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Jason's pov

I nervously pace the waiting room. Sierra and Miranda freaked out and crying.

Rachel's pov

I come to, seeing Mason looking down at me. "M-Mas-" I reach up and my hand goes right through him. "I can't touch you like this... Since... I... I'm dead... But I'm... I'm thinking, I'll... And this might shock you but I can take over Jason like I did the other day to save you.... Then I can be with you." "What about him?" I ask. "Who cares? I want you, Rachel. I need you." "I need you too." I whisper in tears. "How long was I out?" "Just a day. Don't kill yourself." I don't know how to reply. I don't know what to do. Suddenly my friends walk through the door. "Oh Rachel." Tully cried hugging me. Ugh. "Tully get off me." I say, shakily. He steps back. Everyone stares at me worried. "I can't be with you. I love Mason. I can't love you, Tully. I don't. I love him." I whisper. "B-But Rachel he's gone. You know that." "I don't care." I say, turning over. "I love him not you." I face the wall, feeling everyone's eyes on me. Plus he's not gone. But I can't say that. They'll throw me in a nut house. I hear people leaving. I don't know who. "Rach you know he can't come back." Jason says. Yes he can. I turn over. He's the only one still in the room. Other than his dead brother of course. Mason smiles behind him. "You've got to move on. You'll never be happy otherwise." I don't even care. "I'm sorry, Jason but... I can't." I whisper. Mason jumps into his body. I sit up gladly. I feel kinda bad doing this to Jason but I need Mason. I can't live without him. He hugs me. "It feels good to hold you again." He says. I smile and kiss him. "You're the best. But... We should be careful so Miranda doesn't think Jason is cheating on her." "We'll be careful." He whispers, locking the door.


Jason's pov

I wake up feeling dizzy and back home. "What happened?" "I don't know. You were really nauseous after leaving Rachel's room so we went back home. "I don't... I don't remember leaving her room. I remember talking to her about moving on then everything went black." My eyes go wide. "Mason!" "What?" Miranda gasps confused. "It was Mason! Mason did this!" "What are you talking about?" She gapes. I sigh. "When Rachel tried to kill herself he took over my body to save her. Since I didn't know CPR. He did it again in the hospital room!" "Um... I don't think that happened. You've been out of it for hours." Maybe I have. I don't know. I've got such a headache. I stumble to my feet and get a couple headache pills. "Rachel's being released. I told her she could stay here." "Yes. We'll be able to keep an eye on her." I say, pointing. "You wanna rest? You still look shitty." "Thanks." I mutter sarcastically. "I'm sorry but you do. You look like you're gonna throw up." "I don't feel like that anymore." "OK. If you say so. I'm gonna go pick Rachel up." My hand tenses up. I feel myself black out.

Miranda's pov

"Actually I will." He says, picking up his keys. "Are you sure?" I ask worried. He nods. "I'm fine, Miranda." He says, waving. What is going on with that guy?

Mason's pov

I drive to the hospital. "Jason... Or.." I smile. Her voice trails off. "It's me baby." She smiles big and climbs in. "I love you, Mason." "I love you too, Rach. I hope you can forgive me for that little screw up." "I already have." She says, kissing my cheek. I smile gladly.


Miranda's pov

Finally they get home. "What took so long?" "Oh I took her for a drive. We had a long talk." Jason says. Rachel glares at him. "Shut up." "Everything okay?" I ask confused. "I'm gonna go take a nap." He says, setting his keys in the tray and taking off his ball cap. "Ok sleep well."

Jason's pov

I wake up in the bedroom. What the heck? How'd I get here?! I thought I was in the living room! I'm so dizzy. I walk back out in the living room. "How... How'd I get in... The bedroom.. And when did Rachel get here?" I gape pointing. "What? What are you talking about?" Miranda asks, staring at me wide eyed. "What?" I'm confused. "You picked her up!" Huh? "I did? When?" "Jason, what is going on?? I'm so confused!" "Me too! I don't know what's going on! I keep blacking out and you're saying I'm doing stuff I don't remember doing."

Rachel's pov

I sigh. Mason pleadingly looks at me from across the room, meaning don't tell. "I'm sorry I have to." I whisper. "Guys I know what's going on." They both look at me. "What's going on?" She asks. I bite my lip.

Jason's pov

"It's Mason." I knew it. But my eyes widen anyway. "Please tell me you didn't." I say, closing my eyes and putting a hand over them. "I'm sorry, Jason! Please don't be mad." "SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON!" Miranda shouts. She sighs. "Go ahead. Tell her!" I snap pissed off. "And where the hell is Mason?! I know he's here!" "Behind you." She mumbles pointing. I turn around. "Stay away from me." I mutter, knowing he can hear me. "I'M GETTING VERY FRUSTRATED HERE!" She yells. I glare at Rachel. "They've been using me to sleep together!" "What?!" "Her and Mason! That's why I've been blacking out!" I shout angrily. "I'm sorry! I can't help it. Mason is my everything and... You.... Look just like him! Please don't be mad. Please understand why!" "I do understand Rachel but that's just wrong and you know it!" That's when I feel my hands tense up and my vision get fuzzy. "No, Mason. Stop!" I grunt, losing my balance and putting a hand on the wall.

Rachel's pov

He regains his footing. I know Mason took over. "Rachel I love you. I always have and I always will!" "WHAT?!" Miranda screams. "It's Mason!" I tell her. "Oh." She says nervously crossing her arms. "But Jason's right. It's wrong to do what we're doing." Tears fill my eyes. "No!! If you leave me, I'll kill myself!" I yell. He smiles sadly and walks over. "No you won't. I know my brother and he will stop you. I'll see you again Rachel. I promise. Just don't end it." I sigh. "B-But M-Mason." He cuts me off with a soft kiss. "I promise." He says. He stumbles to his knees and I know Mason's gone and Jason's back. "What... Happened?" Miranda helps him up. I walk to my room and cry hard.

Jason's pov

"What happened?" She bites her lip, in tears. "Mason was... Saying goodbye." I hug her. "It's gonna be alright, baby." I whisper.

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