shoe off and chucks it at it. The forcefield dissipates and I run to her. "What's going on Jay?" "Nothin' good baby." I break the chains and grab her hand and we run outside. "Beam us up Scotty."

*a few hours later*

After explanations and wardrobe change, we look just like one of the crew. Even with a little badge thing. "What did you mean back there by my track record?" "We have any and all information you could ever want. The federation is way more advanced then earth ever will be." Hm this is strange. "So how do we go about stopping the ocronians?" I ask. He smiles. "Attack. Jason, we're starting and finishing a war among species." I'm so confused by everything. "Captain." "Go ahead Spock." "Incoming transmission." "I'm on my way." He heads to the bridge and I find the rest of my friends. "So lemme get this straight. Aliens DO exist! And they're evil?!" Rachel cries. "Yeah but we're gonna stop 'em!" I say, punching my fist into my hand. "Jason, you might wanna check this out." Miranda gasps. "What is it?" She points out the window and my jaw drops. We're in space! "G-Guys... We ain't in Nashville anymore." Scotty opens the door and standing beside him is some little dude probably an alien on our side. "Captain wants you all in sick bay for a routine check up and physical." "Right... Um... Where is that?" Luke says. "Follow us." "What the hell is that thing?" Miranda whispers. "No clue." I whisper back. I fall into step beside Scotty who I'm pretty sure is human. "Who's the little dude?" I whisper. "Oh that's my partner Keenser." When we get to sick bay, the doors open to reveal Eric, Blake, Bocephus, and the king himself! A guy with pointy ears stands at the center of the room. "May I have your attention please!" He shouts. "My name is Lieutenant Spock and I know you all must be very confused right now but we've recruited you all to help destroy the Ocronians before they destroy earth. I know it will be dangerous and some of you may not survive-" Kirk steps up and quiets him. "What my colleague is trying to say is we're gonna kick some ocronian butt! Who's ready?!" The pointy eared guy glares at him. "That is not at all what I was trying to say. I was simply warning them of the dangers of such a mission." "Shut up Spock." He says. "Bones, make sure everyone is fit and ready for battle!" Then they both leave. "Where the heck did he get a name like Bones?" "In the academy. Not something I wanna go into. Let's just say me and Jim go way back."


"Bones suit up!" Jim says, tossing the doctor a helmet. He glares at him. "Dammit Jim I'm a doctor not a gladiator!" He shouts tossing it back. He just laughs. The girls are staying on the Enterprise while me and the guys along with a good bit of the crew take on and defeat the ocronians. Us newbies are going to be paired up with someone from the crew. A girl walks over to me with a huge gun on her shoulder! "Hey I'm Lieutenant Uhura." "Jason." I say, nervously. She smiles. "You're gonna need a bigger gun then just a phaser." "I uh I got my pistol." She shakes her head. "You need one of these." I grab one from one of the officers. "Crew?" I hear the captain say over our communication things. "Ready when you are captain." Jim walks into the room, a determined glare on his face and a giant gun in his hand. "Su-Lu, keep the ship charged and Scotty make sure the transporter is ready." "Aye sir, up and ready at 100%" the Scottish man says. "Captain shields are fully functioning and blast cannons are set." "Great work. Now let's go kick some ocronian butt!" I'm nervous out of my mind. Thinking about what Spock said earlier. I look around at all my friends. Eddie Montgomery and Troy Gentry were talking with the captain. The king of country music was inspecting his weapon. Luke and Mason were talking about who knows what. "What if they don't make it back?" I whisper tugging at my very tight shirt. "Hey Jason." I jump in surprise hearing the captain's voice. I turn around. "What's up?" "I know you're worried but I want you to know my crew is like my family. I'll never leave a man behind and don't worry about what Spock said. He's a Vulcan. They're always talky talky about things." "That is illogical!" I hear Spock say. Jim laughs. "I was merely laying out facts and the truth!" He rolls his eyes. "Spock your wording is gonna scare them." He shrugs. "I would want to know the facts in any given circumstance, scenario, and situation." "That's because you're a Vulcan." "So." Weird. I slowly back out of the conversation and find my brother. "Good luck out there." He gulps and nods. "What do I do if something... Happens to one of us?" He says, fearfully. I bite my lip worriedly. I grab his hand. "Let's make a deal here. Right here. Right now." "Ok." "Whatever happens down there, we stick together." I shakily say, fear creeping into me. He shakily nods. "You're the best brother I could've ever known." He says hugging me.


I hugged my wife, possibly for the last time. "Make it back, Jason, please." She whispers beggingly, her arms around my neck. I try to fight back the tears. "I'll try my damndest baby girl. I love you so much." "I love you too." I rest a hand against her cheek and wipe a tear from her face. I kiss her gently. "I'll make it back." "You better." She smiles. "Go kick ass, soldier." I smile and put my cowboy hat on her head. "Keep it warm til I get back."

Miranda's pov

He walks onto the transporter. Scotty presses a few buttons. Jason's eyes stay locked on mine until they all disappear. I break into sobs. Scotty hugs me. "Don't worry Lassie, the captain hasn't lost a soul of his crew in a fight with the ocronians and he won't start now." I smile. "That's reassuring. Th-Thank you Scotty." "It's ma pleasure. Now why don't ya go get some wee shut eye while the crew is out fightin'." "Ok. I am exhausted." The doctor I forget his name walks in. Rachel and Sierra are just as worried about our men. "Follow me girls. I'll show you to your rooms. "What's your name again?" Rachel asks. So I wasn't the only one who forgot! "Doctor Leonard McCoy but everyone just calls me Bones." "Odd name." Sierra whispers. I nod in agreement. "Here we are. I hope you enjoy your stay on the U.S.S. Enterprise."

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