Tragic Romance

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Jason's pov

I was keeping an eye on Mason and Max in the pool. That teenager was leaning against the wall, watching people. I wish he'd leave Sam alone. I hope he doesn't follow us off the ship. That'll be a nightmare. Max's floatie came off so I got it back on him. "Cannonball!" He shouts, jumping in the water. I force a nervous smile. I think I'll always be worried about Max doing anything physical. "Would you like a drink?" A waitress says, walking over with a menu. "Sure whatcha got?" "Smoothies, alcoholic beverages, sodas. You name it, we got it." She says with a cheery smile. "Uh... I'll take a Budweiser and a chocolate smoothie for my twin boys to split." "Coming right up. You'll be at table three." She says, pointing. "Thanks." I say. I call the boys to shore and wrap them in towels. "Can we go swimming again after?" Mason asks. "Sure." The waitress brings over our order. "Daddy I'm hungry." Max says. "OK what do you want to eat?" "French fries!" Both boys shout then laugh. I smile. "An order of fries please ma'am." "Coming right up. Ya want ketchup?" Max nods. "Got the cutest boys here." She says. "Thanks." While we were waiting, I saw that Drake guy! "Don't go nowhere boys. Daddy'll be right back." I walk over to Drake. "Hey Mr. Ismay are you busy?" "Not really. What's up?" "I've got to talk to you about something and it might freak you out." He glances sideways at me while signing something. "What?" "Back in the fifties, you were on this ship with a girl. The girl died right? You remember that?" "How... Yes. But why are you asking me that?" "Well this is gonna be hard to believe but... I've seen her... On this ship. She's a ghost and she's haunting my stateroom because she thinks I'm you." "What? Seeing the dead!? That's preposterous!" "I knew you wouldn't believe me." I pull the bracelet out of my pocket. He stares at it shocked. "How... Wh-Where'd you g-get that?" "She gave it to me. You really need to talk to her." "OK I believe you. Where is she?" "Well I don't see her at the moment. Do you know how she died? She's got some kind of letters stamped to her forehead." "She... She uh ran off after...." His voice trails off. I glance back at the boys. "All I know is a crew member found her at the bottom of a vertical stairwell. And the letters were from the door she was pressed against. The stairwell was a crew tunnel." That makes sense. "What do you need from me?" He asks. "I need you to talk to her. She's angry. I don't know why. I need to get her to move on." "This is too weird." He whispers. I  walk back to the table with Mason and Max. Drake takes a seat. "What was her name?" "Kristen." He mumbles, looking in shock. Mason jumps down to go swimming again. "Be careful and don't go in the deep end." I call as he runs off. "Meet me in room 512 later. I can't do this and keep an eye on my sons at the same time." He nods. "I'll see ya."


Drake shows up and Kristen was already here. She stares at him confused. "Who.... Then who are..." "I tried to tell ya." I say shrugging. "What's going on?" He asks. "She's confused. She thought I was you." "Why'd you lie to me, Drake?!" She shouts angrily. I relay what she said and stuff my hands in my pockets, the room getting colder. I glance at the clock. I've got me and Ty's show in an hour. "What you saw wasn't what you think it was." He says looking nervous. "I did love you. I was breaking it off with her!" Kristen looked steamed. "Liar! You were kissing her!!" "She said you're lying cause you were kissing someone." I say. "A goodbye kiss, Kristen. You ran off before I could tell you. I looked everywhere for you!" She looks terrified all of a sudden and shakily brings her hand to her forehead. "I... I remember falling." She mumbles, shaking. "I... I didn't... Then I.. Saw you." She whispers looking at me. "You don't belong here anymore Kristen." I say. "B-But... What?" "There's a better place for you. Do you see a light?" She looks around and shakes her head. Hm. "You have to forgive Drake before you can move on." "I... I can't. He hurt me." "I know but... There's nothing you can do now. If you forgive him, you'll be able to move on." "I never stopped loving you Kristen. You... I never loved anyone else. I never meant to hurt you." "Oh Drake." She whimpers, crying softly. "I love you too." "What's she saying?" He asks. "She said she loves you too." She stares at me shocked. "Is... Is that the... The light?" I smile and nod. "You'll be happy there." I say. She glances at Drake worried. "Tell him to move on. He deserves happiness." She whispers. "I'll make sure he knows." I say smiling. "Thank you." She whispers then vanishes. The room gets warmer instantly. "She's gone." He whispers, catching me off guard. "How.. How'd you know?" "I... I just... Could tell." He says, looking close to tears. "She wants you to move on and be happy Drake. You deserve it." "I.. I can't... I caused her to die!" "Don't think on that." I say, thinking of my little brother again. "Trust me. The guilt will destroy you." "Thanks. For everything." He says. I nod and head to the show. Tyler high fives me. I wave to my family in the front row. "I'd like to start this show.... With a little kick." I say smiling. The band plays the tune to hicktown. The fans clap along. I don't have a headache at all.

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